Title: Rohit Jawa - A Certified Android Software Developer
1Rohit Jawa
A Certified Android Software Developer
2Computer Science Graduate
Rohit Jawa is a computer science graduate who
enjoys working in this niche. He graduated summa
cum laude and is proud of this impressive
academic accomplishment. Rohit Jawa has several
Android and mobile software development
certifications and a Certificate of Appreciation
from the National Aeronautics Space
3A Software Developer Expert
Rohit Jawa is a software development expert with
just under a decade of experience in the
industry. He has worked on mobile app development
and has successfully used Android Studio,
Eclipse, and Java. Rohit Jawa aims to establish
himself as the manager of a robotics company
within the next decade.
4The First Prize In Eureka's Kaleidoscopic Dawn
Rohit Jawa received the first prize in Eureka's
Kaleidoscopic Dawn competition. He competed
against students from around the world and was
proud of his victory. Rohit Jawa enjoys
volunteering his time in the community. He tutors
local young people in math and English.
5Provides IT Consultancy Services
Rohit Jawa is a self-employed software developer
whose business also provides IT consultancy
services. He is skilled in his niche and would
like to continue growing his skill set. Rohit
Jawa is an aspiring entrepreneur who intends to
create an easy-to-use and affordable personal
robot for the global market.
6Experienced In Developing Mobile Apps
Rohit Jawa aims to work in personal robotics as
he feels the emerging sector has the potential to
change countless lives for the better. He
graduated from his studies with a 4.0 GPA. Rohit
Jawa is experienced in developing mobile apps and
has several certifications related to Android
software development.
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Rohit Jawa