Title: Why Children Are Cold Magnets
1Why Children Are Cold Magnets
The rainy season is coming and cough and cold
along with runny nose and fever will be a common
happening in most of the houses that have small
children. Colds are common in young children and
kids under the age 3 catch six to eight times
cold attacks a year. Colds can be a miserable
experience for toddlers. Cold happens due to
viruses. Since most of the children are
encountering the viruses for the first time,
their immune systems remain low and cannot kill
the viruses quickly says a pediatrician in
a Montessori school in Cypress, Ca.
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3A Montessori caregiver says that it is very
common that cold viruses spread from one child to
another very fast. Since kids are not properly
concerned about hygiene and infection, the
viruses tend to end up on their hands, clothing,
and toys where they can live for 30 minutes.
When another child touches an infected toy and
then touches her nose or eyes, she can catch a
cold. For this reason, Montessori caregivers in a
school in Cypress CA request parents not to send
their children to school for a few days to help
in the spread of the cold virus among children.
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5Children are so cold magnet. Most of the kids
suffer from colds now and then. Parents often
become anxious about the frequent attack of cold
on their children. But most pediatricians say
that having lots of sniffles in childhood days is
good because it may protect kids later on. A
survey done on kids shows that children who
suffer from frequent colds in preschool suffer
from frequent colds later in life because their
immune systems have learned to recognize the cold
and the body has become ready to fight the virus.
The study also said that these children are less
prone to asthma.
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7The most common symptoms that the Montessori
expert has noticed among the children are sore
throat, runny nose, congestion, cough, and in
acute cases, it may bring fever. Kids may have a
temperature of 101 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit for
the first two or three days. Child specialists
make anxious parents aware that colds are viruses
and antibiotics do not work. In most cases, colds
eventually go away of their own. But if it
remains for a long time like more than five days,
a doctor should be consulted.
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9There are some home remedies that may give some
relief to your children when they are suffering
from it. Steam inhalation is one of the effective
ways if your child suffers from congestion. Give
your children lots of warm drinks if they catch a
cold. Hot chicken garlic soup works a lot. Garlic
has an antiviral property that helps to fight
cold viruses. A glass of warm milk mixed with a
pinch of organic turmeric helps a lot to give
relief to a sore throat. Â Teach your children
some anti-cold Strategies like washing hands,
covering mouth while sneezing, skipping good
night sleep when any one of parent and child has
already caught a cold, etc. These strategies may
help to stop the spreading of the cold attack.
Buena Park Montessori Academy Learning for the
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90620 Phone (714) 821-7800 Open Monday -
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