The RealTime Conferencing Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The RealTime Conferencing Applications


... it can also be used on mobile devices, such as PDAs, mobile phones, and tablets ... intended to enable communication, content sharing, and tools for joint ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The RealTime Conferencing Applications

The Real-Time Conferencing Applications
  • Classification
  • Network News (NNTP)
  • P2P Collaborative applications
  • Instant Messaging
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Netiquette

P2P Collaborative Applications
  • For remote real-time human collaboration
  • Instant messaging, virtual meetings, shared
    whiteboards, teleconferencing, tele-presence
  • E.g., talk, IRC, ICQ, AOL Messenger, Yahoo!
    Messenger, Jabber, MS Netmeeting, NCSA Habanero,

Classification of Textual Conferencing
  • According to the relative timing
  • Asynchronous or
  • Synchronous
  • According to the number of participants
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to Many

Network News, Newsgroups
  • Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
  • Predecessor UUCP
  • Components
  • News Transfer Agency (NTA)
  • News Server
  • News Reader Client Software
  • E.g. Pine, trn, tin, Pnews, Netscape Navigator,

NNTP Operation
  • To acquire recent articles, an NNTP client must
    first establish a TCP connection with port 119 on
    one of its newsfeeds
  • After the connection has been established, the
    client and server communicate using a sequence of
    commands and responses
  • These commands responses are used to ensure
    that the client gets all the articles it needs,
    but no duplicates

NNTP Commands
Names of Some Top-Level Newsgroups and Their
Names of Some Newsgroups in the Field of
Informatics and Their Descriptions
Real-Time User Communication
  • Chat in written form (textual conferencing)
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
  • ICQ
  • Instant Messaging
  • Internet based telephoning

Synchronous choices
  • Talk, n-talk, y-talk
  • ICQ
  • IRC, Netmeeting
  • See http//
  • Web-based synchronous tools, chats
  • Stand alone, CGI-based, and Java-based
  • See http//
  • White-boards

Instant Message Technologies
ICQ Jabber (http// MSN
(Microsoft Messenger) Yahoo! Messenger GMAIL-based
ICQ Instant Messaging
  • Released in November 1996
  • Allows users to be notified when their friends
    come online
  • Users can send messages to their friends
    (instant messaging)
  • Also allows users to exchange files Main ServerUser List
User A
User B
Short history of ICQ
  • The company Mirabilis was founded in 1996
  • their field of focus was to be peer-to-peer
    communication through the Internet
  • In the same year they launched ICQ as their first
  • It was an instant messenger for use on the
  • A lot of others were to come, but ICQ was the
    first one to enter the market
  • Its main features included
  • The ability to show the user when his friends are
    online (connect to the ICQ-server)
  • Invoke online real-time peer-to-peer
    communication in different ways (message, games
  • An address-database for the users friends and
  • In 1998 Mirabilis was bought by AOL, a company
    that earlier had realesed an instant messenger
  • ICQ had although proved to be more successful
    than the AOL instant messenger, and the existence
    of ICQ was not immediately threatened

ICQ today
  • Ever since the first version released in 1996 ICQ
    has focused on the P2P (peer-to-peer)
    communication. The communication possibilities
    have although expanded, and includes in the
    latest beta-version ICQ2000b among other
    functions the following
  • Instant messaging system
  • Realtime chat-function
  • Phone via the Internet (PC-PC, PC-phone
  • SMS service
  • Direct filetransfer possibilites between two
  • ICQ is available for many different operating
    systems today, including a Java-version and also
    a version for the Palm OS.
  • Main competitors include AIM, MSN Messenger and
    the Yahoo! Messenger

Visit Sharons Homepage, or Send her a sms
ICQ Also a Community
Splitting of the Contact list according to their
current ICQ-status
  • User status
  • Sharon has sent you a message
  • Daniel has birthday
  • MOM has left an away message
  • Z-home is not available

Shortcut bar
ICQ status I am currently online -connected to
the ICQ network
The User Menu Here you can choose between all
the different possibilities to contact The user,
or change the current settings for this
particular user
The technical facts
  • To communicate with the server, ICQ uses UDP. In
    the Client-Client case both UDP and TCP are used.
    Inside the UDP packets, the messages themselves
    are created according to the so called
  • If you are interested in the details, try the
    following links
  • The ICQ Protocol Site (English, French, German,
    Russian and Spanish)
  • http//
  • The ICQ Hacking Page (English)
  • http//
  • For general information, visit http//

P2P Collaborative Applications
  • Magi
  • Groove
  • Jabber

  • Tap into knowledge
  • Leverage expertise at the
    edges of organization
  • Each additional member increases the networks
  • Outsourcing
  • Collaborative Development Manager

  • Groove is a collaborative P2P system
  • It is mainly targeted to Internet and intranet
    users, although it can also be used on mobile
    devices, such as PDAs, mobile phones, and tablets
  • It is intended to enable communication, content
    sharing, and tools for joint activities

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
  • Definition of IRC
  • textbased teleconferencing system using TCP/IP
  • multi-user, multi-channel system
  • offers the possibility to talk to other users
    around the world in realtime

History of IRC
  • Summer 1988 Jarrko Oikarinen wrote the first IRC
    client and server at the University of
  • Middle of 1989 40 servers worldwide - release of
  • July 1990 avergage of 12 users on 38 servers
  • August 1990 birth of EFnet
  • October 1992 start of Undernet
  • May 1993 Request for Comments (RFC) 1459
    presented to the public
  • July 1994 birth of Dalnet
  • July 1996 split of the EFnet the European
    servers formed the IRCnet
  • January 1998 start of a initiative (IETF-IRCUP)
    to create a new RFC and to set up a new standard
    for all IRC-networks. The project was cancelled.

IRC networks
Basic IRC Commands
  • Basic Commands (selected)

IRC Channels
  • Real-time chat - text-based conferencing
  • There is an IRC channel dedicated to the World
    Wide Web
  • This channel is named www
  • IRC channels allow Internet users around the
    world to discuss topics in real-time

Architecture of IRC
  • An IRC network is defined by a group of servers
    connected to each other
  • A single server forms the simplest IRC network
  • The only configuration allowed for IRC servers is
    that of spanning tree where each server acts as a
    central node for the rest of the network it sees
  • The IRC protocol provides no mean for two clients
    to directly communicate
  • All communication between clients is relayed by
    the server(s)

Sample Small IRC Network
IRC Protocol Services
  • The next services are offered by the IRC Protocol
  • The combination of these services allow real-time
  • Client Locator
  • Message Relaying
  • Channel Hosting and Management

Client Locator
  • To be able to exchange messages, two clients must
    be able to locate each other
  • Upon connecting to a server, a client registers
    using a label which is then used by other servers
    and clients to know where the client is located
  • Servers are responsible for keeping track of all
    the labels being used

Message Relaying
  • The IRC protocol provides no mean for two clients
    to directly communicate
  • All communication between clients is relayed by
    the server(s)

Channel Hosting and Management
  • A channel is a named group of one or more users
    which will all receive messages addressed to that
  • A channel is characterized by its name and
    current members, it also has a set of properties
    which can be manipulated by (some of) its members
  • Channels provide a mean for a message to be sent
    to several clients
  • Servers host channels, providing the necessary
    message multiplexing
  • Server are also responsible for managing channels
    by keeping track of the channel members

IRC Concepts
  • In the following it is described how different
    classes of messages are delivered
  • One-to-one communication
  • One-to-many
  • One-to-all

One-To-One Communication
  • Communication on a one-to-one basis is usually
    performed by clients, since most server-server
    traffic is not a result of servers talking only
    to each other
  • To provide a means for clients to talk to each
    other, it is required that all servers be able to
    send a message in exactly one direction along the
    spanning tree in order to reach any client.
  • Thus the path of a message being delivered is the
    shortest path between any two points on the
    spanning tree

Examples of One-to-One Communication
  • Example 1 A message between clients C1 and C2 is
    only seen by server S1, which sends it straight
    to C1 and C2, respectively
  • Example 2 A message between clients C1 and C3 is
    seen by servers S1, S2, S3 S4
  • No other clients or servers are allowed see the
  • Example 3 A message between clients C2 and C7 is
    seen by servers S1, S2, S3 S6, only

One-To-Many Communication
  • The main goal of IRC is to provide a forum which
    allows easy and efficient conferencing (one to
    many conversations)
  • IRC offers several means to achieve this, each
    serving its own purpose
  • To a channel
  • To a host/server mask
  • To a list

To a channel
  • In IRC the channel has a role equivalent to that
    of the multicast group
  • Their existence is dynamic
  • Actual conversation carried out on a channel must
    only be sent to servers which are supporting
    users on a given channel
  • Moreover, the message shall only be sent once to
    every local link as each server is responsible to
    fan the original message to ensure that it will
    reach all the recipients

Examples of One-to-Many Communication
  • Example 1 Any channel with C1 in it gt Messages
    to the channel go to the S1 and then nowhere else
  • Example 2 Two clients in a channel gt All
    messages traverse a path as if they were private
    messages between the two clients outside a
  • Example 3 C1, C2 C3 in a channel gt All
    messages to the channel are sent to all clients
    and only those servers which must be traversed by
    the message if it were a private message to a
    single client
  • If C1 sends a message, it goes back to C2 and
    then via S2, S3 S4 to C3

To a host/server mask
  • To provide with some mechanism to send messages
    to a large body of related users, host and server
    mask messages are available
  • These messages are sent to users whose host or
    server information math that of the mask
  • The messages are only sent to locations where
    users are, in a fashion similar to that channels

To a list
  • The least efficient style of one-to-many
    conversation is through clients talking to a
    list of targets (client, channel, mask)
  • How this done is almost self explanatory
  • the client gives a list of destinations to which
    the message is to be delivered and
  • the server breaks it up and dispatches a separate
    copy of the message to each given destination
  • This is not as efficient as using a channel since
    the destination list may be broken up and the
    dispatch sent without checking to make sure
    duplicates arent sent down each path

One-To-All Communication
  • The one-to-all type of message is better
    described as a broadcast message, sent to all
    clients or servers or both
  • On a large network of users and servers, a single
    message can result in a lot of traffic being sent
    over the network in an effort to reach all of the
    desired destinations
  • For some class of messages, there is no option
    but to broadcast it to all servers so that the
    state information held by each server is
    consistent between servers
  • Its types
  • Client-to-client
  • Client-to-server
  • Server-to-server

  • There is no class of message which, from a single
    message, results in a message being sent to every
    other client

  • Most of the commands which result in a change of
    state information (such as channel membership,
    channel mode, user status, etc.) must be sent to
    all servers by default
  • This distribution shall not be changed by the

  • While most messages between servers are
    distributed to all other servers, this is only
    required for any message that affects a user,
    channel or server
  • Since these are the basic items found in IRC,
    nearly all messages originating from a server are
    broadcast to all other connected servers

Architecture Related Problems of IRC (1)
  • Scalability
  • This protocol does not scale sufficiently well
    when used in a large arena
  • The main problem comes from the requirement that
    all servers know about all other servers, clients
    and channels and that information regarding them
    be updated as soon as it changes
  • Reliability
  • As the only network configuration allowed for IRC
    servers is that of a spanning tree, each link
    between two servers is an obvious and quite
    serious point of failure

Architecture Related Problems of IRC (2)
  • Network Congestion
  • Due to the spanning tree architecture the IRC
    protocol is extremely vulnerable to network
  • This problem is endemic (local), and should be
    solved for the next generation
  • if congestion and high traffic volume cause a
    link between two servers to fail, not only this
    failure generates more network traffic, but the
    reconnection (eventually elsewhere) of two
    servers also generates more traffic
  • In an attempt to minimize the impact of these
    problems, it is strongly recommended that servers
    do not automatically try to reconnect too fast,
    in order to aggravating this situation

Architecture Related Problems of IRC (3)
  • Privacy
  • Besides not scaling well, the fact that servers
    need to know all information about other
    entities, the issue of privacy is also a concern
  • This is in particular true for channels, as the
    related information is quite a lot more revealing
    than whether a user is online or not
  • Security considerations
  • Asides from the privacy concerns, security is

Software Implementations References
  • Software implementations
  • ftp//
  • ftp//
  • ftp//
  • References

Netiquette issues
Media richness (paucity), self presentation,
flaming and social control issues
  • Rule 6 Share expert knowledge
  • Rule 7 Help keep flame wars under control
  • Rule 8 Respect other people's privacy
  • Rule 9 Don't abuse your power
  • Rule 10 Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
  • Rule 1 Remember the Human
  • Rule 2 Adhere to the same standards of behavior
    online that you follow in real life
  • Rule 3 Know where you are in cyberspace
  • Rule 4 Respect other people's time and bandwidth
  • Rule 5 Make yourself look good online
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