Learn Buteyko Method - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learn Buteyko Method


Normal Breathing has best solution of the health and fitness problem with best and experienced staff to train. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Learn Buteyko Method

Learn Buteyko Methodhttps//www.normalbreathing.
  • Normal Breathing Health and Fitness consultant
  • Website - https//www.normalbreathing.com/

- By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health
Educator and Author- Medically Reviewed
by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD
Learn Buteyko Breathing for free by modules
  • The Buteyko Method is the most effective system
    of lifestyle changes for maximum body-oxygen
    levels 24/7. The Buteyko Method includes
    breathing exercises, as well as other lifestyle
    changes, for better breathing. You can learn all
    about the Buteyko Method in the modules below.
  • Can other breathing techniques be combined with
    the Buteyko method?
  • Yes, Buteyko techniques can be applied for rapid
    restoration of your health, while also using the
    Frolov and/or Amazing DIY breathing devices, Yoga
    Pranayama, Samozdrav, Chi Gong/Tai Chi, and Wim
    Hof method. Buteyko breathing is also
    complementary to other less effective breath
    training methods, such as Breathslim, PowerLung,
    Resperate, PowerBreathe, Expand-A-Lung, Pursed
    Lip Breathing.

Introducing Breathing Retraining and the Buteyko
  • The following video explains how to retrain our
    breath and how the Buteyko method works (giving
    an overview of the process and what happens weeks
    or months later).
  • https//youtu.be/LDadQX6kxPk

How to Learn the Buteyko Method by Modules
  • Q How can I best use the module resources on
    this website to learn the Buteyko breathing
  • A First understand, to learn the Buteyko Method
    means to normalize (or improve) your personal
    breathing pattern 24/7. That means that simply
    learning or practicing Buteyko breathing
    exercises is not sufficient. You must change your
    unconscious breathing pattern, i.e., how your
    body breathes throughout the day.
  • Consider these examples from real life. If a
    person usually wakes up with dry mouth each
    morning, due to mouth breathing at night, he will
    never restore his health and his body-oxygen
    content will remain low (day and night). If
    another person sleeps every night on her back,
    her disease symptoms and usual breathing pattern
    will likely be almost the same, even after
    practicing the best breathing exercises.

  • The point is, its very important to learn the
    key healthy lifestyle factors associated with the
    Buteyko Method, and follow the suggested
    instructions. (Which are based on hundreds of
    medical studies!) Before you start any
    breathwork, you should have a very clear
    understanding of where to go and how to achieve
    your goals. In order to help yourself through the
    Buteyko Method, you should learn
  • what is the main purpose of breathing
    retraining why over-breathing (or a deep,
    unconscious breathing pattern) reduces oxygen
    content on the cellular level what normal
    breathing patterns and the ideal breathing
    pattern look like how to breathe for maximum
    cell oxygen content how to measure ones
    body-oxygen level using the Control Pause test
    what are the carbon dioxide uses in the human
    body which lifestyle factors make breathing
    heavier (deeper and/or faster) which lifestyle
    factors make breathing lighter (shallower and
  • While they are not difficult to understand, these
    topics require you to invest time in order to
    understand and apply the fundamental principles.
    Thats why there are so many pages on this
    website. They are created for you!

  • Q Which modules should I start with?
  • A As a Buteyko student, you do not need to know
    all details and peculiarities of the method to
    restore your health. To save you time in
    learning, I have designed a series of modules
    that address factors relevant to most students.
    If you wish, you can skip modules and select
    those that you feel are most applicable to your
    situation this can lead to a more focused
    approach and faster learning. However, if you are
    new to the Buteyko Method, I recommend you start
    with Module 1 and go from there. Overall, your
    goal should be to design and execute a self-plan
    that includes Buteyko breathing exercises,
    physical exercise, and optimizing diet and
    lifestyle factors.
  • Normalization of breathing as a way of
    ameliorating asthma, heart disease, diabetes,
    cancer, and many other conditions is a serious
    and fundamental personal project. Please invest
    the time to fully understand the Buteyko Method
    so that you can experience not just good health,
    but also improved mood, mental clarity, and
    spiritual connection. Follow all required
    paragraphs, sentences, and links. Each idea here
    is important for your ultimate success. (A
    summary of each module is below.)

  • Module1. Crucial Preliminary ConditionsModule2. L
    earn Buteyko How to measure the Control Pause
    (CP)Module3. How to Ground YourselfModule4. Lear
    n the Emergency ProcedureModule5. Measure and
    Record Your Morning CP (MCP) EverydayModule6. Pre
    vent Sleeping on Your Back Best Sleeping
    PositionsModule7. Maintain Nasal Breathing
    24/7Module8. How to Develop Diaphragmatic 
    Breathing 24/7Module9. Restrictions, Limits, and
    Temporary ContraindicationsModule10. Free
    Buteyko Breathing ExercisesModule11. Nutrients
    and Diet for Better Body OxygenationModule12. Who
    Should Take Cold Shower, and How and
    WhyModule13. How Focal Infections Keep Body
    Oxygen LowModule14. Buteyko Cleansing
    ReactionsModule15. Good Sleep HygieneModule16.
    Physical Activity and RunningModule17. How to
    Talk for Better BreathingModule18. Digestive
    HealthModule19. Buteyko Breathing
    ProblemsModule20. Emotional Trauma Effects and
    SolutionsModule21. Breathing Retraining for
    Children and Elderly

Level 1 Surviving Disease with Buteyko Breathing
Exercises (Modules 1-7)
  • Level 1 Goals The student should aim to
    eliminate the main symptoms of their own health
    problems (e.g., asthma, heart disease, epilepsy,
    sinusitis, eczema, insomnia, constipation, etc.)
    using the Buteyko Emergency Procedure. Properly
    practiced, the Emergency Procedure can
    significantly reduce medication use (e.g., twice
    less) or even eliminate it completely. Students
    on level 1 have low morning CPs (usually about
    5-15 secs.). Survival is the main practical
    result! Less than 10 of learners are satisfied
    with this level. Once people experienced improved
    health through the breathing exercises, most want
    to proceed to higher CP levels. Achieving a
    working understanding of level 1, depending on
    the student, can take anywhere from 1 hour to
    about 1-2 days.

Module 1. Crucial preliminary Buteyko
instructions and goals
  • Over several decades, more than 200 medical
    professionals have taught the Buteyko Method to
    over 200,000 patients. As a result, doctors (the
    majority of them Russian) have accumulated a huge
    amount of clinical experience in teaching the
    method, what determines chances of patients
    success, outcomes over years (and decades), etc.
    Theyve also found that there are preliminary
    conditions, of social and psychological nature,
    which are linked to the long-term results of a
    typical Buteyko student. Your chances of
    sustained success in the future depend on
  • 1-A.Voluntary hyperventilation or deep breathing
    test1-B.Theoretical studies (at least 2
    hours)1-C.Your interactions with the surrounding

Module 2. Learn Buteyko How to measure the
Control Pause (CP)
  • Most people do not have any problems with
    measuring CP, or the stress-free, breath-holding
    time test. However, some people with heart
    disease, panic attacks, migraine headaches, and a
    few other, exceptionally rare conditions, may
    experience unpleasant symptoms, which can appear
    soon after measuring the CP (in 1 to 5 minutes).
    If this happens, do not measure your CP for a
    while. Later, when your breathing becomes about 2
    to 3 times lighter and your CP 2 to 3 times
    longer, these unpleasant symptoms after the CP
    test will not appear. Your initial breathing
    program should focus on the reduction of your
    pulse (or heart rate).
  • For over 95 of people, it is safe to measure the
    CP many times per day and observe the effects of
    stress, meals, exercise, posture,
    thermoregulation, and many other lifestyle
    factors on CP, breathing, and overall health. You
    can learn easily how to measure your body-oxygen
    level using CP here (this web page is from the
    Homepage section with Google Video clip).

Module 3. Earthling How to ground yourself
  • The very first and easiest step to increase your
    (low) CP is to get free electrons from Earth due
    to grounding yourself. Electrons are natures
    free antioxidants. You can find more information
    about the health benefits and reasons behind
    electrical grounding here Earthling. This is an
    exceptionally important step to reduce
    inflammation and normalize sleep, nerve and
    muscle function, as well as dozens of other
    fundamental physiological processes.
  • For practical actions and steps, click here How
    to ground yourself.

Module 4. Learn the Emergency Procedure
  • Practically, a human can change own breathing
    using willpower and experience how the disease
    relates to breathing. Reduced breathing can
    alleviate, in 1-5 minutes, all the symptoms we
    were talking about bronchial spasms (attacks of
    asthma or bronchitis), blocked nose (to unblock
    the nose), eliminate spasms of brain vessels
    (migraine or headache), spasms of heart vessels,
    spasms of blood vessels of arms and feet
    (endarteritis), ulcer pains (spasms of vessels in
    the stomach), spasms of bile ducts
    (cholecystitis), to prevent an epilepsy attack
    During frost to warm up the arms or the nose is
    simple decrease breathing. Blood vessels dilate
    and you are warmed up! You are frightened,
    excited, you have a nervous shiver slow down
    the breathing and in 1-2 minutes you will get
    peace. Using these mechanisms you can control
    your own body! Buteyko KP, Carbon dioxide
    theory and a new method of treatment and
    prevention of diseases of the respiratory system,
    cardiovascular system, nervous system, and some
    other diseases, Public lecture in the Moscow
    State University, 9 December 1969.

Module 5. Measure and record your Morning CP
(MCP) everyday
  • Each morning, as soon as you wake up and are
    still in bed, you should measure the morning CP
    (if there are no contraindications). Do this
    immediately after you open your eyes. Why? Just 5
    to 10 minutes later, your breathing parameters
    can be different, and crucial information about
    the nature of your breathing during the last
    hours of sleep can be lost. If you have
    contraindications to CP, measure your heart rate
    for 1 minute and record it in your daily
    log.Your changes in MCP numbers will be used
    later for getting to the root of the problem of
    morning hyperventilation.
  • See the following page How to measure morning
    CP, and why its crucial for your health
    restoration. Optional link Morning
    hyperventilation (with Google Video clip) from
    the Homepage. Follow this link, especially if
    your CP drops during the night (i.e., MCP is
    lower than evening CP).

Module 6. Prevent sleeping on your back best
sleeping positions
  • Q Do I need this module?A If you find yourself
    sleeping on your back two nights a week or more,
    yes, you should study this module. When your
    morning CP is 25 seconds or more, you do not need
    any steps in this direction, since this problem
    will disappear naturally.Manual (Instructional
    Guide Workout Workbook EBook) How to
    prevent sleeping on ones back with a free PDF
    file to download Buteyko self-help web page Best
    sleep positions.

Module 7. Maintain nasal breathing 24/7
  • Q Do I need this module?A If you sometimes
    breathe through your mouth, yes, you need this
    module.If you ask any of your friends, relatives
    or co-workers, and they tell you that you
    sometimes breathe through your mouth or have your
    mouth open, yes, you need this module.If you
    wake up in the morning with a dry mouth at least
    2 times per week, yes, you need this module.When
    your CP is 25 seconds or more 24/7, you do not
    need any steps in this direction, since non-nasal
    breathing will disappear naturally.Manual
    (Instructional Guide) How to stop mouth
    breathing with a free PDF file to download. For
    more ideas, see Buteyko mouth-taping
    technique and Stop mouth breathing treatment.

Module 8. How to develop diaphragmatic breathing
  • Topics in this module include Understanding
    diaphragm function  Overview of the most
    important functions of the diaphragm in the human
    body How to check ones predominant breathing
    pattern is it diaphragmatic or costal?
  • Do you breathe using the diaphragm or chest at
    rest and/or during sleep? Check your ability to
    move and control your diaphragm using a simple
    technique Practice exercises and techniques for
    developing diaphragmatic breathing Learn what
    is required to transition to unconscious or
    automatic diaphragmatic breathing at rest
  • See the following for details Module 8. How to
    develop diaphragmatic breathing 24/7.

Module 9. Restrictions, limits, and temporary
  • Normal breathing is fundamental to a healthy
    organism. Hence, breathing normalization is the
    natural approach to resolving pathologies in the
    human body. However, not all people can use the
    same method in their breathing normalization
  • While most can apply the same general ideas,
    exercises, and techniques (including reduced
    breathing exercises and the DIY breathing
    device), certain groups require modifications
    (individual tailoring) in their breathing
    retraining programs, due to various restrictions,
    limits, and temporary contraindications.

Module 10. Free Buteyko breathing exercises
  • This book explains many nuances of the Buteyko
    Method, such as the effects of overtraining, lost
    CO2 sensitivity, blunted CO2 sensitivity, the
    click effect, Steps breathing exercises for
    walking, Buteyko breathing exercises during
    physical activity, and many more. If you are
    interested in raising your CP to the highest
    possible level, I would recommend you study the
  • Warning A student who has solid food in the
    stomach should not practice any breathing
    exercises that increase CO2 levels in the lungs.
    This is the most common serious or grave mistake
    made by self-learners.
  • Air hunger and increased CO2 intensify
    peristaltic movements in the GI tract, and within
    3 to 4 hours after eating, this can cause damage
    to the lining of the mucosal surfaces. Therefore,
    practice breathwork only when you have an empty
    stomach or nothing more than water.

Module 11. Nutrients and Diet for Better Body
  • This nutrient guide is based on the experiences
    of hundreds of people who made significant
    improvements in their health and their automatic
    or unconscious breathing pattern using
    breathing-retraining methods.
  • It explains in detail various questions related
    to vital or essential nutrients, deficiency
    signs, dosages, and other practical questions,
    including the 3-day test to discover
    macro-deficiencies. Self-help Buteyko
    instructions in relation to dietMajor Nutrients
    Guide for Better Body OxygenationPart1. Macromin
    erals (Ca, Mg, Zn) and fish oil Part2. Fish
    oil, cod liver oil, salmon oil, krill oil,
    flaxseed oil sources of omega 3 DHA-EPA (for
    better body oxygenation and breathing), benefits,
    sources, side effects, and dangersPart3. Sea
    salt vs. table saltPart4. Check your iodine
    deficiency (test)Part5. D3 (the sunshine
    vitamin) or cholecalciferol (most common
    nutritional deficiency).Part6. Benefits of
    spices better health and higher body oxygen

Module 12. Who Should Take a Cold Shower, Why and
  • Taking cold showers has always been an
    indispensable part of the Buteyko method. Here is
    a Buteyko How-To  Cold shower benefits and rules.

Module 13. How Focal Infections Keep Body Oxygen
  • Focal infections theory and Buteyko focal
    infections  This module considers the
    following1. Western medical research about
    focal infections and origins of the focal
    infection theory (including cavities in teeth,
    dead or degenerated tonsils, athletes feet or
    feet mycosis, worms, helminths or large
    intestinal parasites living in humans, and root
  • 2. Buteyko focal infections and Russian Buteyko
    medical experience effects of, and what to do
    with dead tonsils, cavities, feet mycosis
    (athletes feet), intestinal parasites, root
    canals, and mercury amalgams spine misalignment
    and health.

Module 14. Buteyko Cleansing Reactions
  • Body cleansing reactions and body cleanse myths 
    As students progress with the Buteyko Method,
    body cleansing reactions can take place due to
    body-oxygen increases. Learn more about typical
    cleansing reactions and superficially-similar
    health-destructive allergic (or pathological)

Module 15. Good Sleep Hygiene
  • Good sleep hygiene  for high body oxygen and
    good health provides an in-depth exploration of
    lifestyle factors, methods, and techniques to
    improve sleep and increase morning CP.Helpful
    extra pages How to fall asleep fast  using the
    Buteyko reduced-breathing exercise for falling
    asleep and higher morning CP.How to sleep less
    If you want to increase your morning CP, you need
    to know and use methods that will help you sleep
    less. Longer sleep means more damage due to
    unconscious hyperventilation during sleep, and
    will greatly reduce the rate of your overall
    week-to-week progress.

Module 16. Physical Activity and Running
  • These pages are linked from the Exercise Section,
    but they are essential for successful breathing
    retrainingBenefits of physical activity  It
    always promotes increased cell oxygenation. Learn
    about the relationship and optimum proportions
    between exercise and breathing exercises.Benefits
    of running  Jogging, according to Dr. Buteyko,
    is the most natural way to improve body-oxygen
    levels. Furthermore, it can be the key factor to
    achieve very high CPs and super-health
    states.Breathing techniques for running 
    correct breathing during running (for maximum O2
    delivery to cells) is based on nasal,
    diaphragmatic, and slow breathing. This is the
    secret of the Tarahumara, the Mexican indigenous
    tribe famous for their amazing abilities to run
    long distances barefoot.Optional page Training
    mask  if you want to maximize the effects of
    exercise (make exercise nearly twice more
    effective), consider using a Training Mask. The
    mask can be used when one has over 20 to 25 secs.
    CP. It is particularly beneficial for those who
    like sports, or have too little time for
    exercise, or do not use breathing devices (i.e.,
    use only Buteyko reduced breathing exercises).

Module 17. Talking Skills
  • Proper public speaking techniques and talking
    skills  Talking while breathing incorrectly can
    reduce CP, induce health problems, and cause
    exhaustion. Correct talking requires reduced
    ventilation of the lungs for higher CO2 and O2
    levels in body cells.

Module 18. Digestive Health Signs
  • Ideal or normal digestive health has numerous
    signs that indicate that the GI tract is working
    effectively. Most modern people have poor
    digestive health due to low O2 levels in body
    cells. This manifests as large amounts of soiling
    and the use of toilet paper. It may surprise you
    to know, proper digestion should produce no
  • How to improve digestion  I wrote this eBook in
    order to provide a practical program for people
    with GI problems, and even most ordinary people.
    My students have found the books recommendations
    very helpful for their CP growth.

Module 19. Buteyko Breathing Problems and Extra
  • When a breathing student is stuck with less than
    30 secs. CP, and is unable to get higher body O2,
    several things can be responsible. These causes
    are summarized in Buteyko breathing problems.
  • In order to solve these problems, our students
    use extra tools that help them to slow down their
    breathing and get higher CP results after using
    these extra tools. Here are some of these tools
    that sometimes allow having very large CP
    improvements (up to 10-20 s and sometimes even
    more)Use free Rife frequencies IHHT
    (intermittent hypoxic and hyperoxic training)
    see our YouTube Channel for videos on this topic.

Module 20. Emotional Trauma Effects and
  • Over 90 of people today carry emotional traumas
    that poison their lives. For some people, this
    past emotional trauma (usually a childhood
    trauma) can play a decisive role in their poor
    health and low morning CP. Find out more
    about Emotional trauma effects and solutions.

Module 21. Special Needs Elderly and Children
  • There are certain specific factors that should be
    considered when elderly people begin the Buteyko
    Method and breathing retraining. Please read the
    followingElderly health and Buteyko
    breathing (Part 1). Health Factors for Elderly
    Buteyko Breathing Students (Part 2).
  • Aspects involved in teaching and training
    children are considered here Buteyko method and
    breathing retraining for children.

Module 99. Long-Term Success
  • Do you know? Most Buteyko students start at low
    CPs (less than 20) and progress rapidly to
    better health in 1 to 3 months (gt30 CP), due to
    enthusiastic practice of breathing and physical
  • But in one to three years, if enthusiasm wanes,
    CP results (and health too) can drop back down to
    only slightly better than initial levels. How can
    we prevent this? Sport and enjoyable physical
    exercise can be key. Find out more about the
    challenge of maintaining healthy breathing over
    many years and solutions to this here Lifestyle
    for long-term success.

Natural lifestyle choices before and after
breathing retraining
Lifestyle factor Body oxygen lt 30 s Body oxygen gt 50 s
Energy level Medium, low, or very low High
Desire to exercise Not strong, but possible Craving and joy of exercise
Intensive exercise with nose breathing Hard or impossible Easy and effortless
Typical mind states Confusion, anxiety, depression Focus, concentration, clarity
Craving for sugar and junk foods Present Absent
Addictions to smoking, alcohol, and drugs Possible Absent
Desire to eat raw foods Weak and rare Very common and natural
Correct posture Rare and requires efforts Natural and automatic
Sleep Often of poor quality gt 7 hours Excellent quality lt 5 hours naturally
  • In the Buteyko community, there are rumors that
    getting more than 40 or 60 secs morning CP is
    overly difficult. This is not the case. With the
    right program, it is relatively easy for younger
    people (in their 20s and 40s), and Ive even had
    people who were over 60 or 70 years old able to
    get more than 60 secs MCP in about 6 to 10 weeks
    after starting a breathing course.
  • In the future, I will provide more information
    here about the required steps. At the moment, you
    can read my Buteyko Big Book, which is the most
    in-depth of all my books and provides a general
    overview of the required steps to achieve very
    high CPs.

  • Thank You

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