Title: Handline's Auctions - Ohio Auctions - Estate Sales Cleveland
To Handline's Auctions
2Live Auctions
A non-profit live auction is a fundraising method
where bidders gather in a chosen location to bid
for the various items available on sale. Live
Auctions involve announcing the highest bid by an
auctioneer. Handlines Auctions does have an
extensive base of buyers who may place proxy
bids during live auctions.
3Online Auctions
Online auctions are the latest method of bringing
together buyers and sellers. choosing an online
auction has the advantage of allowing clients to
stay home. Online auctions are sales
transactions that result from a competitive
bidding Handlines Auctions works on the premise
to photograph and catalog every item for auction.
4Estate Auction Services
Estate Auction is typically handled by an
auctioneer, where items are marketed and sold
through competitive bidding. Our Estate Auction
Services can be performed at the clients
location or at our location. We will make the
service as painless as possible for our
client. Handline's Auctions specialise offer a
fully managed service to make estate auctions
less stressful for your family.
5Business Liquidation Auction
If You liquidate your business and you want it
done quickly and properly Business Liquidation
Auction may be the best thing for you. If you owe
on any inventory or equipment we can talk to the
lienholder and see what we can do that works for
both of you. Handline's Auctions understand that
sometimes this is out of your control but let us
help control it for you.
6Clean Out Services
Clean Out Service offers the removal of furniture
trash and debris out of homes in bulk. Whether
you are downsizing, moving, de-cluttering, or
dealing with an estate that is just
overwhelming. Handline's Auctions can handle
everything that is needed. Instead of throwing or
moving everything. We can do an auction onsite
or move items to our warehouse to auction.
7About us - Handline's Auctions
Handline s Auctions provides many different
services to help our clients. Some services are
Live Auctions, Online Auctions, Estate Sales
Auctions, Clean outs more. Browse our upcoming
auctions for fine art, rare antiques, estate
jewelry, and collectibles from premier houses.
Email Info_at_handlinesauctions.com Contact us
- 440-941-0078 Location 794 W Bagley
RoadBerea, Ohio 44017 h ttps//www.handlinesauctio
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