Title: Benefits of Automation Systems Integration - Aryavrat Infotech
1Aryavrat Infotech inc.
- Think Technology, Think Us
2Aryavrats Introduction
- Aryavrat Infotech Inc. is a leading IT Solution
Consulting and Offshore Software Development
Company. - India head office started in 2010 and US office
established in 2013 - Expertise area includes
- Business and Technology Consulting
- Product Engineering
- System Integration
- Custom Software Development
- Business Process Outsourcing
3Companys Geography
4Rashmi Singh
- 23 years of experience in Highly Scalable
Software Industry - Technology Advisor in Business Digitalization for
SMEs, Startups etc - Specialized in
- Software Product Engineering - Conceptualization,
Development, Support - Strong track record of working with 500 fortune
companies and help them to stand out with new-
creative ideas and technology implementation - Prompt communication within 24 business hrs.-
support systems, consulting and implementation - Proven track record of working with Startups and
product launch - Increase revenue by 20-25, consulting and
aligning business with the latest technology - For more details click on
CEO Co-founder of Arya, CTO of TimenTask
5Trending Technology Expertise
7(No Transcript)
8success STORIES highlights we Believe in Your
Aim Evaluate the actual hours employees spend on
each activity, like total time on the system,
idle time and meeting hours, time spent on
productive applications, recording the list of
files opened, total time spent on files in a day.
10aimNeed to develop a collaboration tool for
teams that work onsite where network
reachability is not available?Also, track the
location of users using GPS, which helps other
users keep watch on their teammates.
AIM Food waste and food co-products waste create
huge environmental, economic and social problems.
Also, if do you enjoy cooking? Or like an extra
income from the cooking?
12BP Correct
AIM During this tough time of COVID 19
conducting clinical assessments in the safety and
privacy of your home may be preferable to going
to a doctors office or hospital
- Why Us?
- Blind Trust of our clients is our achievements
- 99 Successful Deliveries
- Clients Success is Our Success
- 5 days a week in US time zone Support System
- 24x7 Support on requirement basis
- 25-30 Cost Savings with Hybrid Team
- More than 100 apps developed
- 250,000 hours / year consistently delivery of
14Contact us
- 1-650-242-8260 91 9636140177 (Skype/
- WhatsApp)
- info_at_aryausa.com, business_at_timentask.com
- www.aryausa.com
- US 1291 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Ste 205, Foster City,
CA 94404 - India 217 Metropolis Tower, Ajmer Road, Jaipur