How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal?


Red Tape Busters is one of the leading Grant Writing Company in Australia. We work with you through all stages of the grant writing process, including grant research, grant preparation, grant submission, lobbying funding bodies on your behalf and managing awarded grants. For more information, please visit - – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal?

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  • A grant proposal for your non-profit must clearly
    define a specific problem you have identified in
    your community or an area of interest.
  • It must describe a plan that will address the
    problem. And then your grant proposal must detail
    the plan in detail for the funding body.

  • Step 1 Identify the Problem
  • For your grant proposal to receive funding, the
    funding body must be thoroughly convinced that
    your plan, if funded, will have a positive,
    constructive and measurable effect on your
  • Involve All Stakeholders to identify a need. A
    funding body will look for a clear and concise
    description of the problem or situation that
    satisfies most of the stakeholders.
  • Dont forget to add in the possible cause or
    causes of the problem with details on how that
    will be addressed.

  • Step 2 What You Hope to Achieve
  • Now that you have identified the problem and its
    causes, you will need to focus on the solution or
    a desired outcome.
  • Involve all your stakeholders and develop a
    consensus on your primary outcomes. These
    outcomes need to be realistic and achievable.
  • You also need to know how you will measure and
    record the outcomes.

  • Step 3 Design Your Plan
  • The next step in preparing your plan is to
    determine your best path to get there. So, how do
    you decide? The first step is to talk to experts.
  • Then look at what other organisations have done
    to address similar problems. Then do an internet
    search. Have you missed a solution?
  • Your completed plan should be a clear description
    of how you intend to achieve your desired
    outcomes, a timeline and a detailed workplan.

  • Step 4 Locate Funding Sources
  • Now that you have agreed on a solution and plan
    design, you will need to find the resources. This
    includes the people, any equipment, and, of
    course, the money to get your plan done.
  • Locating an appropriate grant, requires time and
    careful planning. Funding bodies can have a
    lengthy process for reviewing all grant
  •, the governments central source
    for locating, reviewing and applying for grants
    from 26 federal grant-making agencies.

  • Step 5 Write Your Proposal
  • Once you have a written description of your plan
    and found suitable grants, it is time to write
    your grant proposals.
  • Tailor every grant proposal to the individual
    funding body. If the funding body has requested a
    preferred style and format, use it. Study any
    previously winning grant proposals.
  • Use them as templates for how to build your grant
    proposal. Ensure you follow every instruction.

  • If there is a five-page limit, stick to five
    pages. If there is a twenty-page limit, stick to
    twenty pages.
  • Use a checklist to make sure you have addressed
    the criteria and that your grant proposal is
    complete. Take your time to edit your grant
    proposal carefully.
  • Small mistakes may have large consequences, such
    as rejection. And DO NOT miss the deadlines.

  • Consider Hiring a Professional Writer
  • Many organisations chose to hire a professional
    grant writer. The advantage with this is that the
    grant writer can invest more time to the
    proposal, which you might not have.
  • Red Tape busters has a team of professional and
    experienced grant writers ready to help.
  • Red Tape Busters has grant writers local to your
    area, with grant writer Melbourne, grant writer
    Brisbane and everywhere else across Australia,
    they are waiting for your call.

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