Title: Hot Weather Health Tips for Your German Shepherd
1Hot Weather Health Tips for Your German Shepherd
2- Any truly responsible pet owner knows that
leaving their dog, especially a larger breed dog
such as a German Shepherd, in a hot car, even a
ventilated one, for as little as a few minutes
can be dangerous for their pet and should be
avoided whenever possible.
3Dehydration Dangers Many German Shepherds and
German Shepherd puppies love spending time
outdoors in the summer with their human family.
Just like those humans though, even if pets are
simply enjoying a little lazy time in the back
yard they need easy access to a nice cool drink
as and when they need it.
4Pool Rules Another thing that lots of German
Shepherds enjoy in the summer is swimming. They
should not be allowed to take a dip unsupervised,
even in the backyard pool.
5- Watch Where They Walk
- The next time you are out in the street on a hot
day, take your shoes off for a moment. Chances
are that the hot pavement, especially if that
pavement is asphalt, will burn your tootsies
pretty quickly.
6- Dr. Peter L. Banfe
- Dr. Banfe is a breder,trainer, behavioralist,
writer and owner of Banffy Haus German Shepherds
deals in Breeders, importers of World Class West
German Show line Shepherds.Our goal is to place
fine pedigreed German Shepherds with families to
become their next legend, protector and
companion. - https//www.facebook.com/pages/Banfe-Banffy-Haus-G
erman-Shepherds/175054322536677 - https//twitter.com/BanffyHausGerma
- banffyhausgermanshepherds_at_gmail.com