Title: Tips for Writing a Winning Proposal
1Tips for Writing a Winning Proposal
- Prof. Ziad Al-Saad and Nizar Abu-Jaber
2- It takes more than good ideas to get funding for
your research. You need to explain your good
ideas to a panel of reviewers in a way that will
convince them that your work is important and
that it will likely succeed. - You also need to convince them that your ideas
are better than everbody elses
3- As you prepare your proposal, keep the following
points in mind. Remember, many ideas fail to gain
support not because they were not good ideas but
because they were not clearly and convincingly
4Write with your reviewers in mind.
- - Make sure your argument is easy to follow and
clear. - - Do not waste the time of your reviewers get
right to the point. - - Include only essential information.
- - Write in a clear, engaging style.
5Be the Master of Form as well as Substance
- Beware Most granting agencies strictly enforce
formatting requirements and may return improperly
formatted applications! Don't risk having your
application rejected because you exceeded the
page limits or used an improper font, font size,
or margins.
6General Goodies
- Make sure your idea is not too broad. Your
hypothesis must be testable during your three-to
four-year award with the level of resources you
are requesting. - Keep in mind that your topic should fit with the
mission of the granting agency.
7General Goodies
- Reviewers also want to see how your project fits
into the big picture in your field. Make this
clear and explicit. Search agency databases to
see what other projects in your field are funded,
so you can carve out your niche. - Don't confuse your hypothesis with your methods.
Methods are the means for performing your
experiments. Your experimental results will prove
or disprove your hypothesis
8Develop Solid Hypotheses
- Choose an important, testable, focused
hypothesis. - It should be based on previous research.
- An example of a good research hypothesis
- Analogs to chemokine receptors can inhibit HIV
infection. - Examples of a poor research hypothesis
- Analogs to chemokine receptors can be
biologically useful. - A wide range of moleculescan inhibit HIV
9Focus, Focus
- Sharpen the focus of your application. Applicants
often overshoot their mark, proposing too much. - Make sure the scale of your hypothesis and aims
fits your request of time and resources.
Reviewers will quickly pick up on how well
matched these elements are. - Your hypothesis should be testable and aims
doable with the resources and time frame you are
10Formulate clear research questions early in your
- - What do you want to know?
- - Why is it important to gain the insights or
information you are seeking?
11Be explicit about the relevance of your work
- - Which areas of interest are you addressing?
- - How will your proposal further the objectives
of the research program? - - Is you work relevant to any particular agency?
If so, be explicit about this connection.
12List and discuss prior research that has been
done by you and others.
- - Where does you proposed work stand in relation
to other similar research? - - What conclusions has prior research reached?
- - How will your work build on and advance
research in your particular area?
13Make sure your research methods are clearly
described, understandable andrealistic?
- - Provide a clear outline of what you will do and
when. - - Give sufficient detail so a reviewer can judge
the feasibility of your work. - - Anticipate questions about your methods and try
to answer them.
14Make sure your research team has the expertise
needed to carry out the work.
- Be explicit about who will do what work.
- Provide information that will allow others to
assess the abilities of your research team (CVs
may not be enough).
15Discuss limitations and possible problems and how
you will deal with them.
- - What problems might you encounter in your
research? - - How will you deal with these problems?
- - Are their important questions that you will not
be able to answer during the proposed research?
16Make sure your abstract clearly and precisely
summaries your project.
- - Briefly summarize your aims, methods, and
anticipate conclusions. - - Take care to avoid technical language that
makes your abstract difficult to understand.
17Carefully check your application for grammar,
style, and argument.
- - Have you described your research in a logical
order? - - Are your paragraphs clear and organized around
a single point? - - Have you checked carefully for careless errors,
the misuse of words, and other common writing
18Have someone who is not familiar with your work
read over your proposal
- For clarity and style.
- - Can someone who is not familiar with you work
follow your description of your proposal? - - Did they find your proposal interesting and
easy to read? - - Choose somebody who will tell you things you
dont want to hear.
19Psychiatric Intervention is a Good Thing
- You WILL get frustrated, angry with the world,
mad as hell, short tempered with your wife, kids
and so forth as you write your grant. - In fact, you will become clinically deranged at
times. - But, you will recover (in most cases..).
20You Have Finished a Draft
- Eventually, you will have a draft narrative
(unless your computer crashes and you forgot to
back up your files.) - Set it aside for a time.
- Go back and rewrite it so that it makes sense.
- Repeat this process until you are sick of looking
at it.
21In Your Spare Time.
- Besides narrative, there is a bunch of other
stuff that you have to do. This means the
administrative form pages. This is good stuff to
do when you are brain dead from writing your
science narrative.
22Budgets, Budgets
- Another good thing to do at some point during the
process is your budget. - Prepare your budget after you have written your
research plan and have a good idea of what the
costs of your project will be. - Request only enough money to do the work.
Reviewers will judge whether your request is
realistic and justified by your aims and methods.
- Significant over-or under-estimating suggests you
don't understand the scope of the work.
23More Budgets, Budgets
- As a new investigator, you should request a
relatively modest budget. Be a cheap date but
dont make your budget so low that you cannot do
the work proposed if you are funded.
24You Have a Decent Draft
- Remember those two colleagues?
- Now that you have a decent draft, give it to
them. - If they are good colleagues, they will be
critical. - Dont get upset by criticism, thank them. Its
better that they point out the flaws than the
reviewers. - Consider their comments and revise accordingly.
- But its ultimately your grant application and you
know the subject matter better than anyone else. - So be as objective as possible. Consider the
comments of your colleagues but they wont
(shouldnt) be offended if you dont accept each
25The Deadline is Now!
- At some point, the deadline will be approaching
fast. You will be clinically insane and obsessed
with polishing each and every sentence into a
gem. But it cant go out the door until its
routed through Research Administration. - Please remember that your Research Administration
staff are human beings. - In any case, you need that signature on the face
page before it goes out the door. - So dont take it to Research Administration at
430 p.m. on the deadline day and expect them to
sign off without having a chance to review it.
Plan ahead!
26Its Out the Door. Now what happens?
- Your baby goes to a peer review panel. The
members of the panel get a big box of grant
applications, at which time they mutter
expletives which cannot be repeated here. - The box with the grant applications sits on the
reviewers desk (or the floor) until the time
before the meeting gets short. Eventually, the
time comes and your grant application undergoes
peer review
27How Dare You Call my Baby Ugly??!!!
- Odds are, especially for your first application,
that is will not be funded on the first try. - So, get mad for awhile.
- Then, get over it and plan a revised application.
- A revised application may or may not permit you
respond to the previous critique. - Follow the guidelines.
- Be positive in your response, thanking the panel
for their insightful advice. - But dont be afraid to point out your
disagreement, doing it respectfully, if
appropriate. Dont be selective by responding to
some but not all pertinent comments in the
critique. - Involve your two colleagues in the process.
- Send it back.
- The most important word in grantsmanship is
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