Title: Estonia Dedicated Server (1)
1(/) Dedicated Server in Estonia
ted ata Center Your Dedicated Server in
ro a D
Choose Dedicated Server f Server in Estoni Get
Lowest Latency Rate Whe Estonia Customer Visit
n Mis
sion Critical Application
Server Location
(tel0013234129457) GHz 2 cores
Intel Xeon 51
40 2.3
Hard Drive
2 72 GB (HDD SAS)
285.36 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/tall
Server Location
Intel Xeon 5140 2.3 GHz 2 cores
Hard Drive
294.93 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/tall
2Server Location
Intel Xeon E5420 2.5 GHz 4 cores
Hard Drive
2 72 GB (HD
S) (mailtosales_at_hostingultraso.com)
330.25 See Details (/d
Server Location
(tel0013234129457) .5 GHz 4 cores
Intel Xeon E5
420 2
Hard Drive
339.82 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/tall
Server Location
Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2 3.3 GHz 4 cores
Hard Drive
16 GB DDR3
493.86 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/tall
3Server Location
Intel Xeon E5530 2.4 GHz 4 cores
Hard Drive
2 1 TB (HDD
16 GB DDR3
516.32 See Details (/d
Server Location
(tel0013234129457) 2 GHz 6 cores
Intel Xeon E5-
Hard Drive
16 GB DDR3
560.21 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/tall
inn-estonia-dedicated-server-7) Dedicated Server
in Estonia
If you are in search of a dedicated server in
Estonia, this post is for you. I am going to
share every information you need to know before
getting one. The krst question to answer is why
do we need a dedicated server in the krst place.
There are several possible reasons for that.
Keep reading to know. If you have a growing
business or if it is already big and you are
expecting a high incoming trafkc to your website
consistently, then a dedicated server will only
ensure that your website maintains the
high-performance level throughout. A dedicated
server will ensure that your website can handle
high spikes in trafkc. Next is security. If
security is your top priority then investing in
this type of server is worth it. You may be
running an online business where your customers
are storing valuable personal information on your
database. So, it is your responsibility to keep
the privacy. Having a VPS or shared hosting will
make you vulnerable to cyber breaches and
attacks. The third option why you may be
considering a dedicated server is that you want
fast page loading times. Research shows if your
page takes more than 6 seconds to load, you will
be losing a lot of trafkc. So, it is advisable
to ensure that your loading speeds be below 3
seconds. A dedicated server will get you exactly
4Business and Technology in Estonia
you want.
Now that we know why we will be needing a
dedicated server, the next question is why a
dedicated in Estonia. But before we dive deep
into that, letÃÂÂs see the business and
technology in Estonia.
Estonia, also known as the Republic of Estonia,
is a country i Sweden, Latvia, and Russia.
Tallinn is the capital and the lar dedicated
servers in Tallinn in Estonia. Some of the top
com such as Aqris, Nortal, ZeroTurnaround, and
AS Starman to n have together launched the krst
5G networks in Estonia. Th and the local
ion.lcaonmd), Baltic Sea, ity of Estonia. We at
Hosting Ultraso provide s have set up their
headquarters in Estonia few. Telia, the TalTech
University, and Ericsson
n No gest c
panie ame a e pur
pose is to create a testbed for the university
The dedicated servers we provide are accessible
in more th Tallinn is one of them. The country
also has a data center for
9 cities across the globe. As I said
earlier, c(taetlio0n0i1n3T2a3lli4n1n2it9s4e5lf7.
T) he security of our data
an 11 colo
- centers is one of our priorities. The security
includes mantraps, continuous CCTV monitoring,
video surveillance, - and an alarm system for emergencies. All these
security measures are to ensure that you
donÃÂÂt lose precious information to
attackers. - If you are still wondering if you need a
dedicated server or will a shared server might
just do the work, in this section, I will be
discussing the differences between shared servers
and dedicated servers. - In the case of a shared server, a number of other
organizations will be hosted on the same server
as yours. So, if one of the websites hosted on
your server does something negative, Google or
for that matter of fact, any search engine can
black-mark your server. Your website will be
affected despite your best efforts. Having a
dedicated server means your site is the only one
hosted. That means you will have a unique IP
address. - Moreover, you donÃÂÂt have to worry about what
other sites might be doing. - Since on a shared server, multiple businesses are
using the server hence the bandwidth and hard
disk space are being shared by all of them.
While in the case of a dedicated server, you will
have your own server and hence you can use the
entire bandwidth and disk space for yourself.
That will, on the other hand, ensure that you
donÃÂÂt compromise on your page load speeds.
Good page load speeds, in turn, will help you
retain visitors and reduce bounce rates.
Moreover, if you are using higher disk space or
exceed the bandwidth cap you are allowed, then
you may be penalized. - Shared servers are management. You rarely need to
handle technical stuff. Dedicated servers can be
managed or unmanaged. But dedicated servers are
costlier than shared servers. But it is worth it
for growing businesses. - I have already discussed page load times and
security. Dedicated servers are way more secure
and the page load times are minimal. - So, if most of your trafkc coming to your website
are from Estonia, then I would recommend you to
take a dedicated server in Estonia. This will
give those visitors the best surkng experience.
5We at Hosting Ultraso have one objective in mind,
that is to be the local international server for
you and your business. We provide dedicated
hosting services in 119 cities across several
countries including Estonia in Europe. Hosting
Ultraso promises you to provide the lowest
latency rate when your clients visit your
site. If you look into our website, you will knd
properly arranged and curated information. We
have spent a lot of time
carefully analyzing the problems you may be
facing while lo for a dedicated server. Those
efforts have resulted in such well-structured
data. The main purpose is t move those potential
problems and simplifying
oking o re
the process of searching the right server for
your business. Each and every location has
multiple types of server
conkgurations. It may be possible that you are
unable to kn important to note that we can
customize the server conkgu you need help. You
will receive 24x7 support from our help-t
queries. The team comprises of expert
professionals includi executives. They will back
you up with solutions to the ques their
conkgurations. There will be email support from
our si dedicated servers are the ones for you.
mething suitable for your business. It
is n(shtftoprsy/o/uh.oSsot,inygoulntreaesdot.cooc
mo/nwtaecbtfoursmw/hcoenteavcetr-form) whenever
you need assistance with your lling staff, a
technical team, and sales you may have regarding
dedicated servers and y(toeulw00a1nt3a23se4c1u2r
9e4a5n7d)authentic server, our
d so ratio eam ng bi
tions de. If
What are the types of Operating System
provided? H o s t i n g U l t r a s o p r o v i d
e s v a r i o u s t y p e s o f o p e r a t i n g
s y s t e m s a n d y o u c a n c h o o s e b a
s e d o n w h a t y o u w a n t t o h a v e . T h
e s e i n c l u d e CentOS Cent OS
A free and community-supported computing
platform, CentOS is a Linux distribution platform.
This distribution platform is compatible with
RHEL ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
Ubuntu Ubuntu
Another open source and free Linux distribution
platform is Ubuntu. This platform is based on
Debian Debian
6Yet another open-source platform that belongs to
the family of Linux is Debian. It is also known
as Debian GNU.
Fedora Fedor (mailtosales_at_hostingultraso.com) De
veloped and supported by the Fedora Project
community is Fedora which is also a Linux
distribution pl
rm. (https//hostingultraso.com/webform/contact-fo
atfo SD SD
Free B Free B
(tel0013234129457) oftware Distribution ( BSD)
is a Free
A Unix-like platform originated from the
Berke BSD.
ley S
Windows Windows Server
All the operating systems that Windows provides
together are branded as Windows Server. Note that
this doesnÃÂÂt include any other Windows
products. It only includes the operating
systems. What are the types of Dedicated Servers
in Estonia available? For Estonia in Europe, we
provide you with assembled dedicated server
bundles based on your requirements. There are
seven already mentioned dedicated server
conkgurations available on your website. Estonia
Dedicated Server In Estonia, we provide
well-established Intel processors. You get
multiple options when it comes to bandwidth, RAM,
and hard drives. There are seven types of
dedicated server conkgurations The type of
processors provided are Xeon 5140, Xeon E5420,
Xeon E3-1230, Xeon E5530, and Xeon E5- 2620. The
RAMs accessible are 4 GB DDR3, 8 GB DDR3, and 16
GB DDR3. A 100 Mbps Unmetered Fair Usage
bandwidth is accessible. Types of hard drives
provided are 72 GB (HDD SAS), and 1 TB (HDD
SATA). Please contact us if you need a dedicated
server from Estonia. We can assemble it for you.
7There are two types of IP addresses we provide
you IPv4 and IPv6. Without any extra charge, one
IP address is given to you for free along with
the server bundle itself. We understand that you
may need multiple IP addresses. So, contact us
if you need more. Because our dedicated servers
are mainly unmanaged you either need to have the
right knowledge to operate. Or you have to hire
the right team to
handle all the operations related to server
manageme yourself. Although, as you already know,
we have our problems you may be facing.
ou will have to self administer and maintain
it (emlpaidlteosksateleasm_at_thoohsteilnpgyuolturaw
sioth.cowmha) tever
nt. Y own h
The server location is in Estonia, Europe. There
are ce for our dedicated servers in Estonia.
Because of that, case, if you really need a
server, we recommend you t you the access
whenever it becomes available. What are the
Benefits Dedicated Server in E
times in the year when there is a high
demand e(hrvtteprsm/a/hyonsottinbgeualtvraisloa.
bcloems/owmeebtfiomrems/.cIonntthaactt-form) -book
it with a backorder. Then we will provide
rtain the s o pre
o st
f(teHl00a132v34i1n294g57) a onia from
Hosting Ultraso?
Hosting Ultraso provides one of the most
dependable and trusty dedicated servers at a very
competitive price. The servers are of the very
powerfully-built and of the highest quality. We
get repeat customers and long- lasting clients.
This shows that Hosting UltrasoÃÂÂs dedicated
hosting service is one of the most genuine,
affordable, and trustworthy. We are sure that
choosing a dedicated server in Estonia from us
will be key to your growing business. Some of
the benekts of having a dedicated server from
us Additional IP You get an extra IP address or
Internet Protocol address for your site. An IP
address is a unique address that every active
site has. Managed Dedicated Server Both basic
and advanced management services are provided to
you for your dedicated servers when you take
those services from us. Money-Back Guarantee We
provide you a money-back guarantee on the time
left on your subscription if you are not
satisked with our service. Bitcoin Payment We
accept all types of payments including
Bitcoin. 24/7 Support Our management team will
always be actively providing you and your
business the support you need at any point in
time. IPMI Access Our dedicated servers come
with IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management
Interface). Operating System You get to choose
from a wide range of operating systems based on
your requirements and your knowledge. All in
all, if most of your clients and the related
trafkc are from Estonia, irrespective of whether
your business is in the country or not, you can
choose one of our dedicated servers to provide
the best possible service for your consumers.
91 323 412 9457 (tel0013234129457) Give us a
Call sales_at_hostingultraso.com (mailtosales_at_hosti
ngultraso.com) Send us Message Live Chat
b784f74afc2c34e96e7b221/default) (mailtosales_at_hos
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