Title: Importance of an Inventory in Insurance Claim
1Importance of an Inventory
Experiencing a ?re, tornado, or even a ?ood can
be unexpectedly overwhelming and life changing.
It is in our nature to trust those who are
supposed to be there to help us. I know that in
small towns and rural areas this is even more
prevalent because everybody knows everybody, the
buddy system if you will. I am from a small town
and know the mentality there is very dierent
from that in the city.
What people sometimes do not know is that their
insurance agent that you know has to turn your
insurance claim over to someone that doesnt
know you. These outside people will adjust your
2As public adjusters, Brown - O'Haver will go over
your policy and work to help you receive what
you deserve from your policy. If you have a
large or total loss many times that could mean
you are due policy limits. Unlike the insurance
company, who will estimate the value of your
belongings, Brown - OHaver our goal is to go
into the home and inventory everything within
it. That means if we see a pencil, bar of soap,
dishtowel, or any myriad of small items we will
include it in your insurance claim. We then will
take that list and price it with current
replacement values. We will also give you a list
of common household goods for you to add
anything we have missed due to it being
unidenti?able. This gives you an accurate amount
to submit to your insurance company, so that
ultimately money you receive and help you to
rebuild your life. Sometimes the insurance
company will tell you that things can be cleaned
and not cashed out. In some cases, this is true.
However, there are many things that the smell of
smoke or water will never come out of or work
properly again. As an inventory specialist at
Brown OHaver I participate in the physical
inventory, input, and pricing of an inventory. It
is hard and arduous work that most people do not
do for their own claims. Most people only list
the big things such as furniture and electronics
but I have found over the time I have worked at
Brown OHaver that it is the little things that
add up and placing those things on an inventory
can truly help a person in the rebuilding of
their home and life.