Title: RubinaMallik
Milk is crucial due to its special nutritive
value, which in turn plays an essential role in
human and animal health. It contains all the
substances needed by organisms in its easiest
assimilable form. It carries high-value proteins
( casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin providing
essential amino acids), fat providing energy (9.3
kcal /g ), a low melting point ( 29-34 C), small
globules stimulating an easy assimilation, A and
D vitamins playing a special role in Calcium and
Phosphorus fixation in bones, low cholesterol
compared to other foods of animal origin ( fresh
milk 10, skimmed milk 3, butter 280, fat cheese
150-200, pork 100-120, egg yolk 1400 mg/100 g
product). Milk or milk sugar, due to the bacteria
living in the intestine is transformed in lactic
acid with a benefic influence upon our body.
Minerals are also very important (Calcium,
Phosphorus, etc). Due to its nutritive value,
Milk is thereby recommended to young and old
people for it being considered a complete food.
"Milk is made up of 87 of water hence making it
prone to adulteration" The Significance of Milk
and Testing
Due to the nutritive value of milk, its testing
and quality control is an essential component of
any milk processing industry whether small,
medium or large scale. Milk is made up of 87 of
water hence making it prone to adulteration by
unscrupulous middlemen and unfaithful
farmworkers. Moreover, its high nutritive value
makes it an ideal medium for the rapid
multiplication of bacteria, particularly under
unhygienic production and storage at ambient
temperatures. For any processor to make good
dairy products, good quality raw materials are
essential. A milk processor or handler will only
be assured of the quality of raw milk if certain
basic quality tests are carried out at various
stages of transportation of milk from the
producer to the processor and finally to the
Table Showing some criteria to reject the milk
from tanker by Dairy process units.
Rejection of Milk Criteria
2Antibiotics Test positive or indeterminable result
Temperature greater than 42 degrees F
Bacteria anything greater than 90,000/slide sample
Added Water or greater than (Cryoscope reading lower than 0.530 )
Acidity greater than 0.14
Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count greater than 690,000
In most developed dairy countries, milk quality
is defined by the somatic cell count (SCC) in
prepasteurized bulk tank milk. The SCC of milk is
influenced by mastitis. The company prefers to
purchase milk with low SCC, offering financial
incentives to farmers for high-quality milk. Milk
is an excellent growth media for bacteria
originating from either mastitis or contamination
of the milk with environmental pathogens during
the milking or milk handling process.
High-quality milk originates from healthy cows
that are free of mastitis. The company experts
pay special attention to the standard plate count
(SPC), in pre-pasteurized bulk tank milk too.
Fewer bacteria than 90,000/slide samples have to
be found as milk bulk to be accepted for
processing. There are very dangerous bacteria
like Salmonella, E. coli, Shigella, Listeria
monocytogenes, Brucella abortus, and
Staphylococcus aureus present in raw milk. These
bacteria can lead to the illness of humans.
Brucella leads to damage to the reproductive
system of both male and female.
DSS has developed and marketed these milk
pathogen testing kits which is DNA based. The
results obtained are very accurate and
specific. Source https//www.dssimage.com/blog/th
Original Content Creator DSS Imagetech - Biotech
Healthcare Industry in Delhi