Title: 5 Best Pain Relief Solutions
15 Best Pain Relief Solutions
2Heat and cold therapy
Both heat and cold therapies do wonders to
alleviate pains. The cold subsides the pain by
numbing the muscle whereas heat leads to
increased blood flow and pushes in fresh
nutrients to the affected area. For an acute
injury, like twisting of the ankle it is best to
put ice on it immediately as additional heat will
lead to increased blood flow and swelling. Now if
you have constant spasms in the back or any other
muscle, use warm water bags or Epsom salt baths
with hot water for that lower back pain relief.
Contrary to popular belief, the right kind of
exercise does work very well to soothe some of
the sore and tensed muscles. Stretching is of
utmost importance to release any pent up tension
and loosen the muscles. Soft stretches help for
lower back pain relief. When we exercise our body
also releases hormones like endorphin that are
natural painkillers. These increase the threshold
of pain your body can actually bear by
interacting with the brain and changing the
perception of feeling pain. If you are in too
much pain, very mild exercises should be done.
Something as basic as walking around
There are a bunch of ointments with varied
formulas. There could be muscle pain relief gels,
balms, creams or oils amongst the others. You
must pick the one that suits you the best.
Instant sprays are also on the rise. One thing to
take into consideration while you choosing one of
these is how sensitive your skin is. For
extremely sensitive skin, make sure you dont
apply something very stone for it might irritate
and burn your skin. Another thing is stick to the
proportion theyve asked to be used. Dont go all
guns blazing and over use the product as, again,
it might cause irritation.
When youre in pain the best way to combat it is
divert your mind and focus on something better.
Since it doesnt demand a script that needs to be
followed to a tee, go ahead, pick up any YouTube
tutorial you like and start off. Mindfulness
meditation is a good option. Studies have found
that people who practised meditation reported a
great pain relief and less anxiety as opposed to
those who didnt. If this isnt convincing
enough, apply any of the muscle pain relief gels
to speed up the recovery followed by a whole
hearted meditation process.
Natural ingredients
Essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender,
peppermint and rosemary are brilliant natural
pain relievers. The nutrients found in ginger
speed up recovery and help settle inflammation.
Turmeric too is known for its anti inflammatory
properties and its Curcumin content soothes joint
pains and body aches. Commonly used to relieve
toothache studies prove that cloves can also be
used to alleviate a number of other pains
5Thank You