Title: SRanalytics
15 BIG reasons how data visualization improves
business decision making
Leaders need to make critical business decisions
every day. And data visualization is a great
supporting tool in this process. But, how data
visualization improve decision making? For that,
you first need to understand what data
visualization is.
Data visualization
Data visualization is a pictorial representation
of data. It is the process of collating data from
various sources, organizing it, analyzing it,
and presenting it through charts and graphs.
Thus, helping end- users to decipher complex
data more quickly and accurately. Let us see in
detail how data visualization improves decision
5 BIG reasons how data visualization improves
business decision making
Fastens the decision making process
Around 65 of people are visual learners. When
data is presented to us in the forms of graphs
and charts, it becomes easily decipherable and
has a longer-lasting impact on our minds. Thus,
making it easier for decision-makers to
understand the data and take action promptly.
Improves accuracy
Data analysts collate data from different
sources, verify the same, analyze it and then
present it. So, when a top-level manager reviews
the same, he needn't spend time on authenticating
the data source or analyzing the numbers.
Instead, DataViz serves information on a platter
in the form of dashboards and reports.
Real-time reports
We generate more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of
data every day. So, it hardly takes time for data
to become obsolete. But, to make relevant
decisions that are in sync with market trends,
decision- makers need access to real-time data.
And data visualization precisely does that it
empowers the users with real-time data
accessible from any device and location.
Personalized communications
Gone are those days when decision-makers had to
go through 10 charts and graphs to see exactly
what they needed. The modern DataViz tools have
enhanced the users' experience of decision-
making. Not only is data presented in a more
interactive form, but different filters and
slicers make the reports highly customized.
Thus, users can interact with only relevant and
specific data.
All-inclusive decision
Since BI tools can collate data from scattered
locations and present it in a compiled dashboard,
it becomes easier for business leaders to make
holistic decisions. For example, which one would
you prefer more getting the sales data from
all your channels in one place or going through
individual reports and then trying to draw your
marketing strategy? In short, data visualization
helps in making more data-driven decisions.
2To Conclude
Great-decision making is the backbone of any
business. Prompt, accurate, real-time, and
holistic decisions always benefit businesses.
So, dont you want to try out and see how data
visualization improves your decision making? For
more details please visit our website
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