Title: Import Cotellic Cobimetinib in India
1The brief case study of the Cobimetinib for
treatment of cancer
MEK is the protein kinase involved in the
functioning of signaling pathway, which carries
messages regarding cell growth from the surface
of the cells to DNA. MEK is also part of the BRAF
pathway, another protein kinase involved in cell
survival and replication. BRAF and MEK are often
overexpressed in melanomas.
2Import Cotellic Cobimetinib in India
Therapy is combined with vemurafenib and
cobimetinib allows both signals, MEK and BRAF, to
block the leading inhibition of cell replication
and potentially cause the death of the cells. So,
the patient needs a proper medical prescription
to import Cotellic Cobimetinib in India for the
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How to intake cobimetinib? Cobimetinib is a
tablet that's taken orally by mouth. It can be
taken with or without food. The pills should not
be chewed, crushed, or cut. It is vital to know
that the patients are taking the correct amount
of medications every time. Before every dose, one
should check what he or she is talking about and
whether it matches the prescribed dosage.
4Import Cotellic Cobimetinib in India
BRAF testing Since the medication only works in
cancer which has one of the two specific BRAF
mutations known as V600Kor V600E. That has the
abnormality that should be given priority to
start the medication to identify the patients
with the appropriate therapy. To test the mutated
BRAF, the sample of the tumor is sent to the
special laboratory to perform the test and based
on the report, the import Cotellic Cobimetinib in
India is done.
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Handling and storage The medication is stored in
the original, labeled container at room
temperature in a dry location (unless directed by
the pharmacist or the healthcare provider). The
medicines should be stored in the pillbox, and
the container should be out of reach of children
and pets. If the caregiver prepares the patient's
dosage, they should consider wearing the gloves
or pour the pills directly from their container
to the cap or small cup or directly in hand. They
should avoid touching the pills. It is essential
to wash the hand before and after taking the
6The brief case study of the Cobimetinib for
treatment of cancer
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