Difference between j query and react js - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Difference between j query and react js


jQuery and React are very popular JavaScript libraries producing almost the same results even though they use different techniques. jQuery is a utility library enabling the developers to build web apps effortlessly using JavaScript, whereas React js library allows embedding HTML within JavaScript. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Updated: 5 May 2021
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Title: Difference between j query and react js

Difference between jQuery and React js
What is jQuery?
  • jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library.
    When it was released back in 2006, JavaScript was
    not widely used. But jQuery nowadays has
    revolutionized the industry, by wrapping a
    thousand lines of JavaScript code into methods
    that you can call with a single line of code. We
    can use the phrase write less, do more to
    define jQuery.

What is React?
  • React is an open-source, declarative, efficient,
    and very flexible JavaScript library. This
    library was created by Facebook in 2011,
    necessarily for the purpose of building
    interactive UI elements. React provides reusable
    library code which shortens the total development
    time and also shortens the scope of errors. With
    React js, developers can build large-scale,
    dynamic-looking single-page applications.

jQuery vs React js
  • jQuery directly interacts with DOM which results
    in low performance.
  • jQuery and React are very similar when it comes
    to ease of use, however, their objectives are
    different. With the help of jQuery, we can
    accomplish the application effortlessly, because
    there is a need to write less code in jQuery. It
    is helpful for some projects, like building a
    simple website with animated menus, triggering
    events with a button and images.
  • React js
  • React js uses the virtual DOM for high speed,
    better performance, and UI.
  • React is a UI-specific library that developers
    can use in building web apps with complicated
    functions and a variety of views.

jQuery vs React js
  • jQuery is not suitable for large applications. It
    generates complex code and traditional DOM
    doesnt support complex codes either.
  • jQuery is 7 years older than React. But the
    number of NPM packages in jQuery is significantly
    low. This might be because NPM came in 2019 when
    a large chunk of developers had already shifted
    from jQuery to other platforms.
  • The size of the jQuery library is small which
    takes less time to load, which makes it
    effective. It is 75kb which is 18 lower than the
    react js.
  • The components-based architecture and virtual DOM
    manipulation in React make it suitable for
    building large-sized applications.
  • React contains a number of NPM packages, which
    are significantly higher than jQuery.
  • The React library size is about 95KB which is
    large in size comparative to jQuery, which
    becomes the reason for frequent protest from
    React developers. It loads almost 20 less in
    terms of speed on mobile.

  • Online jQuery React js Certification Exam
  • StudySection offers Network Security Online
    Certifications at
  • JQuery Certification Exam (Foundation)
  • JQuery Certification Exam (Advanced)
  • JQuery Certification Exam (Expert)
  • React 16.X Certification Exam (Foundation)
  • React 16.X Certification Exam (Advanced)
  • React 16.X Certification Exam (Expert)
  • levels apart from many other free online
    certification exams.

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