Title: BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/Newtonhelp. Com
1BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
2BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 All Assignments (with Latest Database
Assignment) (2 Set) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Set of Paper/Presentation for each
Assignment BSHS 375 Week 2 Database Demographic
Information (New)
3BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 1 Interoperability Paper (2
Papers) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers BSHS 375 Week 1
Interoperability Paper Write a 1,050- to
1,400-word paper discussing interoperability in
human services.
4BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 2 Database Demographic Information
(New) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Resources Database
Template, Spreadsheet Guide on Excel, and
Lynda.com Tutorials
5BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database
Demographic Information For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com Resource
Database Template located on the student
website This assignment will encompass the
remaining 4 weeks of class with the final product
submitted in Week Five.
6BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 2 Service Delivery Model
Presentation (2 PPT) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Presentations Identify or create a
human services organization of your choice.
Imagine that your organization has an online
service such as e-filing.
7BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 2 Software for Human Services
Organizations Paper (2 Papers) For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers Research software
applications used to track the provision of
client services in human services within the kind
of organization chosen in Week One.
8BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 3 Database Encounters Information
(New) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Resources Database
Template, Spreadsheet Guide on Excel, and
Lynda.com Tutorials Complete the Encounters
worksheet in the Database Template you started in
Week 2.
9BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 3 Learning Team Technological
Access to Services (1 Paper and 1 PPT) For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
This Tutorial contains 2 Paper/PPT Choose from
the following options to complete this assignment
10BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 4 Database Creating a Pivot chart
(New) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Resources Database
Template, and Spreadsheet Guide on Excel Open
the Database Template, and click on the
Demographics tab.
11BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 4 Individual Assignment Database
Invoice Report For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Create automatic
sort for the data on the Encounter worksheet. Go
to the Invoice Report worksheet and create an
invoice report that can be printed for a selected
client showing the dates that they were seen at
the facility and the amount due.
12BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Healthcare Educational Resources Paper (2
Papers) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers All team members should
answer each question below and post the answer in
the team forum to compare information from
multiple states.
13BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 5 Database Creating a Pie chart
(New) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Resources Database
Template, and Spreadsheet Guide on Excel Open
the Database Template, and click on the
"Encounters" tab.
14BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 5 Individual Database
Graphs For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com Refer to the Graph
worksheet in the Database Template on the student
website. Create a graph in the Graph worksheet of
the Database Template Microsoft Excel template
15BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 5 Individual Online Therapy Paper
(2 Papers) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Conduct an Internet search
for at least three online therapy sites.
16BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com
BSHS 375 Week 5 Learning Team Quality Assurance
Review (2 Papers) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Read the scenario and
complete both Part 1 and Part 2.
17BSHS 375 Academic Adviser/newtonhelp.com