Title: Friendships after the Pandemic
1Friendships after the Pandemic
2Reentering social life after the pandemic will be
a challenge for many people. Living in isolation
causes a more threatening outlook in life which
makes many people worry about meeting old
friends. Because of this people will often try to
make a very good impression and will focus on
avoiding any mistakes. This can cause people to
only talk about boring subjects or put on too
much of an act.
3Many will also feel like they stand out and are
different in a negative way compared to those
around them. Many therefore will experience a
heightened self-focus which makes them not
appraise things helpfully. Their own actions will
be magnified and the behaviour of those around
them gets misinterpreted and not fully understood.
4It always helps to understand that socialising
isnt a problem to be solved. Focusing on your
surroundings with strong intent, dropping all
behaviours that a borne out of alleviating
anxiety and focusing on being present with those
around you can be great first steps. Are you
interested in anxiety treatment? Use us to find
the best psychotherapist in London.
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