Title: Surf And Yoga Wellness Retreat - Roadtoretreats.com
1Getting Ready For Your Surf And Yoga Retreat!
2Surf Yoga Wellness Retreat
The yoga and surf retreats are a whole new ball
game. Taking two very different types of retreats
and implementing them into one new experience.
Its an intense, fun, exhausting, exhilarating
experience that everyone should try at least
once. Although the combination of activities
differs greatly from each other, they do work
nicely together.
3- The combination works nicely at working on body
awareness, building stamina, strength, and
flexibility. More importantly, both provide an
aspect of letting go. With yoga, you learn to let
go of the thoughts and outcomes. Surfing can help
with letting go of the ability to try to control
nature. They both can teach you a lot about
going with the flow.
4What is included in the cost of a surf and yoga
Some retreats advertise as a surf and yoga camp,
but one of the activities may not be included in
the initial cost. Be sure to ask ahead what is
included in the overall fee and how you can sign
up for additional activities. Be sure to ask if
equipment and lessons are included in the retreat
fee as well.
5Some retreats offer you the freedom to take their
boards out for the day and then do your own
thing, while others offer you free lessons but
charge you for rentals. Lessons are always a good
idea if you are a first-time surfer. The
instructors can teach you proper techniques that
will make your surf experience a whole lot
6Who are the instructors?
What experience do the instructors have? What
type of training did they receive? Can they teach
beginners/advanced? What style of yoga do they
teach? There is nothing worse than spending your
holiday with an instructor who is incompatible
with your retreat needs.
- Is there the option to go on my own?
- Can I take some time off from my surf and yoga
retreat? - What do I need to wear at a surf and yoga retreat?
7Be open!
Dont set any expectations and just go with the
flow. Get to know people, spend time alone, and
be open to new experiences. This is your trip so
do what feels right!
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