Title: BSFC (1)
1Interacting activities for toddlers in one of the
best preschools in Ahmedabad
2Toddlers' Public Speaking Skills Sessions
Children of Senior section were encouraged to
bring their favourite toy and speak about it in
the class. This talk gave our children a chance
to talk on the stage and share their feelings
about their toy. Such oratory sessions would
benefit our little ones when they shift to their
big school.
3Spray painting session in PlayGroup, Bodakdev
School for Children
This activity is tough for little fingers. Our
little ones got a finger workout during this
session and it was a great way to engage toddlers
in creative art.
4Learning Through Bulletin Boards
It is said that observational learning is useful
for preschoolers. The bulletin boards of our
school showcase important information related to
current affairs, environmental issues and
festivals of India.
5Sand Play For Toodlers activity
To teach patience, a pom pom activity was held,
in which bright pompoms were given to arrange on
a circle. This simple activity kept them engaged
in the school.
6Leaf Dabbing activity
In this activity, toddlers dipped their brushes
in  their paints and applied it on leaves and
pasted the leaves in their books. This activity
provided lots of fun and learning to our toddlers
as they learnt about leaf shapes in the class
along with painting.
7Thank you
- To get more details for Bodakdev school
activities, - please check below link
- https//www.bodakdevschool.com/activities
- Looking for Admission?
- Admissions are open for Playgroup, Nursery,
Junior kg, Senior kg, Pre primary in Bodakdev
School for Children. - Email us on info_at_bodakdevschool.com, or give us a
call on 079-71012434