Title: Difference Between Sambhar And Rasam?
1Difference Between Sambhar And Rasam?
-Sambhar and rasam are the most famous south
Indian cuisine -They are the delicious gravies
complete the meal especially for south Indian
meal -Many people think that these two recipes
are the same -They are made with same
ingredients like rentio toor dal but still there
is a key difference between them
3Sambhar Vs Rasam
-The recipe differs each other in form of
texture, preparation method and the
consistency -The consumed dish along with these
two recipes is also different -A sambhar is
cooked until the dal becomes totally
disintegrated with creamy texture -While rasam
is far watery and lighter than sambhar
4Sambhar Vs Rasam
-Toor dal is not always present in the rasam
because there are some verities of rasam which
omits the use of tuvar dal -The same case is
repeated for tamarind and tomato that it is not
used in verities of the rasam -The spices for
sambhar are fenugreek, chili, curry leaves,
turmeric powder etc. -While the spices for the
rasam includes coriander seed, dried red chilies
and peppercorns
5Final words
-There is no fix and defined method to make both
recipes -You can make a unique recipe by
adding new ingredients also -Using rentio toor
dal in these recipe help you to make more
delicious recipe for which you can go with toor
dal online shopping -Keep making both recipes at
your home and enjoy with your family