Title: Health Enhancement Research Organization
1Health Enhancement Research OrganizationCreating
a Global Culture of HealthHyatt Regency
Chicago OHare AirportSeptember 18-19, 2006
- Jennifer A. Bruno
- Worldwide Director Wellness Health Promotion
- Johnson Johnson
- Deborah Gorhan
- Project Director - Healthy People
- Health Fitness Corporation
2- The Worlds most comprehensive and most broadly
based Health Care Company - 2005 sales of 50.5 billion
- 230 operating companies in 57 countries selling
products throughout the world - Three worldwide business segments
- Consumer
- Medical Devices/Diagnostics
- Pharmaceutical
- Managed by a unique form of decentralized
management 116,000 employees worldwide
3Business Segments
Consumer Medical Devices/Diagnostics Pharmaceutical
4Our Credo
- The Four Tenets
- Customers
- Employees
- Community
- Stockholders
5Healthy People, Healthy Planet, Healthy Business
Healthy People
Healthy Employees
Workplace Safety
Lower Health Care Costs
Improve Productivity
Reduce Hazardous Workplace Exposure
Improve Health Risk Factors
Medical Case Management
Talent and Competencies
Identification of Occupational Health Risks
Organizational Culture of Health
Management of Occupational Health Risks
- LIVE FOR LIFE Program in 1978 was a partnership
of five unique areas - Benefits - Medical - EAP
- Safety - Wellness
- James E. Burke, the Johnson Johnson Chairman
and CEO, set two major goals for the LIVE FOR
LIFE Program - Encourage JJ employees to become the healthiest
in the world through education and easy access to
prevention programs - Implement on-site programs and services to reduce
the cost of health care for the corporation - Organized as a shared service for the US in 1995
integrating the functional areas EAP,
Occupational Health, Wellness Fitness, and
Disability Management under one umbrella
reporting through HR. - Today, aligned with the WW EHS organization
providing leadership, consultation, guidance and
support for the delivery of quality integrated
health programs and services worldwide.
7Occupational Health
Global Integrated Health
Executive Health
Health Promotion
Travel Health
Absence Management
Employee Assistance
8Global Integrated Health Objectives
- Leadership, consultation, guidance and support
for the delivery of quality employee health
programs and services worldwide - Absence Disability Management
- Employee Assistance
- Wellness Health Promotion
- Occupational Health
- Proactive injury and illness preventive
strategies for employees worldwide - Delivery of consistent global health services
- Uniform health standards with local consideration
- Performance metrics for the global health
9Organizational Structure Commitment
- Johnson Johnsons organization is structured to
support an integrated approach to the design and
delivery of Health, Wellness, Safety and Benefit
Health Safety Vision We are committed to
making JJ the world leader in health and safety
by achieving healthy lifestyles and injury-free
Benefits Vision Create a healthy, engaged and
productive workforce which will support Johnson
Johnson in becoming the most successful health
care company in the world.
JJ Executive Committee
Technical Resources Compliance
Vice PresidentWorldwide Health Safety
Worldwide Benefits Health Resources
Director, US BenefitsPlanning Operations
Executive DirectorWorldwide Health
SafetyTechnical Services
10Integrated Health Services- US
- Absence Disability Management
- - Management Consultation
- Medical Case Management
- Short Term Disability (STD)
- Disability Appeal Committee
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Return-to-Work Planning
- Medical Leave Certification
- Workers Comp Case Coordination
- Injury/Illness Prevention
- Workplace/Job Accommodation
- Employee Assistance
- Management Consultation
- Critical Incident Debriefing
- 800 Line Crisis Assistance
- Short Term Counseling and Referral
- Supervisor Training
- Coordination of Field Alcohol/Drug Training
- Case Management
- Educational Training
- Mental Health/Substance Abuse Screening
- Occupational Health
- Pre-placement Assessments
- Medical Surveillance
- Emergency Treatments
- Regulatory Compliance
- Ergonomics Program
- Preventive Screening
- Drug Free Workplace
- Global Health Standards Guidelines Policy
- Deployment
- Workers Comp Case Management
- Return to Work Evaluation
- Wellness Health Promotion
- Healthy People
- Health Profiles
- Target Risk Interventions
- Health Education
- Environmental/Cultural Support
- Wellness Center Management
- Exercise Classes/Personal Training
- Fitness Assessments
- Job Conditioning
- Exercise Reimbursement/Travel Fitness
- Integration with Benefits Disease Management
- Work, Family Personal Life
- LifeWorks Consultation Resource Referral
- Childcare, Parenting, Adoption
- Eldercare Nursing Home Evaluation
- Legal, Education, Consumerism
- LifeWorks 800 24/7
- Work/Life Seminars
- Educational Materials
- LifeWorks Online
- College Coach
11Why Healthiest Workforce?
12Creating a Culture of Health
Effective Approach
- Leadership
- Public advocacy for healthy workplaces
- Internal management emphasis (talkingthe talk
and walking the walk) - Healthy Lifestyle Support
- Health Profile Lifestyle Counseling
- Physical fitnessfitness centers, walking
trails, pedometer initiative, exercise classes,
exercise reimbursement, contests - Healthy eatingcafeterias, vending, meeting food
- Integration of Healthy People 2005 with Benefit
Design - Global Policies HIV/AIDS Tobacco Free
- Marketing CommunicationsHealthy People Branding
Biometrics Wallet Card
Lifestyle Program Promotion
Web Resource Promotion
Personal Profile Reminder
- JJs Better Health Better Future tag line
addresses both the personal and business motives
around health improvement
15Effective Approach
- Objectives
- Address spectrum of needs, and invest in
people/programs through strategies that can yield
the biggest benefit. - Use proven programs/methods
- Measure outcomes/manage program investments
16Effective Approach
- Integrated data drives planning, enables
evaluation to achieve total economic value from
benefit investments
17Healthy People Strategy
18Integration of Health Benefits
- Improve Employee Overall Health and Well-Being
- Enhance Employee Productivity
- Contain Health Care Costs
- Emphasize Shared Responsibility to Better Manage
Health - Financial Incentives for Employees Around
Participation - Continue to Provide CareConnect to Assist Members
With Chronic or Complex Conditions
19Healthy People Medical Plan
- Employees receive annual 500 discount on medical
plan contributions - To maintain the 500 discount, employees must
- Complete the Health Profile every two years
- Participate in Health Profile Counseling, if
identified by health risk criteria - Participate in disease management program
CareConnect - if identified by chronic or complex
condition criteria - If employee chooses not to participate in any one
of the requirements, they forfeit the annual
20Healthy Employees U.S.
Johnson Johnson Healthy People 2005 Progress Johnson Johnson Healthy People 2005 Progress Johnson Johnson Healthy People 2005 Progress Johnson Johnson Healthy People 2005 Progress Johnson Johnson Healthy People 2005 Progress United States Healthy People 2010 United States Healthy People 2010
Indicator Baseline 95-99 Target 2005 Results 2003 Results 2004 Results 2005 Baseline Target
Smoking Tobacco Use 12 9 6 6 5 24 12
Blood Pressure Above 140/90 14 10 10 9 10 28 16
Cholesterol Above 240 19 15 9 9 8 21 7
Inactivity lt 3 days/wk 39 20 41 38 38 40 20
- Healthy People Indicators provide US
enterprise-wide focus and performance targets - Performance meets or exceeds all targets, except
physical activity/inactivity
21Healthy People U.S.Impact on Health Outcomes
Excess Cost
Health Risk Factor Risk Improvement Excess Annual Health Care Costs per Employee with Risk Factor Estimated Cost Avoidance
Tobacco Use 3220 1074 3,458,280
High Blood Pressure 1940 979 1,801,360
High Cholesterol 5060 683 3,455,980
Inactivity 460 1068 491,280
Total Total Total 9,206,900
Data extrapolated to JJ average population of
46,000 and JJ per capital Health Care Costs
22Health Financial Outcomes
Impact on Health Risks
For 4500 Employees identified as High Risk
Health Risk Change
Modified Risk Factors
23Health Risk Reduction Financial Impact Physical
17,940 JJ Inactive Baseline
17,480 Inactive Current
1068 Excess Cost/Inactive Employee
For every 1 improvement in our physical activity
risk, the potential cost avoidance is almost
Potential Cost Avoidance 491,280
24Impact on JJ Salaried Health Care Costs
- In 2005, JJs per capita increase was 6
(National Data 9.5) - Since 1999, JJs average trend was at least 1
below the national trend, despite having a
significantly richer plan - JJ initially attributed its success to their
Healthy People programs and initiatives, now
being expanded to the Global Employee community
25Financial Health Outcomes
- HW Redesign Was a Sound Business Investment
- HW Saved Money and Generally Improved Employee
Health - Above and Beyond an Already Established
and Excellent LIVE FOR LIFE Program - The High Risk Program Worked Well for the Risk
Factors Targeted and, the Program Saved Money - Financial Incentives Work High Participation
Rates ( 90) Achieve Impressive Financial
Results - The Longest Ever Corporate Evaluation Study (9
Years) Provides Scientific Documentation That
Integrated Health and Productivity Management
Programs Work
26Population Health
- Addressing Lifestyle, Personal Health Risks and
Public Health Risks
27Physical Activity
At least 60 of global population fails to
achieve 30 minutes moderate intensity physical
activity daily (WHO)
- Physical Activity Programs
- Knowledge Building Behavior Change
- Pedometers 30,000 participants globally
- Million Step Challenge 10,000 participants
- Exercise Reimbursement Program 4,600
participants - Online Nurse Counseling 5,000 participants
- Environmental Cultural Support
- Fitness Centers/Fitness Rooms
- Walking Trails
- Stairwell Campaigns
- Fitness Center Design Activity Guidelines
Continue to build momentum toward a global
culture that encourages and supports healthy
28Mental Health Depression
Depression is the leading cause of disability
globally, and the 4th leading health burden
affecting humanity. (WHO)
- Employee Assistance Services (EAP)
- Worldwide
- 50 of employees have access to services
- 6,000 employees have received resilience training
- Productivity Outcomes Study - U.S.
- Absence decreased in 96 of EAP clients
- Mental health status improved in 78 of EAP
clients - 4,000 savings per EAP user
- Mental Health Screening
- Confidential self-assessment to identify
individual vulnerability - Referral to mental health resource if indicated
by screen results - Accessed by 13,000 employees
29Cancer Prevention
Single largest preventable cause of disease and
premature death in the world
- Applies to all operating company locations,
(property, buildings, leased buildings, company
vehicles and company-sponsored meetings) - Flexible guideline to comply with local, state,
regional laws or collective bargaining agreements - Operating companies manage transition to
tobacco-free by no later than January 2007 - Partnership with Global Human Resources and
Worldwide Benefits Health - Support materials and toolkit from Worldwide
Health Safety
80 of Operating Companies have implementation
plans in place 30 are already Tobacco Free
30Avian Influenza The world is now closer to
another influenza pandemic than at any time since
1968, when the last of the previous centuries
three pandemics began. (WHO)
- Pandemic Preparedness
- Distributed Guidance on Preparedness for Human
Influenza Pandemic to management - Business Continuity Planning
- Developed detailed site specific BCP procedure
that is pandemic phase dependent - Communication Plan
- Education Awareness Campaign
- Human Resource Guidelines
- BCP Supply Chain management
- Assist contacts with access to antiviral
prophylaxis and treatment - Partnerships and Resources
- CDC, WHO, Local Health and Government Agencies
- International SOS, Business Group on Health
Continuing To Evaluate And Anticipate Needs
31Population Health Risk Factors
- Definition of employees meeting the defined
Health Risk Threshold levels (based on identified
Health Risk Indicators) - Formula of employees identified by HRA data as
being at low health risk - Benchmark/Goal
- 70 of population will be defined as low risk,
- 1 annual health risk improvement
- Data Source
- Health Risk Assessment Indicators
- ObesityTotal Cholesterol- Tobacco Use- Physical
Activity- Hypertension- Stress- Alcohol Use
Glucose Healthy Eating Behavior-Safety Belt
Usage (Safety Helmet, where applicable)
- Update Freq Annually
- X-Axis
- Y1-Axis
- Risk is of employees in the following defined
Low, Med High threshold levels
Low 0-2 Med 3-4 High 5 or greater
Visual Example Only
32Population Health Risks Defined
- Obesity - BMIgt 30
- Total Cholesterol - gt 240 mg/dl or gt 6.17 mmol/l
- Glucose - gt 126 mg/dl FASTING or gt 200 mg/dl
non-fasting or gt 7.0 mmol/l - Hypertension- gt 140 systolic and/or gt 90
diastolic - Tobacco Use- Yes
- Physical inactivity - lt30 minutes and lt4
days/week or ltmost days - Stress Heavily or Actively Stressed
- Alcohol Use - gt14 alcoholic drinks/week
- Unhealthy eating behavior - lt5 total fruits
vegetables/day and/or daily consumption of high
fat foods - Safety Belt Usage (Safety Helmet, where
applicable) - lt Almost always or Always
33Organizational Health
- Addressing Culture Environment
34Organizational Culture of Health
- Definition of Operating Companies meeting the
threshold of Healthy Culture Profile - Formula of sites/companies will offer
promote minimum of 5 of the 14 global health
service offerings for 2007 - Benchmark/Goal 93 of WW sites/companies will
promote offer health service opportunities to
their employees - Data Source Global On-Line Assessment Tool
- Update Freq Quarterly
- X-Axis
- Y1-Axis
- Defined as of sites/companies promoting
offering Med High threshold levels - Meets 5 or greater
- Caution 2-4
- Needs attention lt2
35Menu of Annual Global HealthService Offerings
- Implementation of WW Tobacco Free Workplace
Policy - Implementation of Health Risk Assessment
- Seventy percent (70) of employee population at
low risk (0-2) - Employee education awareness on healthy
lifestyle behaviors - Access to Employee Assistance Services
- Resiliency Training program
- Implementation of WW HIV/AIDS Policy
- Implementation of a Healthy Eating, Healthy
Cafeteria program - Cancer Awareness Prevention Program
- Physical Activity opportunities (such as access
to fitness centers, exercise rooms, walking
trails, etc.) - Modified/Alternate or Light Duty Return to Work
Program - Process for tracking Sickness Absence
- Access to Travel Health Resources
- Medical Surveillance (based on risk) in
compliance with all regulatory and JJ
requirements - Executive Health Program
36Implementation of a Healthy Eating, Healthy
Cafeteria Program
37Healthy Eating
One billion overweight adults 300 million of
them obese 20 or more of all cases of cancer
could be prevented with varied amounts of fruits
and vegetables.
- Support employees efforts to reduce their risk
primarily for hypertension, high cholesterol,
cancer and obesity - Opportunities for employees to access and enjoy
Nutritionally Dense Whole Foods at every
cafeteria, food station, vending machine, catered
event, and whenever food is served at company
functions - Piloted at 6 companies in the US
- Expansion of program by request in 2006
Results increased sales, decreased subsidy and
high customer satisfaction
38- The Process
- Commit
- Build Relationships
- Assess Plan
- Education Marketing
- Implement
- Evaluate, Adjust, Continuous Improvement
- Baseline, Final Outcome, Other Related Factors
- Where you are today
- Where you want to be
- Your Intentions, Thoughts, Actions, Effects
- What do you mean by healthy eating?
- What will be different?
- What impact on customer service, profit, etc?
402. Build Relationships
- Frame
- Build the business and employee case
- Why should they care?
- Speak to what is important to them (finances,
health, public relations, etc.) - Advocate
- What will happen?
- Illustrate
- Show what you mean
- Bring in an influential person
- Access resources (AICR, NBGH, internal resources)
- Have someone who has been successful present
- Inquire
413. Assess Plan
- Visioning, Strategizing, Performing, Assessing
- How will you know when you are successful?
- Develop the PLAN
- What will you measure?
- Checklists, customer surveys, menus
- Who is accountable?
- Policing
- Sustaining
- What are the desired outcomes?
424. Education/Awareness/Marketing
- Build a communication plan
- Audience
- Vehicle
- Presenter
- Key Messages
- Create Marketing/Education Materials
- Create Communication Materials
- Create Education Materials Trainings
- Food Service Professionals (training)
- Employee awareness education
435. Implement/Launch
- However, don't let perfectionism become an excuse
for never getting started. Marilu Henner
6. Evaluate, Adjust, Continuous Improvement