Title: Ovarian Reserve Testing and Follicular Monotoring | Jindal Clinics
1 Ovarian reserve assessment and follicular
- Dr. Umesh N. Jindal
- Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home
- 3050, Sector 20 D, Chandigarh
2Response variation and challenges
- Predication of pregnancy
- Prediction of non pregnancy
- Stimulation regimen
V. Poor
- Unexpected Hypo
- or hyper Response
V. Good
- Regimen
- Prediction of OHSS
3Question 1
- What do you understand by ovarian reserve?
- 1. Reserve capacity of ovaries to regenerate.
- 2. The pool of primordial follicles at the time
of menarche. - 3. The number of antral follicles on day 2 of
menstrual cycle. - 4. The remaining number of fertilizable follicles
in ovaries.
4Ovarian Reserve Tests
- Tests
- Clinical
- Age, BMI, Infertility diagnosis
- Sonological
- AFC, ovarian volume and stromal flow indices,
Flow - Biochemical, static
- Basal FSH, AMH, Inhibin -B, Basel E2
- Biochemical, dynamic
- Response to various follicle stimulating agents
- End Points
- IVF Outcome
- Prediction of pregnancy
- Prediction of non pregnancy
- Adverse events
- Prediction of cycle cancellation
- Prediction of hyper-response
- Prediction of OHSS
- Prediction of unexpected response
- Optimization
- Selection of stimulation regimen and dose
Clinical utility of any ovarian reserve tests is
assessed by its contribution in decisions making
over and above clinical parameters Relationship
of quality and quantity?
5Clinical assessment of ovarian reserve
All IVF indicated cases
Age, BMI, Infertility Diagnosis
6Age and infertility
7Effect on BMI on Ovarian Reserve and IVF outcome
BMI lt23 n () 2327 n ( ) gt27 n () Totaln ()
ß-HCG Negative 25 (47.2) 29 (59.2) 12 (66.7) 66 (55.0)
ß-HCG Positive 28 (52.8) 20 (40.8) 6 (33.3) 54 (45.0)
Total 53 (100.0) 49 (100) 18 (100.0) 120 (100.0)
chi square p.266
8Effect of infertility diagnosis and response and
IVF outcome
Diagnosis OR test Response Outcome
PCOD High AFC High AMH Small Window of safety Risk of OHSS
Endometriosis AFC unreliable Depending upon reserve Average
Tubal factor TB Not tested Poor Less than average
Male factor As expected As expected Good
9Clinical assessment of ovarian reserve
All IVF indicated cases
Age, BMI, Infertility Diagnosis
10Question 2
- Which ovarian reserve test would you like to do
next? - Day 2-3 FSH
- serum inhibin
- ovarian blood flow and volume
11Clinical assessment of ovarian reserve
All IVF indicated cases
Age, BMI, Infertility Diagnosis
All IVF indicated cases
lt4 Poor
gt14 Hyper
5-13 Normal
12Technique Estimating AFC
- Technique
- Day 2-4
- AF 2-10 mm dia
- All planes
- Indentify ovary
- Count all follicleslt 10m
- Add both ov. count
- Requirements
- Training
- Real time 2 D
- T VS, 7 MHZ
13AFC as test of ovarian Reserve
- Ovarian structure
- Position
- Associated pathology
- Expertise, observer dependent
- High resolution ultrasound
- Very strong correlation
- Easy
- Quick
- Reproducible
- Any time of cycle
14Distinguishing low and high responders
15- AFC 2-6 mm
- Most closely related to AMH
- Best predictor of ovarian response
- Related to retrieval of mature oocytes
- AF 6-10 mm quite likely to be atritic
- Among good vs poor responders
- AF (2-6mm) (10.0 6.1 vs 4.5 2.1 001)
- AF (6-10mm) (3.6 2.3 vs 2.6 1.6.1 P.11)
- Constitute 70 of total AFC
- Haedsma et al Hum Reprod 2009
- Decrease in AFC lt6m with ageAFC 2-4 mm
independent predictor of clinical pregnancy - Deb et al Hum Reprod 2009
- Although it is quite well identified that reserve
is actually represented by lt 6m follicle . All
follicles counted for practicality
16Automated Counting
17 Practical Application
- Practical Utility of clinical judgment and pre
test factors is more important . - Performing an additional test should give
additional information. - Identification of response and outcome is very
important. - None of the tests at present very good.
- The tests are used more for counseling than
decision making.
18Objectives of follicular monitoring
19Question 3
- What do you understand by down regulation ?
- 1.HPO axis has been knocked out by Gn-RH agonists
- 2.Complete endometrial shedding
- 3.No follicular or ovarian activity
- 4.All of the above
20Poor responder
- Considerations before starting IVF
- IVF Outcome
- Prediction of pregnancy ?
- Prediction of non pregnancy ?
- Adverse events
- Prediction of cycle cancellation ?
- Prediction of hyper-response
- Prediction of OHSS
- Prediction of unexpected response ?
- Optimization
- Selection of stimulation regimen and dose ?
21Poor Responder Baseline scan
- Older women
- High range FSH(8-12)
- Low AMH (.3-.6)
- AFC lt4
- Size AFC gt6mm
- Any protocol result remain poor
22Reduced Responder baseline scan
- AFC 4-6
- Young women after ovarian surgery, TB, impending
POF - Older women within 8-10 years of menopause
- Fair success
- Age important determinant
- Counseling for cancellation and reduced success
23Poor responder day 5 scan
- One or two follicles
- Discordant growth
- Poor perifollicular flow
- Unhealthy look
- Will end in empty follicle immature oocytes or
fertilization failure - Cancellation and IVF with OD a better option
24Reduced Response d 5,hCG
- Reduced number of follicles
- Discordant follicles
- Low implantation
- Protocol individualized
- IVF not to be delayed
25Adequate Responder baseline scan
- Ideal case
- Have 4-8 AFC
- Do good with any protocol
- Develop 8-12 follicles
- Unexpected poor response with low starting dose
- Both protocols work well
- baseline scan good responder decide starting
26Plentiful Responder baseline scan
- AFC 8-10 in each ovary
- Develop 10-16 follicles
- Good quality oocytes .
- Good success rate
- Risk of OHSS if starting dose high
27Adequate Response 5,hCG
- Have excellent quality oocytes
- Good success rate
- No risk of OHSS
28Plentiful response d 5,hCG
- Good case for ovum sharing
- Margin of safety less
- Trigger with Gn-RH-a may be a safer option
- If over-stimulated or in planned OD cases
29Hyper Responder
- Considerations before starting IVF
- IVF Outcome
- Prediction of pregnancy
- Prediction of non pregnancy
- Adverse events
- Prediction of cycle cancellation because of poor
response ? - Prediction of hyper-response ?
- Prediction of OHSS ?
- Prediction of unexpected response ?
- Optimization
- Selection of stimulation regimen and dose ?
30Hyper responder baseline scan
- PCOD case
- AFC gt12 in each ovary
- Low starting dose
- Cancellation risk high
31Explosive responder baseline scan
- Subgroup of PCOD
- AFCgt25 in each ovary
- Thick stroma
- Young lean as well as obese PCOD
- V high risk of OHSS and cancellation
- Need experience and judgment in stimulation of
these women
32Hyper Response d 5,hCG
- Antagonist protocol better
- Gn-RH-a trigger can almost eliminate the risk of
33 Explosive d 5,hCG
34 Newer Tools
- color Doppler vascularity is important but
direct use is still limited - 3-D
- Sonovac
- Good predictor of mature follicles
- Does not add to the success rate over 2-D
- Sonoendocrinology and understanding
of follicular dynamics as well as functional
morphology in natural , stimulated and
manipulated cycles is the key to a successful and
safe IVF programme.