Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love


Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love Who is the book dedicated to by Singer? Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love Who wrote the Forward and how does he value the book? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love

Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love
  • Who is the book dedicated to by Singer?
  • Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love
  • Who wrote the Forward and how does he value the
  • Alan Soble
  • this is first book one should read
  • its a very personalintellectual autobiography
    as well as it is an exploration of love and sex

Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love
  • What other major texts are referred to in the
  • Thomas Nagel, Sexual Perversion, 1969
  • Irving Singer, The Nature of Love, 1966
  • Ander Nygren, Agape and Eros, 1930-36
  • Eric Fromm, The Art of Loving, 1956
  • How would you classify this book?
  • History of ideas (informal)
  • Apologia pro mente sua
  • a defense of ones life
  • What is Singers philosophy?
  • See p. 14

Irving Singer, Philosophy of Love
  • What does Singer mean by this being a partial
  • Selective look at his previous work
  • Philosophy has no final outcome or solution
  • What do you learn about Singers background and
    the motivation behind his study?
  • Trained in analytic philosophy
  • He wanted to study the ordinary use of love
  • Digression on Wittgenstein and view that the
    meaning of a word is found in how its used in a
    particular language-game

A Broad Historical Overview
  • Ancient conceptions
  • Christian conception
  • Courtly love Middle Ages
  • Shakespeare pivotal transitional figure
  • Romantic love
  • Benign romanticism
  • Romantic pessimism

Is Romantic Love a Recent Idea?
  • What is this kind of love and how does Singer
    answer this question?
  • Romantic love sexual, interpersonal phenomenon
  • Although the concept belongs to the development
    of Romanticism at the end of the 18th century, it
    is part of a longer historical continuum.
  • The claim that Romantic Love is an invention of
    the latter period is therefore of limited value,
    and on the face of it, mistaken (2).

Characteristics of Romantic Love
  • frequently presupposes a basic hostility
    between male and female (4)
  • but also a dream that this fundamental
    difficulty could be overcome
  • The importance of passion is central to Romantic
    love passion alone makes life worth living
  • Romanticism has also provided the foundation for
    the democratization of love (81ff).

Varieties of Romantic Love
  • What are they?
  • Benign romanticism
  • Romantic puritanism (Rousseau) one can be a true
    lover without sex and this is enough for a
    meaningful life.
  • Romantic pessimism Romantic love is always
    doomed (40).
  • Schopenhauer, Freud, Tolstoy

Plato (429347 B.C.E.)
  • What is Singers view about the significance of
    Platos writing on love?
  • Plato is where we must begin our study (see p.
  • Platos doctrine is the most fertile and
    powerful single body of thought about love that
    anyone has ever created throughout Western
    civilization (12).

Plato (429347 B.C.E.)
  • But Platos views are curious and Singer
    ultimately opposes them.
  • What do we learn about Platos views?
  • Several works Symposium, Phaedrus, Republic,
  • Aristophanes speech
  • Homosexuality for or against?
  • A Continuum
  • Sex (physical) Love - Go(o)d

Beyond Idealism
  • Why does Singer reject the Platonic view?
  • Pluralism, against one theory, or one definition
  • A central question for our course is thus, is
    there one central conception of love, one common
  • Compare Marions view (4-5)
  • Singer is not a visionary, while the other
    authors we shall be reading are.
  • What are the main Platonic concepts Singer

Concepts of Transcendence and Merging
  • Transcendence the idea that to explain love one
    must refer to a higher, metaphysical reality
  • For Singer love is a product of the manifold
    forces that operate on this planet (18).
  • Merging the idea that love involves a certain
    oneness with the other
  • For Singer this is a very dangerous idea that
    is not true to what it is to be a person (18).
  • What kind of oneness?

The Concept of Merging
  • Singer wishes to replace merging with wedding
    i.e., the idea of being joined together in a
    kind of oneness without losing ones
    individuality (22).
  • In the Middle Ages this was the way the religious
    love of God was conceived, but later in
    Romanticism theres a quasi-religious love of
    the other person (23).

The Concept of Merging
  • Singer raises the question why would one want to
    merge with God? In other words, where does this
    concept of merging originate?
  • One answer God is a perfect being, and we want
    to be perfect ourselves.
  • Another Life beings with a merging, and thus we
    wish to return to this primordial state.

Courtly Love and Its Successors
  • An important observation about Ancient Greece and
    the claim that their thinking about love was
    alien to the views we have nowadays (28)
  • What is Singers view of agape?
  • Christian idea of Gods bestowal of love
  • a momentous concept in world history
  • but contra Nygren, misguided in thinking that
    love only originates from God (29)

Courtly Love and Its Successors
  • Courtly love was an effort to humanize Christian
    thought in the Middle Ages (29).
  • Based on Christian ideology, but now the point is
    to relate to another person with the same kind
    of attachment that the church ordained in the
    love of God (30).
  • Courtly love led to the democratization of
    lovethe idea that almost anyone could love, and
    do it well (31).
  • But varieties of courtly love, no single notion

How to define love
  • Is love a concept?
  • The etymology of love
  • Love ME, fr. OE lufu akin to OHG luba love, OE
    leof dear, L lubere, libere to please bef. 12c
  • Indo-European root lubhyati desires
  • Related to Latin libet it is pleasing, and
    libido desires

Greek Words for Love
  • Eros sexual love based on physical attraction,
    erotic or romantic love
  • Philia brotherly love, love based on a common
    interest, not sexual attraction, also love of
    wisdom, related to virtue, friendship
  • Agape term used for love in New Testament,
    unconditional love of God for humans and humans
    for neighbors, charity
  • Storge familial love, affection

Appraisal and Bestowal
  • This distinction lies at the basis of Singers,
    love trilogy, which begins love is a way of
    valuing something. It is a positive response
    toward the object of lovelove affirms the
    goodness of this object. (The Nature of Love 3).
  • Here Singer also distinguishes love from liking
    and lusting (desiring obsessively), which he
    says dont necessarily affirm goodness

Appraisal and Bestowal
  • Appraisal the ability to discover value, in
    oneself or in other people this is objective
    and in principle verifiable
  • (e.g., consider the appraisal of a house and a
    business relationship)
  • Bestowal a way of creatinga new kind of
    value, an engendering of value by means of an
    affirmative relationship, an affective value
    (Philosophy of Love 52)
  • this value isnt reducible to objective value, as
    the valuing alone makes it valuable something or
    someone has an importance beyond the objective
    value the other has value for its/her own sake

On Freud
  • What is Freuds place in the philosophy of love?
  • Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
  • Beyond the Pleasure Principle
  • The Most Prevalent Form of Degradation in Erotic
  • What is Singers estimation?
  • Freud didnt understand bestowal, only appraisal
  • For Freud love is an illusory overvaluation, but
    Freud is deluded according to Singer.
  • But Freud is interesting because he raises the
    question about the role of science in the
    philosophy of love. (53-59)

On Schopenhauer (and Nietzsche)
  • The great pessimist and the teacher of the
    overmanwhat are they doing here?
  • For Schopenhauer one must repudiate the Will
    (the cruel and valueless force of nature)
  • Love is to be understood as the Wills
    manipulating us to have sex to bring about the
    next generation (The World as Will and
    Representation, The Metaphysics of Sexual Love)
  • Thus, passionate, marital love is a delusion.
  • But companionate love may offer a viable
    possibility of happiness. (70)

A Note on Hume
  • Hume, like Schopenhauer, distinguishes two kinds
    of lovesexual and companionateand both are
    viewed more positively, although he leaves it for
    readers to decide which is preferable.
  • Link to Humes Treatise of Human Nature
  • Of the Amorous Passion, Or Love Betwixt the Sexes
  • And Of Love and Marriage

On Nietzsche
  • For Nietzsche, contra Schopenhauer, one must
    affirm the Will.
  • Still, he too generally has a negative, cynical
    view of love.
  • Love is a state in which a man sees things most
    decidedly as they are not. (The Antichrist, Sec.

More Nietzsche Quotations
  • What else is love but understanding and
    rejoicing that another lives, works, and feels in
    a different and opposite way to ourselves? That
    love may be able to bridge over the contrasts by
    joys, we must not remove or deny those contrasts.
    Even self-love presupposes an irreconcilable
    duality (or plurality) in one person. (Human,
    All Too Human, Sec. 75, Love and Duality)
  • It is true we love life not because we are used
    to living, but because we are used to loving.
    There is always some madness in love. But there
    is always, also, some method in madness. (Thus
    Spoke Zarathustra, On Reading and Writing)

More Nietzsche
  • But a more positive view can be found in what he
    intends by amor fati (literally the love of
  • Singer interprets this as a wrong-headed cosmic
    love of everything (see 62 96), but it can be
    interpreted more positively as a way of affirming
    all aspects of ones existence. (Is this a kind
    of bestowal?)
  • I want to learn more and more to see as
    beautiful what is necessary in things then I
    shall be one of those who make things beautiful.
    Amor fati let that be my love henceforth! . . .
    And all in all and on the whole some day I wish
    to be only a Yes-sayer. (The Gay Science, 276)
  • http//

What is Singers Philosophy of Love?
  • No simple answer (110)
  • Appraisal and Bestowal (51ff)
  • Interdependence rather than dependence
  • Acceptance Contra Sartre, the look of love
    involves an accepting of another person. (91)
  • Sharing love is a sharing of selves (91)
  • The love of love (96)
  • Different kinds of love, but no hierarchy (110)
    (i.e., the plurality of love)

The Plurality of Love
  • Not all love can be reduced to sexual motivation
    as Freud thought.
  • Singers view is that love is something that can
    happen in any number of different, pluralistic,
  • There are different kinds of love that have to
    be understood in terms of their own variability
    and their own individual dimensions. (75)

Group Discussion/Timed Writing
  • Form groups of 3-5 students
  • Discuss and write an answer to the following
    questions (hand in one sheet per group)
  • Questions What are the strengths and weaknesses
    of Singers Philosophy of Love? Identify two of

  • An accessible, broad historical introductory
    overview of the philosophy of love which include
    a number of useful distinctions
  • (e.g., courtly and romantic love, passionate and
    companionate love, appraisal and bestowal)
  • An occasionally provocative consideration of
    certain philosophers
  • (e.g., Nietzsche, Freud, Sartre)
  • A case for a pluralistic philosophy of love
  • Open to interdisciplinary work on love
  • An interesting, personal apologia pro mente sua

Weaknesses (Concern 1)
  • Shouldnt a philosophy of love be one that values
    love? In which case the pessimistic philosophies
    of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, and Sartre
    should not be as prominent as the philosophies of
    Spinoza, Kierkegaard, and Scheler, which are
    centered on love.
  • Problem with considerations of Sartre (cf. 86
  • Interpretive problem with Nietzsches amor fati

Weaknesses (Concern 2)
  • In what sense is this a phenomenological
    blueprint of love? (58)
  • Doesnt the concept of bestowal involve
    transcendence? (see 53)
  • Singer also writes that love is pervasively
    bound up with the relationship between the
    abstract and the concrete (102).
  • Yet he shrugs his shoulders when confronted with
    notions of transcendental spirit, and he thinks
    that love is an emanation grounded in matter,
    and comparable to its parental origin (105).

Weaknesses (Concern 3)
  • Which perspective shall we take in exploring the
    philosophy of love, a pluralistic one or a
    unitary one. Which is preferable? Which is more
  • A perspective like Singers that expresses the
    plurality of love and opposes the search for a
    univocal concept, or one like Jean-Luc Marions
    in The Erotic Phenomenon that opposes the desire
    to make numerous distinctions and instead argues
    for a concept of love that is distinguished by
    its unity (5).
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