Title: Carbon Dioxide Sensor
1Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Cubic Sensor and Instrument Co.,Ltdhttp//en.gass
2About us
We are Cubic Sensor and Instrument
Co.,Ltd.Founded in 2003, with over 16 years of
experience on gas sensing technologies, Cubic has
become the comprehensive provider of gas sensors,
gas analyzers, gas monitoring systems and IoT gas
sensing solutions.Cubic Sensor and Instrument
Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer of gas sensors
and sensing solutions, which are for indoor air
quality, outdoor air quality and automotive air
quality, including non-dispersive infrared (NDIR)
CO2 sensors, LED particulate matter sensors,
laser particulate matter sensors, formaldehyde
sensors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
sensors, medical ultrasonic O2/flow sensors and
3Carbon Dioxide Sensors Quality Control in
There are different type of harmful gases around
us. When we inhale them, our body get reacted
with the gases. this is the main reason, health
experts always advice to inhale pure air or full
with oxygen which is truly rare for many. Our
pollution level getting increased day by day and
this level is always making a threat to many
lives. This is the main reason for which, it is
important for all to come with a perfect solution
that would meet the current needs of the people
who are suffering from high air
pollutants. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
are two type of harmful gasses those are playing
a crucial role make the people suffer a lot. This
is the main reason for which, it would be the
right way that will make something more special
to reduce the threat. There are carbon dioxide
sensor those are letting you know how much the
level of this pollutant gas is available in your
surroundings. Using these detectors, one can save
many lives because, these detectors will let you
know the level of these toxic gasses. Most of the
sensors are developed in order to achieve the
target to showcase the perfect attribution on
your own way that will always come with a perfect
approach to come forward.
4Our products and solutions
PRODUCT CO2 Sensor Particulate Matter
Sensor Formaldehyde Sensor VOC Sensor Integrated
Air Quality Sensor IAQ Controller
Monitor Oxygen and Flow Sensor Mainstream
EtCO2 Spirometer Industrial Gas Sensor Gas
SOLUTION HVAC Air Purifier Smart Home Outdoor
Air Quality Automotive Air Quality Intelligent
Agriculture Industrial Safety Medical Health
5Contact us
Cubic Sensor and Instrument Co.,Ltd
Address Fenghuang No.3 Road, Fenghuang
Industrial Park, Eastlake Hi-tech Development
Zone, Wuhan, 430205, China Tel
86-27-81628827 Fax 86-27-87401159 Email