Title: 8 Major Depression Symptoms by Ritu Singal
18 Major Depression Symptoms
21. Depressed mood It is a feeling of sadness or
emptiness present almost every day and all day.
This sadness can be accompanied by crying or a
feeling of hopelessness. The peculiarity is that
this sadness is almost permanent and has no
specific reason stated by the person. Always
thinking about how to Deal with Depression.
2. Decrease in interest It is a marked
disinterest in your routine activities and
consequently an absence of pleasure in activities
that were pleasant for the person before the
depressive episode. Thus, a person suffering from
a depressive syndrome will tell all the
activities of his day on a monotonous and
detached path of emotion.
33. Weight evolution Eating disorders linked to
depression, yes it can characterize by
significant weight loss in the absence of a diet
or, on the contrary, significant weight
gain. Weight loss comes from a lack of appetite
in connection with the general lack of interest
of the person. So before it became worst, Dealing
with Depression becomes essential or excess
appetite can lift your weight.
4. Sleeping disorder In the case of insomnia, it
is difficult finding sleep at the start of the
night. Despite their significant fatigue, the
depressed person has difficulty falling asleep
because they tend to think of many things during
this period. Hypersomnia is characterized by
significantly longer than average sleep time.
45. Evolution of psychomotor behavior This sign is
most often characterized by a psychomotor
slowdown. People with depressive disorders have
slow gestures, a slow speech rate. In some
cases, the development of psychomotor behavior is
characterized more by restlessness.
6. Tired People with depressive disorders feel
tired almost constantly. People feel a lack of
energy which makes it difficult for her to get
active. Fatigue is also partly due to the sleep
disturbances she encounters.
57. Feeling of worthlessness During a depressive
episode, the person feels an excessive feeling of
the worthlessness of his person or possibly a
feeling of important guilt which is generally out
of all reality.
8. Cognitive disorders It is a cognitive
dysfunction which decreases the ability to
reason. Along with this difficulty in thinking,
there are difficulties with concentration and
positioning which leads to an inability to make
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