Title: Patient Experience Strategy - CX and PX Training
1PX Academy
Pulling from best practices in Customer
Experiences, PX will change the landscape of
healthcare. Mohamed Latib, PhD and CEO/Founder of
CX University and PXA explains, Patients want to
be involved in their care families and friends
also want to be involved in the care of their
loved ones. Patients, like customers, want to be
heard, their concerns addressed promptly, and
every moment of truth in their journey toward
care be incorporated in healthcare organizations
so that these organizations can deliver fantastic
experiences at the same time as they provide
quality clinical outcomes. Read more about PXA
2Patient Experience Strategy
With CXDay just around the corner, get a jump
start by enrolling in our CustomerExperience or
Patient Experience Strategy Online Courses!
Save half off the 500 series for professional
development and certification!
3Patient Centricity in Healthcare
Join the community of Patient Experience
Specialists who have demonstrated mastery of
Patient Experience. The course of study requires
attaining knowledge of the foundational PX
concepts, applying real-world challenges to
learning, and strategic planning of Patient
Experience models. Learners complete the PX500
Mastery Series of Online Courses
independently Learners complete the PX700
Executive Series of Online Courses
independently Learners pass the online
Certification Exam. Learners are awarded the
(PXS) certificates to elevate their professional
standing, the standards of excellence in their
organization, and bring fullness to the CX and PX
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