Title: Crosswork Network
1We help companies and individuals work
harmoniously with any culture...
2Crosswork Network
Vision To help you creating happiness and a
prosperous goal in professional and individual
Mission  To help others understanding that
cultures create new opportunities and benefit in
many ranges.
3Crosswork Network
- Can an organization have more than one culture?
- Can one culture be better than another?
- How does culture affect workplace?
- What is cross culture relationships?
- What different cultures can teach us?
Cultures benefit in many areas ...
Crosswork Network provides valuable multicultural
resources to people interested in searching for a
job, cross-cultural training, business
networking, human resources and other services.
Also, this site will provide some guidance for
individuals who want to improve their careers,
financial goals, and self-learning. Â The
founder's idea is hoping to create a positive
influence on others during the pandemic -  Let 's
cross culture and cross work together!
5 Portland, Oregon, United State
Email HR_at_crossworknet.com Website