Title: Symptoms that Indicate you Badly Need a Dental Treatment
1Symptoms That Indicate You Badly Need a Dental
2Dental care is an important factor in maintaining
your health.
3Regular dental visits help in maintaining good
oral health prevents cavities, gum disease, and
oral cancer.
4Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and
kidney disease have been linked to poor dental
5Below are several tell-tell signs that you need
to seek out a dentist for treatment.
6Signs you need dental treatment
7There are three different types of ulcers
including minor, major, and herpetiform.
8A minor ulcer is typically small, round, and goes
away without scarring in one or two weeks.
9A major ulcer is larger deeper than a minor
ulcer has irregular edges, can linger for up to
six weeks.
10Herpetiform ulcers consist of 10-100 pinpoint
clusters with irregular edges heal within one
to two weeks.
11Swollen or bleeding gums that are caused due to
hormonal changes, lack of nutrition, gum disease,
blood disorders.
12Halitosis also known as chronic bad breath can
last several days to weeks.
13New or worsening sensitivity to hot or cold food
14Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction also known as
lockjaw is often accompanied by jaw pain an
16There are many daily things you can do at home to
reduce the risk of serious dental conditions such
as -Brush your teeth twice daily -Floss at least
once per day -Decrease your sugar
intake -Increase your consumption of fruits
vegetables -Avoid tobacco products -Participate
in routine dental checkups cleanings
17At Dental Group of Simi Valley, we have been
providing beautiful smiles to the residents of
Simi Valley, CA for decades.
18Our staff uses state-of-the-art equipment to
provide excellent patient care.
19We carry out CEREC dentistry, cosmetic dentistry,
dental implants, emergency dental visits, family
dental care.
20Ongoing dental visits and cleanings are one way
to keep your body healthy monitor health issues.
21Our dentists at Dental Group of Simi Valley are
trained to spot bacteria buildup or gum disease.
22General dental visits aid in preventing cavities
and tooth decay.
23With each cleaning you are removing plaque and
bacterial buildup.
24T H A N K Y O U