Title: farmingrex
1How to cultivate mustard
Benefits of Mustard farming Mustard cultivation
is becoming very popular for the farmers because
it is getting more profit than other crops due
to less irrigation and cost.Oil is extracted from
mustard seeds which is used to make a variety of
foods.It is also very important from the point of
view of Ayurveda. Its oil protects from skin
diseases.In today's time, its demand is high, it
is also bought by the government, its government
price is very good, it benefits the farmers a
lot. Soil selection and field preparation For
good production of mustard, flat and well drained
land is required.Clay loam to loam soil grows
best in light loamy soil. Soil with neutral pH is
ideal for their proper growth. But it should be
saline and free from alkalinity, where soil is
alkaline, then gypsum should be used.A clean and
well land is required for better germination. The
ground should first be well prepared and the
soil should have sufficient moisture.At the time
of sowing apply 100 kg Single Superphosphate, 30
kg Urea and 22 kg Potash (MOP) in the
field. Time of sowing The sowing time of the
mustard crop is from September to October. Toria
should be sown from the middle of September to
the last week. Mustard and rye sowing should be
in the first half of October. Depth Depth should
be kept 3 to 5 cm and should be according to your
climate and season Sowing method Line to line
distance in the field should be 45 cm and plant
to plant distance should be 20 cm. Seeds
treatment Before sowing, treat the seeds with
Thiram and M45! Improved varieties- Farmers
choose varieties for mustard cultivation
according to the conditions of their area.
Narendra Rai-4, Varun (T-59), Basanti (Yellow),
Rohini, Maya, Narendra Swarn-Rai-8 (Yellow),
Narendra Rai (NDR-8501), Saurabh, Vasundhara
(RH-9304) are prominent.Pusa Bold RH-30 CS- 52
CS- 54.and many seeds available in the market
2Use of organic fertilizers At the time of sowing,
mix rotten cow dung at the rate of 8-10 tonnes
per hectare in the field and mix it well in the
soil. Along with the main nutrients,
micronutrients are also found in manure, due to
which the plants get proper benefits and increase
the yield. The use of organic manure is
essential to maintain the fertility of the
soil. Irrigation management in mustard 3 to 4
irrigations are sufficient for mustard
cultivation.In mustard crop, first irrigation
should be done at the time of flowering and
second irrigation should be done at seed filling
stage, rest of the farmers can give water
according to the weather. Weed control in
Mustard Along with mustard, many types of weeds
grow, for their control it is necessary to do 2
to 3 weedings at regular intervals, for chemical
control, immediately after sowing, before
germination, weedicide Pendimethalin 30 EC.
should be sprayed. Pest control in mustard
crop jigsaw fly - The nectar of this insect is
black and gray in color, due to the size of the
egg planting of the female, it is called
sawfly.In case of severe infestation, the whole
plant becomes leafless.The worms of this insect
make holes on the edge of the leaves and eat very
fast, for its control Malathion 50 BC. Spraying
should be done by dissolving 1.5 liters in 700 to
800 liters of water.Or Monocrotophos 36 SL _at_
500 ml per hectare should be dissolved in about
600 to 750 liters of water and sprayed. Mhow -
green in colour. Which weakens the plants by
sucking the sap of tender stems, leaves, flowers
and new pods. They also shed honey on the leaves.
The dew of this honey is prone to black fungus
and the process of photosynthesis gets disrupted.
The outbreak of this pest lasts from December to
March.Dimethoate 30 EC for its control. Spraying
should be done by dissolving 1 liter of
Phentothion 50 EC Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1.0 liter
or Monocrotophos 36 SL _at_ 500 ml per hectare in
about 600 to 750 liters of water. Major diseases
in mustard cultivation Alternaria scorch disease
- Brown spots start to form on the leaves of the
plants affected by this disease. As the disease
progresses, these spots also appear on stems and
pods.In case of severe infestation, the spots
coalesce, causing the entire leaf to get
scorched.To avoid this disease, spray Mancozeb
75 percent. There are many types of fungicides
available in the market, using which diseases
can be prevented from coming White ocher disease
-This disease is caused by fungus. Due to this
disease, white or yellowish blisters are formed
on the lower surface of the leaves. Due to which
the leaves turn yellow and
3dry up. The inflorescence becomes deformed during
the flowering stage.To avoid this, spray 0.2
Ridomil or Mancozeb 75 Root disease - Most of
the root parts are affected by the outbreak of
this disease. Along with this, the stems of the
plants also become weak and the plant starts
drying and falling.Mancozeb 75 or Carbendazim
50 500 g/acre. sprinkle Stem rot disease -
Plants affected by this disease start showing
spots on the stem. As the disease progresses,
the stems of the plants rot . When initial signs
of disease appear on the crop, spray Benomil
(0.2) or Bevistin (0.05) fungicide solution on
the plants. Or spray with Carbendazim 50 WP or
Mancozeb 75 WP. Harvesting and Threshing of
Mustard Harvesting, threshing and timely storage
of mustard can save seed weight and oil content
in them.Mustard should be harvested in the month
of March. Harvest the crop when 75 of the
mustard pods turn yellow.When the crop is
overripe, the risk of pod cracking
increases.After drying the crop the grain is
separated from the thresher. Yield The
cultivation of mustard gives 15 to 25 quintals
per hectare in irrigated areas and 22 to 32
quintals per hectare in irrigated areas with the
above advanced techniques.