Title: Self Past Life Regression Techniques by Fayina Cohen, LCSW
1Self Past Life Regression Techniques by Fayina
Cohen, LCSW
1 (516) 882-6719
2Past Life Regression
Past Life Therapy was brought into the field of
psychology and psycho-therapeutic treatment by
Dr. Roger Woolger in the 1980s . In the past 20
years it gained a wider audience as a result of
the popular book Many Lives Many Masters written
by Dr. Brian Weiss who continues to train
therapists in past life regression techniques. It
is a type of regression therapy that works with
the super conscious, which is believed to be the
memory bank of the soul.
1 (516) 882-6719
3Past life recall allows for a client to enter the
realm of the super conscious to access the
experiences of past incarnations. This works for
people who are aligned with the belief that we
have a soul and that the soul itself holds the
information to some of our current life
1 (516) 882-6719
4This type of alternative technique works for
clients who are looking to find answers to
mysterious ailments or irrational fears or
seeking to understand how their past life
experiences may be imprinting on current
relationship issues or career directions. The Law
of Recurrence states that we will repeat
conditions, situations, relationships and
challenges until we learn, transform and graduate
from this level of understanding to the next one.
1 (516) 882-6719
5Past life therapy can help you break the law of
recurrence in your life, or over lifetimes and
move towards your next level of personal and
spiritual evolution.
1 (516) 882-6719
6Past regression therapy can assist you in
integrating the many facets of who you are, to
understand your impulses, inclinations and
talents, to deepen your current relationships and
experience a deep connection to your soul. As an
added benefit, many individuals who experience
past life therapy, have shared that it helped
them process existential or spiritual questions,
that it decreased or eliminated their fears of
death and helped them reconnect to a higher life
1 (516) 882-6719
7Contact Us
Fayina Cohen, LCSW-R 29 Barstow Road Suite
304Great Neck, New York 11021 302 Fifth Avenue
8th FloorNew York, NY 10001 Phone (516)
882-6719 Great Neck Office(646) 780-9955 New
York City Office Email awakentoself_at_yahoo.com
1 (516) 882-6719
8 awakentoself_at_yahoo.com
1 (516) 882-6719