Title: studybytech1
1S T U D Y B Y T E C H
Top 5 Revision Strategies To Study Smarter For
Upcoming Exams
2Revision Strategies To Study
The exam is a very crucial period for students
and during this time every student faces the
problem of how to prepare for the upcoming exams
and how to make strategies to study to score
good marks in upcoming exams. It becomes more
difficult when you are pursuing the most
difficult course, Chartered Accountant. Becoming
a Chartered Accountant is not an easy task. You
have to study hard with all your efforts. To make
this procedure easy here we have come with the
top 5 strategies to study for your upcoming CA
Final Exams.
3Make Your Own Notes
Early Morning Study
Always remember that hand-made notes are one of
the major key points in your revision and they
help you to revise the most important chapter,
topic, and question before the exam.
It is like what we remember in the morning with
a fresh mind, it gets remembered quickly and it
is understood very well. Early morning study is
one of the best strategies to study which you
should follow.
4Top 5 Revision Strategies to Study for CA Final
Step 2
Step 1
Step 3
Step 5
Step 4
Plan Your Revision as Per Your Subject
Make Your Own Notes
Mark the Topics for Revision
Do Exercise and Meditation Daily
Keep aside the Social Media
5Some Important Tips to Revise the Entire
Syllabus for Upcoming CA Final Exams.
Students have various ways to revise the
syllabus for their upcoming CA Final exam. Below
we have given some ways by which students can
prepare and revise for their exams
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