Title: SOC 100 Education Specialist |tutorialrank.com
1 SOC 100 Entire Course For more course tutorials
SOC 100 Week 1 Theory and Culture Worksheet
SOC 100 Week 2 Socialization and Social Structure
SOC 100 Week 3 Sociological Perspectives and
Social Groups Worksheet
SOC 100 Week 4 Social Behavior and Inequalities
2SOC 100 Week 5 Social Change Presentation
SOC 100 Week 1 Discussion Perspectives of
Sociology SOC 100 Week 2 Discussion The Self,
Socialization, and Social Structure SOC 100
Week 3 Discussion Social Groups SOC 100 Week 4
Discussion Social Deviance and Control SOC 100
Week 5 Discussion Social Change ..................
......................................... SOC
100 Week 1 Discussion Perspectives of Sociology
3For more course tutorials visit
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
While all of us live in society, we rarely stop
to consider the specifics of how various aspects
of society affect us. This week, you are asked to
think about how sociology is different from
other social sciences, and what theories exist
within sociology to explain how people behave
within society. Take a moment to think about the
culture and society in which you live, and
refresh your understanding of the 3 sociological
theories discussed in the reading.
What do you see as the differences between
culture and society? Provide an example of a
culture and an example of a related society.
Share a specific example of what might be studied
by each of the following sociological
theories. Conflict theory
4Structural functionalism Symbolic
interactionism ...................................
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........................ SOC 100 Week 1 Theory
and Culture Worksheet For more course tutorials
SOC 100 Week 1 Theory and Culture
Worksheet Theoretical perspectives are used by
sociologists to interpret social behavior and
phenomena. Culture can be used to do the same,
but also provides other predictable elements.
This assignment examines theoretical
perspectives and the role of culture in
sociology. Complete the Theory and Culture
Worksheet. Submit your completed worksheet to the
Assignment Files tab. Theory and Culture
Worksheet Short-Answer
5Respond to the following in 50 to 75 words each,
unless otherwise specified.
What is sociology? What are some examples of what
sociologists study?
When examining the theoretical perspectives in
sociology, each perspective has a specific focus
and level of analysis. What does the level of
analysis mean?
Refer to Table 1.1 (p.19) in Ch. 1 of Essentials
of Sociology. In 25 to 50 words each, describe
the focus and level of analysis for the following
theoretical perspectives Symbolic
Functional Analysis
6Conflict Theory
Culture shapes many things in our lives,
sometimes including what we wear, what we eat,
and how we interact with each other. According to
Ch. 2 of Essentials of Sociology, what are the
influences of culture in society? ...............
.. ......................................... SOC
100 Week 2 Discussion The Self, Socialization,
and Social Structure For more course tutorials
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
This weeks activities focus on the process that
humans undergo to become social beings. The
discipline of sociology looks at the self from
the perspective of socialization differently than
the discipline of psychology would. Take a
moment to review the sociological theories of
7Which of the sociological theories of
self-development do you find most convincing? In
your own words, according to this theory, what is
the self and how does it form? Why do you
think socialization of individuals is so
important to society? ..........................
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................................. SOC 100 Week 2
Socialization and Social Structure Worksheet For
more course tutorials visit
SOC 100 Week 2 Socialization and Social Structure
Worksheet Socialization, social structure, and
social interaction take similar roles in
developing social behavior. This assignment
requires you to describe the aspects and
theories of how individuals develop as social
beings, and what contributes to those
processes. Complete the Socialization and
Social Structure Worksheet.
8Submit your completed worksheet to the Assignment
Files tab. Socialization and Social Structure
Respond to the following in 50 to 75 words each,
unless otherwise specified.
In 25 to 50 words each, describe the following
perspectives of development of the
self Cooleys Looking Glass Self
Meads Role Taking
9Piagets Development of Reasoning
What role does socialization take in personality,
morality, emotions, and gender? How do different
agents of socialization contribute?
In 20 to 25 words each, describe how
socialization occurs in each of the following
developmental periods Childhood (birth to age
Adolescence (ages 13-17)
Transitional Adulthood (ages 18-29)
The Middle Years (ages 30-65)
10The Older Years (ages 65 and above)
Different societies have different social
structures. What is social structure? What
components contribute to the macrosociological
perspective of social structure? .................
......................................... SOC
100 Week 3 Discussion Social Groups For more
course tutorials visit
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
Last week, you reviewed some of the ideas about
how individuals arrive at their concept of
self. This week, you move on to explore the
various kinds of groups to which individuals
belong, and you look the various types of groups
and some of the common and significant social
groups. Groups can be divided into primary
groups and secondary groups.
11Groups can further be identified as in-groups and
out-groups. Consider the groups to which you
feel you belong.
Provide an example of a primary and a secondary
group to which you belong. How has technology
affected the primary and secondary groups to
which you belong? Also consider the concept of
in-groups and out- groups. Provide an example of
where people may have been excluded or rejected
based on this kind of group dynamic. .............
.... .........................................
SOC 100 Week 3 Sociological Perspectives and
Social Groups Worksheet For more course
tutorials visit
SOC 100 Week 3 Sociological Perspectives and
Social Groups Worksheet Sociologists use three
main sociological perspectives to view different
aspects of social life. In this assignment, you
apply the three sociological perspectives to the
concepts of marriage, family, education, and
religion. You also differentiate between types
of social groups to better understand how these
groups function in society.
12Complete the Sociological Perspectives and Social
Groups Worksheet. Submit your completed worksheet
to the Assignment Files tab. Sociological
Perspectives and Social Groups Worksheet Part
1 Complete the following table by describing how
each sociological perspective views each
concept. Each response should be 25 to 40 words.
Perspective Marriage Family Education
13Religion Functionalist
14Symbolic Interactionist
Part 2
Respond to the following in 50 to 75 words each
15Describe the characteristics of primary and
secondary groups, and how these groups function
in society.
Explain the main differences between primary and
secondary groups.
Describe the different aspects of group dynamics
that influence social groups. ...................
................................................ .
........................................ SOC 100
Week 4 Discussion Social Deviance and Control For
more course tutorials visit
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
In the past few weeks of sociological study, you
have explored views of individual development
and group dynamics. This week you will study
societal dynamics, which includes social control
and social inequality.
16According to the reading, social deviance can be
perceived as positive or negative, depending on
the context. Provide an original example of
social deviance (not one from the book) that
might be considered negative. Provide another
that might be considered positive. Explain why
each example might be perceived as 'negative' or
'positive'. How might the concept of social
control contribute to the negative or positive
perception? ......................................
............................. ....................
..................... SOC 100 Week 4 Social
Behavior and Inequalities Summary For more
course tutorials visit
SOC 100 Week 4 Social Behavior and Inequalities
Summary There are different social behaviors
that occur within a society, as well as social
inequalities. How do these social behaviors and
17inequalities develop? This assignment requires
you to examine these concepts in more depth, and
explain what you have learned. Write a 350- to
525-word summary of the concepts related to
deviance and social inequalities. Include the
following Describe the concept of
deviance. Describe how each sociological
perspective explains deviance. Describe factors
that contribute to social inequalities. Include a
minimum of 1 source. Submit your summary to the
Assignment Files tab. ............................
....................................... ..........
............................... SOC 100 Week 5
Discussion Social Change For more course
tutorials visit
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
18In this final week of class, you have the
opportunity to reflect on the material from the
past 4 weeks. Sociology explores the
relationships of people to one another, of
individuals in groups, of groups within society,
and the effect of the environment on all of them.
Because the components of society are complex,
social change is continuous. This weeks
activities focused on causes of social change and
the various types of social movements.
Identify one major social change you have
observed during the last 10 years. Share your
selected social change with your classmates.
Which of the following forces contributed to
that social change, and how technology, social
institutions, population, environment? Were there
any social movements that related to this social
change? What effect did the movement have on the
change? ..........................................
......................... ........................
................. SOC 100 Week 5 Social Change
Presentation For more course tutorials visit
Social change can require a large movement, or a
small intervention, depending on the type of
change you are trying to implement. This
19assignment helps you apply what you have learned
this week to a situation in your community in
which social change may be necessary. Review the
Microsoft PowerPoint resources to enhance your
presentation. Create a 6- to 10-slide Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation on social change in
your community.
Include the following Describe a social problem
in your community. (Examples include graffiti in
parks, destruction of community property,
property theft, parking violations, speeding,
improper pet waste disposal, improper
landscaping, or other.)
Choose a theory of social change to apply to this
problem, and describe how this theory proposes
to address this problem and create social change.
20Identify possible social influences or agents for
change to address the problem in your community.
Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.