Title: CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
1CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
2CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 All Assignments (New Syllabus) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355
Assignment Week 1 Logic Model (New Syllabus) CJA
355 Assignment Week 2 Team Problem Solving
Evaluation Presentation (New Syllabus) CJA 355
Assignment Week 2 Needs Statement and Management
Plan (2 Papers) (New Syllabus)
3CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 1 Logic Model (New
www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment Week 1
Logic Model Imagine that you are part of a local
group developing a grant-funding proposal for a
crime prevention program targeting businesses in
your community.
4CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 2 Needs Statement and
Management Plan (2 Papers) (New Syllabus) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  CJA
355 Assignment Week 2 Needs Statement and
Management Plan Imagine that you are employed by
one of the following The social services
division of a state or city government
5CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 2 Team Problem Solving
Evaluation Presentation (New Syllabus) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355
Assignment Week 2 Learning Team Problem Solving
Evaluation Presentation Discuss the programs
identified in the Assignment Week 1 Logic Model
assignment. Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation in which your Learning
Team compares the program with the problem
solving model
6CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 3 Project Timeline (2
Papers) (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment Week 3
Project Timeline Assume that you are a member of
a city-wide task force appointed by your mayor
for the purpose of addressing the issue of
homeless persons in your area. You have been
tasked with developing a grant or
foundation-funded proposal for a project to
assist homeless persons in your community.
7CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 3 Team Grant Proposal
Audit Evaluation (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment
Week 3 Learning Team Grant Proposal Audit
Evaluation Review the Audit of the Office of
Justice Programs Correctional Systems and
Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program
Grant Awarded to the Eight Northern Indian
Pueblos Council OhkayOwingeh, New Mexico by the
Office of the Inspector General, and then discuss
the audit results with your team.
8CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 4 Evaluations and Budget
Paper (2 Papers) (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment
Week 4 Evaluations and Budget Paper Write a
1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer
the following questions What are the benefits of
an evaluation plan?
9CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 4 Team Program Budget
Assignment (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment Week 4
Learning Team Program Budget Assignment Imagine
that you are seeking a 50,000 grant for the
purpose of improving the processing and
examination of DNA evidence collected pursuant to
criminal investigations in your local police
department. There are many DNA samples awaiting
processing, and the funding is meant to help
improve the process. The grant funding period is
one year (12 months).
10CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 5 Grant Guide (2 Papers)
www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment Week 5
Grant Guide Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word grant
writing guide that highlights the most important
parts of the grant writing process from beginning
to end, including submission guidelines and
addressing post grant activities.
11CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Assignment Week 5 Team Building the
Proposal (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cja355mentor.com  CJA 355 Assignment Week 5
Learning Team Building the Proposal Resources As
signment Week 1 Logic Model assignment Case Study
1 Application of a Simple Logic Model in Ch.
5, Project Design, of TheNuts and Bolts of
Grant Writing (access through the Paper tab)
12CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 1 Assignment Program Evaluation
www.cja355mentor.com  This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Program Evaluation Paper Instructions Writ
e a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you
identify a grant funded program that was
implemented by a criminal justice agency in the
13CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 2 Assignment Problem Evaluation
www.cja355mentor.com  This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Problem Evaluation Paper Instructions Sele
ct a current problem in one area of the criminal
justice field. Writea 1,050- to 1,750-word paper
evaluating the problem. Include the following in
your paper
14CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 2 Assignment Problem Solving
Evaluation Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cja355mentor.com  Problem Solving
Evaluation Presentation Instructions ResourcesPr
oblem Solving Model Video Discuss the programs
identified by each team member in the Program
Evaluation Paper. Selectone program for
15CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 3 Assignment Grant Writing Best
Practices Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Grant Writing Best Practices
Paper Instructions Evaluatethe information
provided in the Grant Writing 2007 Your
16CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 3 Assignment Name That Project
www.cja355mentor.com  Name That Project
Presentation Instructions ResourcesProposal 5
in Ch. 9 of Writing Grant Proposals That
Win Evaluatethe Proposal 5 in Ch. 9 of Writing
Grant Proposals That Win,
17CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 4 Assignment Budget Construction
Justification Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cja355mentor.com  This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Budget Construction
Justification Paper Instructions Reviewyour
Problem Evaluation Paper from Week Two. Select
one of your possible solutions for the problem
you identified.
18CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 4 Assignment Post Program
www.cja355mentor.com Post Program
Evaluation Instructions ReviewProposal 5 in Ch.
9 of Writing Grant Proposals That Win and the
presentation your team created in Week Three.
Evaluate the needed resources identified in the
proposal. Create a spreadsheet budget that
includes probable costs for obtaining those
19CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 5 Assignment Grant Writing Guide (2
www.cja355mentor.com  This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Grant Writing Guide Instructions Createa
1,050- to 1,750-word grant writing guide that
incorporates the most important parts of the
grant writing process from beginning to end.
20CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com
CJA 355 Week 5 Assignment Post Program
www.cja355mentor.com  Post Program
Evaluation Instructions Resources"Demonstrating
Accountability Program Design and Evaluation"
from the Week Five Electronic Reserve
Readings Review the program that your team
evaluated in the Problem Solving Evaluation
Presentation from Week Two.
21CJA 355 MENTOR Education System--cja355mentor.com