Title: Our Philosophy of Beauty
1Best Face Exfoliator for Mature Skin
To us, beauty is what you reveal when you feel
good on the inside when you smile, when you
treat yourself and others gently. When you have
confidence in yourself, and when you truly
embrace who you are.
2BOA is a naturally-driven mineral and highly
effective exfoliant that cleans the pores,
exfoliates, smooths and moisturises the skin in
one simple application. Unlike chemical or
physical exfoliants which create microscope tears
in your skin, BOA beautifully distinguishes
between your dead and healthy skin cells. By
gently picking up only the dead cells and
impurities, when and where its needed, BOA
improves the cellular renewal of your skin,
allowing it to regain a uniform tone, texture and
appearance. You will experience smoother,
healthier, glowing skin, bringing your natural
beauty to the surface. BOA has its own
relationship with each person depending on your
skin needs, from one day to another. Take the
time to learn about your skin. Make it a ritual.
3It works beautifully
The best way to describe BOA is as a lint
roller for the skin. BOA will give you immediate
proof that it's working with visible results you
can feel under your fingertips. Your dead skin
cells will form into rice-like particles which
roll off as you massage the exfoliant into your
skin. Once you stop feeling these particles,
BOA's job is done.
Your BOA experience will be highly individualized
to your specific skin and its needs, working only
where and when you need to exfoliate.
4How to use BOA
- BOA works best when you have minimal make-up on.
(Make-up can act as a film, sometimes reducing
the effectiveness of BOA) - Make sure your face is slightly wet for BOA to
work its magic! - Push up on the bottom of the BOA stick, and then
gently apply the product directly onto your face - Start massaging the product into your skin in a
back and forth motion - After a little while, you will start feeling
rice shaped particles under your fingertips -
these are your dead skin cells and exfoliation
has been activated. Keep massaging and more will
form. - Particles don't form on some areas of your face?
If all you feel is the smooth product being
massaged into your skin, you're all good. Only
healthy skin here, which needs to stay put. - Stop feeling the particles as you massage BOA
into your skin? You're done! - Now that your exfoliation is done, while some
people like the moisturised feel of jojoba on
their skin, others prefer to rinse BOA off with a
gentle cleanser and apply their own moisturizer.
5How often to use BOA
The beauty of BOA is that it will tell you when
and where you need to use it. Only taking away
the dead skin cells means BOA is a safe, gentle
but incredibly effective method of exfoliation
for everyday use if required. Most people will
need to use BOA 1-2 times per week.
New to BOA
For first time users, we recommend using BOA
every day until it stops working for you. After
this, you can then space out your usage to 1-2
times per week, on an as-needed basis. This will
vary according to different areas of your face
and also vary from person to person.
The Results
Your cleaner, smoother, resurfaced feeling face
will look flawless and fresh, resulting in a
naturally bright, glowing complexion.