Title: cloudanalogy12 (8)
1The Biggest Challenges For Salesforce Admins
- The biggest challenges that are faced by
Salesforce Admins in their day-to-day tasks - The work environment
- Shifting demands of customers
- Changes in the digital realm
3Lets get the journey started!
- Have a look at two of the most common challenges
faced by Salesforce Admins.
4Challenge - 1
Symbols and special characters show up in emails
when they are sent in a different language. Users
often face issues with symbols and special
characters in emails sent via Salesforce or on
forms. Requirement The task ahead of us was to
send an email in any language like French, German
or Italian to specific users without changing the
language of the org. Solution Lightning
Experience Avatar Settings My Personal
Information Language Time Zone Update Email
Encoding Save
5Data Quality
Salesforce administrators are faced with the
humongous task of keeping their data clean. It is
worthwhile to note here that user adoption is
enhanced when users trust the data in Salesforce.
Therefore, it is critical for admins to ensure
that data in Salesforce is accurate. User
Adoption Consider the accuracy of data in the
back of the head as we build things out for
customers. Salesforce Admins must provide their
best recommendations and analysis before
implementation thus easing the process of user
adoption. The primary goal of admins with user
adoption is to make the user community feel more
empowered and confident about the CRM system and
its benefit for their enterprise.
6Poorly defined or redundant processes
Investing in technology would always mean
adjusting processes of the business to align with
it. This will modulate the organization up for
success in the long run. Processes such as how
data is managed how your sales teams manage and
route leads what performance metrics are used to
measure success and how orders are entered are a
few examples of what enterprises require to tweak
for avoiding Salesforce problems.
Challenges would always be there but a qualified
and certified Salesforce Administrator has all
the skills required to handle simple as well as
complex requirements. Want to hire best
Salesforce Administrator? Reach out to Cloud
Analogy now.
8Thank You