Plant Physiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plant Physiology


1st Lecturer – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: emadewais


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plant Physiology

Plant growth and Development
  • By
  • ?????? ??????? ???? (? 501)

Growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation
produce the plant body
  • Growth is the irreversible increase in mass that
  • results from cell division (number) and cell
    expansion (size).
  • An increase in mass, or growth, during the life
    of a plant results from both cell division and
    cell expansion.
  • The development of body form and organization,
    including recognizable tissues and organs is
    called morphogenesis.
  • The specialization of cells with the same set
    of genetic instructions to produce a diversity of
    cell types is called differentiation.

Growth involves both cell division and cell
  • Cell division in meristems, by increasing cell
    number, increases the potential for growth.
  • However, it is cell expansion that accounts for
    the actual increase in plant mass.
  • Together, these processes contribute to plant

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  • It is a phenomenon in certain seeds in which they
    would not germinate if given an optimal condition
    ( water, oxygen, optimum temperature ).
  • Dormancy can be seen in seeds ( e.g legumes ),
    buds, spore food storage organs ( tubers ).
  • Due to many factors include
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Dryness
  • Presence of substances that inhibit germination

  • A period in the life cycle of many animals
    plants when their metabolic activities become
    minimum growth stop.
  • Is a resting stage
  • It can occur in the adult, egg, pupa, spore or
    seed stage.
  • A way of protecting an organism against
    unfavourable conditions such as insufficient
    food, cold ( winter ) dry ( drought ).
  • It is controlled by hormones that
  • response to physiological in plants
  • affecting the behaviour in animals

What physiological changes lead to dormancy
  • Metabolism falls
  • Number of organelles per cell falls
  • Dehydration water content falls
  • Vacuoles in cells deflate
  • Food reserves become dense crystalline bodies

SEED Germination
  • Dormancy of these seeds may be broken by one or
    more of the following
  • light, sunlight being the most effective
  • low temperatures (1 to 5 degrees Celsius 33.8 to
    41 degrees Fahrenheit) for several weeks
  • day/night fluctuating temperatures of 1 to 10
    degrees Celsius (41 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • chemicals, such as nitrate in the soil, or
    applied hormones (gibberellins) in the
    laboratory and
  • fire.

Maintaining dormancy
  • Physical barriers The seed coat (testa) is waxy
    waterproof and impermeable to oxygen
  • Physical state dehydrated
  • Chemical inhibitors present e.g. salts, mustard
    oils, organic acids, alkaloids
  • Growth promoters absent

The breaking of dormancy
Break down of barriers Abrasion of seed coat
(soil particles) Decomposition of seed coat (soil
microbes, gut enzymes) Cracking of seed coat
Change in physical state - rehydration
Destruction and dilution of inhibitors Light,
temperature, water
Production of growth promoters
Seed Germination(Emergence of Radicle through
Seed Coat)
  • To break dormancy seeds need
  • Water
  • Warm Temperature
  • So if you want to store seeds what are the
  • Dry Cold

Dormant seeds need more than moisture and warmth
Example Is overcome by Dormancy is caused by
Kentucky Coffee Tree Scarification??? Thick Seed Coat
Lettuce or Pea Light or Dark Thin Seed Coat
Orchids Soil Fungus Association Insufficient Development
Most CT feral plants Stratification Vernalization 6 weeks at 4 C 20 C Inhibitor Abscisic Acid
Cacti?????? Leaching by Repeated Rain Inhibitor Phenolics
Germination of seeds
  • 1. Utilization of stored reserves
  • In cotyledons or endosperm tissue
  • During germination, enzymes are made that convert
    stored reserves (large molecules) into compounds
    that can be used by the seedling (smaller
  • starches ? sugars
  • lipids, fats ? sugars
  • proteins ? amino acids

Germination of seeds
  • 2- Transport of compounds into growing seedling
    through vascular system
  • These compounds have two functions
  • Support respiration in the embryo
  • Provide a source of building blocks (carbon,
    nitrogen, etc.) for the seedling
  • 3- Expansion and growth of seedling
  • Root radicle elongates down, hypocotyl expands up
  • Establishment of root system and emergence of

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Seedling establishment
  • Shoot emerges and is exposed to light
  • Chlorophyll is produced and seedling starts to
    perform photosynthesis
  • Seedling is no longer dependent on reserves from
    the seed
  • If stored reserves are consumed before
    photosynthesis is established, the seedling will

Seed germination
Seedling establishment
  • Growth of the seedling can be measured in many
  • Length
  • Increases after seed imbibes
  • Fresh weight
  • Increases as seedling grows
  • Dry weight
  • Declines initially as stored reserves are
    consumed by respiration, increases
  • once photosynthesis is established

  • Seeds are alive but dormant
  • Comprise an embryonic plant and stored reserves
  • Germination requires
  • Water - for imbibition
  • Oxygen - for respiration
  • Suitable temperature
  • Outcome of successful germination is a seedling
    capable of independent growth

  • Dont eat green potatoes.
  • Potatoes belong to the nightshade family, and
    most green portions of plants in this family
    contain an alkaloid poison called solanine

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  • Light perception is often involved in the control
    of flowering. When plants flower at a particular
    time of year it is usually because they respond
    to day-length.
  • Not all plants are regulated in this way "day
    neutral" plants will flower at any time that they
    are able to grow. So-called "free flowering"
    garden plants like Petunia and Impatiens have
    been selected for this feature.

Flowering is controlled by daylength
  • oaks flower in spring, lettuce flowers in summer,
    asters flower in autumn production of seeds,
    fruit must be properly timed to physiology of
    plant and rigors of environment

  • Flowering is also regulated by temperature. In
    herbaceous perennials and biennials, trees and
    shrubs that grow in temperate areas, flower buds
    develop or become fully differentiated during the
    winter months.
  • This cold requirement for flowering is exploited
    in vernalization treatments where plants like
    Easter lilies are exposed to low temperatures in
    order to induce flowering at a particular time.

  • In some plants flowering can be induced either by
    long days or by cold exposure, whereas others
    require both for optimum flower development.
  • Vernalization is a response to low temperature.
  •  exposure of buds of some perennials to low
    winter temperature stimultes flowering
  • Treatments with gibberellins can often be
    substituted for the photoperiodic (long or short
    day) or temperature requirements.

Flower anatomy
From Flower to Fruit
  • After fertilization the following takes place
  • the fertilized egg within the ovule develops into
    a seed.
  • The ovary surrounding the ovule develops into a
  • The fruit swells and ripens while holding and
    protecting the developing seeds.
  • The seeds represent the next generation once
    germinated and looking like a plant

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Fruit and seed development
  • Fruit development is usually dependent on a
    signal from the developing seeds, although some
    plants such as banana can develop parthenocarpic
    fruit that lack seeds.
  • Parthenocarpic fruit set can be induced in many
    species by auxin, GA or cytokinin or some
    combination of these hormones.

  • Early seed development is associated with cell
    division and synthesis, so that immature seeds
    contain hormones associated with growth, auxin,
    GA and cytokinin.
  • As seeds mature they usually begin to desiccate,
    abscisic acid increases and dormancy sets in.

Ethylene and Fruit Ripening
  • The gaseous plant hormone ethylene plays a key
    regulatory role in ripening of many fruits,
    including some representing important
    contributors of nutrition and fiber to the diets
    of humans.
  • Examples include banana, apple, pear, most stone
    fruits, melons, squash, and tomato.

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  • Senescence is a natural part of plant
    development, and, like other aspects of
    development it is under genetic and hormonal
  • Patterns of senescence vary from one plant to

  • - Senescence processes leading to the death of
    plant parts or whole plant often occurs when
    nutrients are funneled into reproductive parts of
    plant- plants withdraw nutrients from leaves,
    roots, stems and redistribute them to form new
    flowers, fruits and seeds- as an outcome of this
    redistribution, leaves generally wither and die
    (Note abscission triggered by ethylene, not
    abscissic acid)

  • In monocarpic senescence the whole plant dies
    after seed formation. This is frequently observed
    in annuals (therophytes in Raunkiaer's
    terminology) and biennial plants, but some
    perennials such as the century plant Agave
    americana show monocarpic senescence.
  • Senescence of all above ground plant parts is a
    feature of many herbaceous perennials (or
    geophytes and hemicryptophytes). An underground
    storage organ of some kind persists in a dormant
    state and produces new above ground structures in
    the following season.

  • Woody plants (phanerophytes) in temperate regions
    often show a deciduous pattern of senescence in
    which all of the leaves die at the same time as
    the meristems become dormant. The leaves are
    replaced by a whole new set at the end of
    dormancy in the spring.
  • The "century plant" Agave americana takes about
    30 years (not 100) to grow to maturity and
    flower. It then dies after setting seed

  • Sequential senescence is a feature of evergreen
    plants, particularly those that grow throughout
    the year. Leaves are continuously produced and
    shed in order of age.
  • However senescence occurs, the underlying changes
    are very similar.

  • There is a switch from synthesis to breakdown of
    cell structure.
  • Photosynthesis declines as the chloroplast
    becomes a chromoplast.
  • Proteins and other polymers are broken down by
    digestive enzymes.
  • In perennial plants some of the amino acids and
    other small molecules are withdrawn from the
    leaves before they are shed.
  • In this way the plant recovers some of its

Seasonal Changes in Leaves
  • All trees lose their leaves
  • Evergreens and Deciduous Trees
  • Evergreen trees shed their needle leaves a little
    at a time
  • Deciduous trees lose their leaves at the same
    time each year.
  • Usually in the fall and winter
  • Tropics or areas near the Equator have only wet
    and dry seasons so the deciduous trees shed
    leaves before the dry season begins.

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  • Like senescence, abscission is a natural and
    necessary part of plant development.
  • Plant parts like flower petals, mature fruits
    and senescent leaves are detached form the plant
    along a clearly defined abscission zone.
  • This zone is differentiated early in
    development usually it is a region of smaller
    cells at the base of the petiole, petal or

  • Prior to abscission cell-wall degrading enzymes
    are secreted into the zone the middle lamella is
    broken down between cortical parenchyma cells.
  • The secondary walls of xylem elements are
    resistant to these enzymes and these cells simply
    break when the others have separated.

  • Ethylene produced by the senescing organ
    stimulates the synthesis of cellulase and
    pectinase ethylene (or ethrel) treatment can be
    used to promote abscission.
  • This is particularly useful for mechanically
    harvested crops like coffee or for thinning
    excess crop on fruit trees.

  • This cabbage was stored in the same room as
    apples, which produce large amounts of ethylene.
    The ethylene stimulated abscission of the leaves
    from the stalk, even though they were immature.

Thank you
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