Title: Introduction to programming language and operating system
1Introduction to Programming Language and
Operating System
Programming language is a set of pre-defined
terms that are combined into a programme using
pre-defined rules (syntax). The application is
developed using programming languages, which
assists us in completing our mission.
Operating system is a software that enables a
user to run other programmes on a computer. The
primary function of an operating system is to
control the software and hardware resources of a
4Types of Programming Languages
Programming languages are divided into two
categories. 1. Low Level Programming Language
Machine Level Language or Binary Code Assembly
- High Level Programming Language
- Based on purpose
- Based on converters used
5Low Level Programming Language
More closer towards system
Code is not portable
Bit complex to learn and write the code
Not expressive e.g. Machine code, Assembly code
6High Level Programming Language
More closer towards user
Code is portable
Easy to learn and write the code
Expressive e.g. C, C, Java, Python etc
7A Brief Introduction to Computer Memory
There are mainly two types of memory in
computer- 1. Volatile Memory - Primary Memory -
Temporary Storage - RAM, Cache, Register
2. Non-volatile memory - Secondary Memory
- Permanent Storage - HDD, SDD, Floppy, CD, Pen
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