Title: Seniorcareonline (4)
1Senior Care Online How To Care For The Seniors
At Home During Summer
- Website www.seniorcareonline.com
2How To Care For The Seniors At Home During Summer
- When we think of summer, it fills us with energy
and an adventurous spirit. However, that can be a
source of stress for the elderly. While they miss
their good old times and feel the loss they are
going through, they also go through physiological
changes that make them more sensitive to high
temperatures. - In the United States, the summer season is in
full swing these days. So, it is time that you
step up for paying more attention to your aging
parents and make sure that they are faring well
in terms of physical health and emotional
well-being. - If you cannot be available for them when they
need you for any reason or need assistance in
providing care to your aging parents, do not
hesitate to seek Senior Home Care Services.
3Senior Home Care during Summer Guide for Families
- 1. Keep them hydrated
- While this tip may seem obvious, you need to keep
it in mind because seniors can dehydrate faster
than young people. - But, why do seniors need more hydration than
younger adults? - As people age, they find it difficult to
recognize their thirst compared to their
young-old selves. - The way their body sweats is changed with age.
- Many seniors also take diuretics (or water pills)
to treat high blood pressure, kidney diseases,
and other conditions that lead to excessive loss
of fluids. - Thus, make sure that the older adults in your
family drink plenty of water throughout the day
and stay hydrated, especially when going out on
hot days.
4- 2. Make sure they follow the skincare routine
- With age, the volume of flesh under the skin
keeps lessening. Therefore, seniors need enhanced
skincare to prevent damages caused by sun
exposure. - How to keep your aging parents safe from sun
damage? - Get them sunscreen with an SPF of not less than
30 and that offers broad-spectrum protection from
both UVA and UVB rays. - Purchasing sunscreen is not enough. You need to
remind your aging parents gently to cover exposed
areas, including ears, the top of feet, back of
hands, and even upper lips using sunscreen before
they head out. - Ensure that they wear light-colored clothes with
loose-fitting. It will help them feel
comfortable, cool, and calm during hot weather. - Encourage them to wear hats and sunglasses to
protect their eyes and head from the scorching
53. Encourage Them to Stay Inside When It is
Too Hot Outside Going outdoors and exercising in
open areas are great for seniors, especially when
they have suffered from isolation and loneliness.
It helps them get fresh air, boost their mood,
and stay active and healthy. However, it can be
dangerous for them to stay outside when
temperatures are high during the day. What is
the best time to go outdoors for seniors during
summer? During summer, seniors should stay
outdoor only early in the morning or later in the
evening and avoid the midday sun. According to
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the
suns rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4
p.m. So, the elderly should avoid getting out
during these hours in both the summer and winter
seasons, and especially at higher altitudes. If
possible, turn on the air conditioner for seniors
when they are inside during the hottest part of
the day.
6- We understand that senior care at home can be
complex, tiring, and overwhelming. If you need
any help, consider hiring Senior Home Care
Services. It is the best decision you can make
for your aging parents, as well as yourself. To
Read More Please Visit - https//seniorcareonline.
7Contact Us
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- Mail us at - info_at_seniorcareonline.com
- Call us (24/7) - 870-222-0457
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