Finland Dedicated Server (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finland Dedicated Server (1)


– PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: sonuseo
Tags: server


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Finland Dedicated Server (1)

(/) Dedicated Server in Finland Choose Dedicated
Server fr m(maoiltousraleBs_at_ehossttinDguletradsoi
.ccoma) ted Server in Finland ata Center Get
Lowest Latency Rate Whe our Dedicated Server in
Finland Customer Visit Your M sion Critical
o D
n Y is
Server Location
Intel Xeon L5630 2.1 GHz 4 cores
2 120 GB (SSD SATA) or 2 300 GB (HDD SAS) or 2
Hard Drive
16 GB DDR3
139.43 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/hels
Server Location
Intel Xeon E5-2450L 1.8 GHz 8 cores
2 1 TB (HDD SATA) or 2 250 GB (SSD SATA) or 2
600 GB (HDD SAS)
Hard Drive
24 GB DDR3
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/helsinki-fin
Server Location
Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2 3.3 GHz 4 cores
Hard Drive
2 1 TB (HDD
16 GB DDR3
233.82 See Details (/d
Server Location
Intel Xeon L5640 2.2 GHz 6 cores
Hard Drive
2 250 GB (SSD SATA) or 2 1 TB (HDD SATA)
32 GB DDR3
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/helsinki-fin
Server Location
Intel Xeon L5640 2.2 GHz 6 cores
Hard Drive
12 2 TB (HDD SATA)
32 GB DDR3
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/helsinki-fin
Server Location
Intel Xeon E5-2630 2.3 GHz 6 cores
Hard Drive
2 1 TB (HDD
64 GB DDR3
534.15 See Details (/d
Server Location
Intel Xeon E5-2670 2.6 GHz 8 cores
Hard Drive
4 500 GB (SSD SATA) or 4 3 TB (HDD SATA)
128 GB DDR3
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/helsinki-fin
land-dedicated-server-7) Dedicated Server in
Finland Finland, a country in Northern Europe, is
bordered by the Gulf of Bothnia, the Baltic Sea,
and the Gulf of Finland. Although Finland is home
to a small population of 5.52 million, the
country is home to some of the top established
companies. Supercell, Nokia, Codenomicon, and
F-Secure are among the top companies that have
set up their headquarters in this country.
Now, let us discuss if you at all need a
dedicated server or not. If you have a website
that is getting high trafkc consistently and if
that number is signikcant then dedicated servers
will be for you. The second thing to note is if
you are handling sensitive user information such
as bank details, card details, or any other
sensitive private info, then the security of your
site and database should be one of your top
priorities. A breach in security will affect the
trust built with your customers and hence will
affect your business in the long run. Shared
servers are very prone to cyber-attacks and
breaches. So, if you are running such kind of
businesses then you probably should consider a
dedicated server instead of a shared server.
Another thing to consider is performance. No
business wants to compromise on the performance
of its website. Now, if you have a small customer
base or a small amount of trafkc is coming to
your website then a shared server may just do
the work for you and it would be a cheaper
alternative to a dedicated server. But if you
have a huge customer base and a high chunk of
trafkc comes to your site regularly, shared
servers will struggle to
provide the necessary requirements for your
website to ope you get that performance? Well, if
you choose a dedicated se the entire server
conkgurations. What that means is, unlike entire
RAM, hard drive, and bandwidth. In the case of a
share with other websites that are hosted on
that server. That red for the high website
performance. Moreover, this will give yo down or
lag when there is a spike in online trafkc to
your site take a shared server hosting.
smoothly. So, how does a dedicated server
help (fmorayilotoursbaulessin_at_ehsosstthiengnuylot
ruawsoil.lchoamv)e access to ed servers, you
will be having access to the rver, you will have
to share those conkgurations the accessibility
of the bandwidths necessary (https//hostingultras e assurance that
your website wonÃÂÂt be u wonÃÂÂt be
getting this assurance if you
rate rver shar
d se uces u th . Yo
A dedicated server from Finland will be useful
for your busin (ttheel0m0a1jo3r2it3y4o1f2t9he45tr
7a)fkc you are getting is from that very country.
We at Hosting Ultraso provide dedicated servers
in 119 cities across the globe including
Helsinki in Finland. Security of our servers and
hence your data is one of our top priorities.
Hence, our dedicated servers are kept under high
security. The measures that are taken to ensure
the high level of security include continuous
CCTV monitoring, mantraps, biometric and keycard
access, video surveillance to name a few. An
alarm system is also set that would be helpful
in case of emergencies. There is a data center
for colocation in Helsinki as well. Being the
local international server for your business is
the main purpose and motive of us at Hosting
Ultraso. We provide dedicated hosting services
in 119 cities across several countries such as
Finland in Europe. Hosting Ultraso promises you
to provide the lowest latency rate when your
clients visit your site. The best part of Hosting
Ultraso is our website. Every information you
will knd on the site is well-curated and
structured to ensure that you have no problems
while surkng through our site. You can easily
search for the server you need for your
business. But in case you are unable to knd one
that would be suitable, just contact our help
team. They would guide you through the process.
Our help team comprises of a technical team,
billing staff, and sales executives. You will
also be assisted with any kind of queries related
to dedicated servers. We mainly provide 24x7
email support. What are the types of Operating
System provided? H o s t i n g U l t r a s o p r
o v i d e s v a r i o u s t y p e s o f o p e r a
t i n g s y s t e m s a n d y o u c a n c h o o
s e b a s e d o n w h a t y o u w a n t t o h a v
e . T h e s e i n c l u d e
ess if
Cent OS
A free and community-supported computing
platform, CentOS is a Linux distribution platform.
This distribution platform is compatible with
RHEL ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
Ubunt Ubunt
u u
etbfoforrmmi/scontact-form) n.
Another open source and free Linux
distributi based on De
on p bia
Debia Debia
n n
Yet another open-source platform that belongs to
the family of Linux is Debian. It is also known
as Debian GNU.
Fedora Fedora
Developed and supported by the Fedora Project
community is Fedora which is also a
Linux distribution platform.
Free BSD Free BSD
A Unix-like platform originated from the Berkeley
Software Distribution ( BSD) is a Free BSD.
Windows Windows Server
All the operating systems that Windows provides
together are branded as Windows Server. Note that
this doesnÃÂÂt include any other Windows
products. It only includes the operating systems.
Most of our servers are in high demand because of
reliability and reasonable pricing. So, you would
probably have to pre-book our servers so that we
can make it accessible to you whenever it becomes
available. Different types of processors, RAMs,
and bandwidths are accessible. The types of
processors you get with a dedicated server in
Finland are IntelÃÂÂs Xeon L5630, Xeon
E5-2450L, Xeon E3-1230, Xeon L5640, Xeon
E5-2630, and Xeon E5-2670. RAMs accessible are 16
GB D , 24 GB DDR3, 32 GB DDR3, 64 GB DDR3,
and ( 128 GB
DDR3. The bandwidth varies between 100 Mbps
Un ered and 1 Gbps 15 TB Fair Usage.
DR3 met
worthy dedicated servers at a very competitive We
get repeat customers and long-lasting
We at Hosting Ultraso provides one of the most
secure and t price. The servers are very
well-built and of the highest quali clients.
This shows that Hosting UltrasoÃÂÂs dedicated
affordable, and trusty. We are sure that choosing
a dedicate
rust ty. hos d ser
ting service is one of the most genuine,
ver in Finland from us will be key to your
growing business. Some of the benekts of having a
dedicated server from us Additional IP You get
an extra IP address or Internet
Protoc dd(treels0s 0fo1r3y2o3u4r1s2it9e4.
A5n7)IP address is a unique address that every
active site has. Managed Dedicated Server Both
basic and advanced management services are
provided to you for your dedicated servers when
you take those services from us. Money-Back
Guarantee We provide you a money-back guarantee
on the time left on your subscription if you are
not satisked with our service. Bitcoin Payment
We accept all types of payments including
Bitcoin. 24/7 Support Our management team will
always be actively providing you and your
business the support you need at any point in
time. IPMI Access Our dedicated servers come
with IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management
Interface). Operating System You get to choose
from a wide range of operating systems based on
your requirements and your knowledge. All in
all, if most of your clients and the related
trafkc are from Finland, irrespective of whether
your business is on the continent or not, you
can choose one of our dedicated servers to
provide the best possible service for your
ol a
1 323 412 9457 (tel0013234129457) Give us a
Call (mailtosales_at_hosti Send us Message Live Chat
ault) Get all the information (https//
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a, Asia (/dedicated-server/china) Singapore,
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ostingultraso/) ? (https//
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