Title: Building a Childcare, Childcare Management, Childcare Consulting
1Creating Unique Environments
2What is one of the main aspects of Early Learning
Environments that creates a unique community
orientated place of engaged learning?
After only just over 5 years within a
Director/Nominated Supervisor role with the
support of Giggletree I have realised it is the
people including all children, families,
educators, owners community networks that all
come together in the one place time to create
these learning opportunities for each other and
for children.
3The initial conception I had when commencing this
leadership role was it is going to take at least
5 years to truly have the sense that the new
centre is established. Highfields Early Learning
Centre opened on 25th February 2008 which was the
first day of an amazing learning journey to date.
The people that you meet and stories of
experiences that are shared is what contributes
to creating those unique experiences and learning
opportunities for all and enable you to be all
you can be. So, from my personal experience I
would recommend to all to enjoy every moment with
the people, both big and small, around you as
this is what I believe creates those memorable
moments and we all know how precious time is.
4Yes, it is nice to have an abundance of toys and
resources, however, in reality the cherished
memories children will form are the interactions
and experiences they share with those who are
attuned to them. Whether it is a new song,
planting a seed, making a construction from
recycled materials or quickly racing down the
hallway at the end of the day to see 'Miss
Nicole' for a smiley face drawing. These
experiences all create the sense of security and
welcoming atmosphere.
5- Honestly, creating this unique environment is at
times a challenge and we never know exactly what
each day is going to bring, but, one thing you
can be assured of is when you are surrounded by a
supportive team and a Community orientated
culture 'life long learning' thrives and begins
for young children. - Recently, I came across a great movie which also
emphasis this Community culture and importance of
the people you spend your valuable time with and
the link to being happy...http//www.thehappymovie
.com/ - 'Grow with Us'Nicole (Director/Nominated
Supervisor of Highfelds ELC)
6Contact us
- Email - Samantha_at_giggletree.com.au
- Call us - 07 3204 1102