Title: Seychelles safety by Savoy Resort & Spa
1Seychelles safety Seychelles Resort Spa
Many tourists are interested about Seychelles
safety before going there.
2Seychelles is safe both for tourists and local
people islanders are justifiably proud of the
fact that their country is considered one of the
safest in the world.
3The crime rate on the islands is low if crimes
are occasionally committed, they are limited to
petty theft.
4There are no tropical diseases in Seychelles.
5Medical facilities in Seychelles are considered
to be the most advanced in the African region.
6Beach and sea safety
Swim within the designated swimming area.
Avoid swimming alone especially at night. Never
go swimming when under the influence of
alcohol. Wait at least 30 minutes after your
meals before going into the sea. Avoid swimming
in sea channels reserved for boats.
7 Contacts
Beau Vallon beach, Mahe island, Seychelles 248
252 02 00 reservation_at_savoy.sc savoy.sc