Title: Private Home COVID Testing Service San Francisco
1Private Home COVID Testing Service San Francisco
2Need Private Home COVID Testing Service In San
Francisco? Contact Urgent Med House Calls. Our
staff follows all universal safety
protocols. Our staff always ensures to wear
personal protective equipment such as masks and
gloves so that they are protected from getting
infected while handling patients and thus, do not
pass on the infections to others.
3For Travelers we provide these documents --Test
report copy listing "non detected" results as
"negative" (required at SFO) --Physician letter
acknowledging the negative result (required for
check-in for some flights -yes,
really!) --California State CLIA lab
certification letter copy (may be required) --For
international travel check-in, passport details
are required to be listed on your test results.
With our test you have the option to list this
information too. --The rules for flight check-in
and country entry requirements are constantly
changing, so we recommend that you print and
carry all of these documents to maximize your
chance of travel success. --If you are
considering getting a rapid PCR test, check with
your airline and destination country first to see
if it is accepted. Many travelers have been
denied check-in when presenting rapid PCR test
4Contact us Mail Urgent Med Housecalls 250 King
Street, 1500 San Francisco, California, 94107
USA. Skype Urgentmedhousecalls Fax 1
(415)-666-2573 Also visit https//urgentmedhousec
5Thank You