Title: VCT 231 Effective Communication - tutorialrank.com
1VCT 231 Effective Communication/
2VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Entire Course For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com VCT 231 Week 1
Individual Premiere Pro Workspace VCT 231 Week 2
Individual Video Editing
3VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 1 Individual Premiere Pro
Workspace For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com VCT 231 Week 1
Individual Premiere Pro Workspace Complete the
Customizing the workspace exercise in Lesson 1 of
Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book
(2015 release).
4VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 2 Individual Video Editing For
more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
VCT 231 Week 2 Individual Video
Editing Combine two or more separate video clips
using video footage provided with the text or
your own video footage. (2 pts.)
5VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 3 Individual Time Progression and
Storyboards For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com VCT 231 Week 3
Individual Time Progression and
Storyboards Based on your Week Three Learning
Team Collaborative discussion complete the
6VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 3 Individual Using Graphics and
Audio For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com VCT 231 Week 3
Individual Using Graphics and Audio Prepare a
new 2-minute video that incorporates the
following ? Your own video footage (or your
image slideshow from Week Two) (2 pts.)
7VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 4 Individual Using Video Effects
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com VCT 231 Week 4 Individual Using Video
Effects Prepare a new 2-minute video using Adobe
Premiere Pro CC with your own video footage (or
your image slideshow from Week Three). (2 pts.)
8VCT 231 Effective Communication/
VCT 231 Week 5 Revised Individual Final Company
Video Project For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com VCT 231 Week 5
Revised Individual Final Company Video
Project Create a 4-minute Adobe Premiere
promotional video presentation that the company
can use on their website to attract more
9VCT 231 Effective Communication/