Title: Speed Up the Hiring Process
1Speed Up the Hiring Process
2Clear Job Descriptions instead of posting a
summarized job description where other details
will be provided upon interview, posting a job
full and understandable job descriptions make it
a lot easier for applicants to know if they are
capable of getting the job done.
3Post Opportunities on social media taking
advantage of social media is also a good way to
make hiring faster. With over millions of users
around the world, the companies job post can be
viewed by job seekers, thus increases the chance
of hiring the right people for the job.
4Minimize Job Posting although posting a lot of
job ads might seem very efficient, it only
increases the chance of applicants that are not
suitable for the job. By optimizing job ads and
posting them in a strategical way, the chances of
hiring the right employees become increases.
5Try Video Interviewing interview via live
stream videos can lessen the effort of both
applicant and employer, stable internet
connection, a computer (or smartphone) and a
camera will be the only utilities needed.
6State the Salary a lot of employers keep
posting job ads and not stating the salary, this
only invites more applicants that are not sure
but willing to take an interview to know the
salary. By posting the salary, employers can trim
down undecided applicants.
7Utilize Pre-Employment Background Check this is
where taking advantage of technology falls, when
interviews go well but there is still doubt in
the employers mind, the best solution is to
simply conduct a pre-employment background check.
By running a pre-employment background check
online, employers can finalize the decision the
hire the applicant or not.
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