Title: Reports of a supervised visitation in California
1Reports of a supervised visitation in California
2These are the California rules for reports after
a Supervised visit in California The Standard
5.20(J)(3) is the law for only. It requires that
the supervised visitation/exchange report include
facts, observations, and direct statements from
the supervised visit/exchange. If child/parent
quotes occur during the course of the supervised
visit, then the professional provider would
include this information in the supervised
visitation report. In these Standard
5.20(J)(3), which is a law in California for
supervised visitation monitors, it is required
that the professional provider may consider
checking with the appropriate court jurisdiction
regarding the format of the supervised visitation
report but remember that the content of the
report/whats required to be included in the
supervised visitation/exchange report is outlined
under Standard 5.20(J)(3) . The standard
5.20(J)(3) outlines who should get a copy of the
supervised visitation/exchange report If ordered
by the court, or requested by either party, or
the attorney for either party, or the attorney
for the child may request a copy of the
visitation/exchange report.
3And the original report must be sent to the court
if so ordered, or to the requesting party or
attorney, and copies should be sent to all
parties, their attorneys, and the attorney for
the child. Additionally, under section (K)
confidentiality, the professional provider may
have to release /disclose information under the
following -confidentiality When subpoenaed to
produce records or testify in court, requested to
provide information about the case by a mediator
or evaluator in conjunction with a court-ordered
mediation, investigation, or evaluation, or
required by Child Protective Services, or
requested by law enforcement. The sharing of the
supervised visitation/exchange report with other
agencies is not listed as one the individuals
and/or entities that may request the supervised
visitation report under Standard 5.20. There is a
separate fee for showing up in court. The
professional providers fee for the supervised
visit or exchange assumes the fee for the
supervised visitation/exchange report because the
provider must complete a report for each
visit/exchange or an additional charge can be
agreed upon in the agreement with the visitation
monitor. Meaning, if the fee for the visit is say
50.00, another 50.00 would be added for the
monitors time to prepare a declaration or a
report, sometimes referred to as a case
management fee.
4The length of the supervised visitation/exchange
report will depend on the nature and degree of
parent-child contact that occurred during the
visit or exchange. Under Standard 5.20(J)(3), the
supervised visitation report should include
facts, observations, and direct statements, and
thus, depending on the nature and degree of
parent-child contact during the visit/exchange
will determine the length of the report. So the
key is to determine before the visits are started
to see if you want very detailed reports or a
summary of all of them to reduce costs.
Personally I have felt that a summary is easier
for the court to review because the time is
limited. Article Resource - https//www.legalang