Narration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Narration

10th English
  • Grammar Narration

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Narration( Direct or Indirect Speech)
  • Introduction
  • There two ways to convey a message of a person,
    or the words spoken by a person to other person
  • Direct speech
  • Indirect speech
  • Suppose your friend whose name is John, tells you
    in school, I will give you a pen.
  • You come to home and you want to tell your
    brother what your friend told you. There are two
    ways to tell him
  • Direct speech John said, I will give you a
  • Indirect Speech John said that he would give me
    a pen.

  • In direct speech the original words of person are
    narrated (no change is made) and are enclosed in
    quotation mark. While in indirect speech some
    changes are made in original words of the person
    because these words have been uttered in past so
    the tense will change accordingly and pronoun may
    also be changed accordingly. In indirect speech
    the statement of the person is not enclosed in
    quotation marks, the word that may be used
    before the statement to show that it is indirect
    speech. Indirect speech is also called reported
    speech because reported speech refers to the
    second part of indirect speech in which something
    has been told by a person.
  • Reporting Speech
  • The verb first part of sentence (i.e. he said,
    she said, he says, they said, she says,) before
    the statement of a person in sentence is called
    reporting verb.
  • In all of the following examples the reporting
    verb is said.
  • He said, I work in a factory
    (Direct speech)
  • He said that he worked in a factory.
    (Indirect speech)
  • They said, we are going to cinema
    (Direct speech)
  • They said that they were going to cinema.
    (Indirect speech)

  • Reported Speech
  • The second part of indirect speech in which
    something has been told by a person (which is
    enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is
    called reported speech.
  • Examples
  • He said that he worked in a factory.
  • In this sentence the second part he worked in a
    factory is called reported speech and that is
    why the indirect speech as a whole can also be
    called reported speech.

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General Changes in Narration
  • There are three major changes in narration while
    converting Direct speech into Indirect Speech.
    These changes are as below
  • Change in Pronouns
  • Change in Tense
  • Change in Certain Words
  • Lets discuss these rules in details.

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  1. Table of Personal Pronoun

Subjective Case Possessive Case ( Pronoun) Possessive Case ( Adjective) Objective Case
First Person Singular I Mine My Me
First Person Plural We Ours Our Us
Second Person You Yours Your You
Third Person Singular He His His Him
Third Person Singular She Hers Her Her
Third Person Plural They Theirs Their Them
Third Person Neutral Singular It Its Its It
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Change in Certain Words
  • If Reporting Speech is in past tense, some words
    in Reported speech will be changed as following
  • Now Then
  • This That
  • These Those
  • Ago Before
  • Here There
  • Today That Day
  • Tonight That Night
  • Yesterday The Last Day
  • Tomorrow The Next Day
  • Now a days Those Days

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Declarative/ Assertive Sentence
  • Definition
  • A sentence which gives some kind of information
    either affirmatively or negatively.
  • Examples
  • He bought a book.
  • She does not love me.
  • Bilal is not a sweet boy.

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Affirmative Sentence
  • Definition
  • A sentence which gives some kind of information
    about any person or thing affirmatively.
  • Examples
  • He bought a book.
  • The sun sets in the west
  • He was a good boy.

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Negative Sentence
  • Definition
  • A negative sentence (or statement) states that
    something is not true or incorrect. A negative
    adverb has to be added in order to negate or
    cancel the validity of the sentence.
  • Examples
  • He is not a sweet boy.
  • I have not completed my work.
  • Jameel and Asif have gone.

  • Conversion rules of Direct Speech into Indirect
    Speech in Declarative Sentences
  • Inverted commas will be converted into That.
  • The General Changes will be as per rules defined
    above. i.e.
  • Change in Pronouns
  • Change in Tense
  • Change in Certain Words
  • If an object is given in the Reporting speech,
    following changes will take place
  • Say Tell
  • Said Told
  • Will say Will Tell
  • Shall say Shall Tell
  • In case of universal truth in the reported speech
    section, change in tense will not occur.

  1. Examples of Conversion from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. He says, I go to school. He says that he goes to school.
2. He says to me, I am not going to school today. He tells me that he is going to school today.
3. You said, You are not a good boy today. You said that I was not a good boy that day.
4. They said to me, The sun is bigger than the earth. They told me that the sun is bigger than the earth.
5. We said, He will complete his task by tomorrow. We said that he would complete his task by the next day.
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Interrogative Sentence
  • Definition
  • A sentence that asks a question is called an
    interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentence
    ends with a question mark.
  • Examples
  • Where are you going?
  • Do you use your laptop?

  • Conversion rules of Direct Speech into Indirect
    Speech in Interrogative Sentences
  • Inverted commas will be replaced by if/whether.
  • Say and Said will be replaced by Ask and Asked
  • In reported speech section, structure will be
    simplified by placing helping verb after the
    Subject and putting full stop at the end of the
  • Do/Does/Did will be omitted.
  • In case of Question Words at the start of the
    Reported Speech, if/whether will not be used in
    the place of inverted commas.
  • All the general changing will be as per rule
  • Change in Pronouns
  • Change in Tense
  • Change in Certain Words

  1. Examples of Conversion from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. He says, Will you go to school? He asks if I will go to school.
2. He says to me, Am I not going to school today. He asks me if he is not going to school today.
3. You said to me , Do you like apples. You asked me if I liked apples.
4. They said to me, Where is the class? They asked me where the class was.
5. We said, Will he complete his task by tomorrow. We asked if he would complete his task by the next day.
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Exclamatory Sentence
  • Definition
  • A sentence that expresses strong feelings or
    emotions is called an exclamatory sentence. These
    sentences express surprise, joy, sorrow,
    appreciation, love excitement, frustration, anger
    etc. An exclamatory sentence ends with
    exclamation mark.
  • Examples
  • What a beautiful flower it is!
  • How nicely she is singing!
  • That is fantastic!
  • Hurrah! We won the match!

  • Conversion rules of Direct Speech into Indirect
    Speech in Exclamatory Sentences
  • In reported speech section, interjections for
    happiness will Omitted and in reporting speech
    section, say/said will be converted into
    exclaim/exclaimed with joy, respectively. Some
    interjection for happiness are as follow
  • Yippee !
  • Hurrah !
  • Yahoo !
  • In reported speech section, interjections for
    sorrow will Omitted and in reporting speech
    section, say/said will be converted into
    exclaim/exclaimed with sorrow, respectively. Some
    interjection for grief or sorrow are as follow
  • Oh shit !
  • Alas !
  • Pooh !
  • Oops !

  • In reported speech section, interjections for
    wonder or surprise will Omitted and in reporting
    speech section, say/said will be converted into
    exclaim/exclaimed with wonder, respectively. Some
    interjection for grief or surprise and wonder are
    as follow
  • What a !
  • How !
  • In exclamatory sentence wonder case, Structure of
    reported speech will be simplified and very will
    be added before the adjective.

  • In nutshell, All the interjections will be
    omitted in the reported speech section
  • Inverted commas will be replaced by that.
  • All the general changing will be as per rule
  • Change in Pronouns
  • Change in Tense
  • Change in Certain Words

  1. Examples of Conversion from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. He says, Hurrah! We have won the match today. He exclaims with joy that they have won the match today.
2. The child said, "What a beautiful sight it is ! He exclaims with wonder that it was a very lovely sight.
3. You said to me , Alas ! I am failed in this exam. You exclaimed with sorrow that you were failed in that exam.
4. The old man said, Alas! I have lost my purse. The old man exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his purse.
5. The candidate said, How difficult the problem is! The candidate exclaimed with disapproval that the problem was very difficult.
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Imperative Sentence
  • Definition
  • A sentence that expresses a request, command or
    advice is called an imperative sentence.
  • Examples
  • Open the door. (An order)
  • Please help me. (A request)

  • Conversion rules of Direct Speech into Indirect
    Speech in Imperative Sentences
  • Inverted Commas will be replaced by to followed
    by 1st form of verb.
  • In reporting speech section Say/Said will be
    changed into any other hypernym according to the
    requirement and nature of the reported speech
    section. Some important hypernyms are as follow
  • Advise
  • Request
  • Order
  • Change in tense will not occur in this tense.
  • Words like, please, kindly are omitted.

  1. Examples of Conversion from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. The master said to his servant, Bring me a glass of water. The master ordered his servant to bring him a glass of water.
2. The child said to his mother, Please mom give me some food now. The child requested his mom to give him some food then.
3. The teacher said to his students, "Work hard. The teacher advised his students to work hard.
4. He said to his younger brother, Dont spit on the floor. He forbade his younger brother to spit on the floor.
5. The Quid said to his nation, try again. The Quid asked his nation to try again.
Use of Let
  • Use
  • Imperative sentences beginning with let are
    different from other imperative sentences.
    Sentences beginning with let express ideas such
    as a suggestion, proposal, request, wish,
    determination, desire etc.

  • Rules regarding the use of Let/Let's in
    reported speech
  • Let's usually expresses a suggestion and is
    reported by the verb suggest in indirect speech

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. She said, "Let's go to the restaurant." She suggested going to the restaurant. OR She suggested that they/we should go the restaurant.
2. He said, "Let's wait a few minutes and then try again later. He suggested waiting a few minutes and trying again later. OR He suggested that they/we should wait a few minutes and try again later.
  • However, let's not used alone in answer to an
    affirmative suggestion is often reported by some
    phrase that opposes the idea.

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
3. He said, "Let's not blame him till we hear the facts" He suggested not blaming him till they heard the facts. OR He suggested that they shouldn't blame him till they heard the facts.
Sr. No. Direct Indirect
4. "Let's bake a cake," said Jessica. "Let's not," said Tim. Jessica suggested baking a cake but Tim was against it.
  • let's/let us sometimes expresses a call to
    action. It is then usually reported by
  • urge/advise object infinitive

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
5. The student said, "Let's show our teacher that we respect him." The student urged the other students to show that they respect their teacher.
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Optative Sentence
  • Definition
  • Optative sentences express wishes.
  • Optative sentences formed with May, are found
    mainly in a very formal way. In Optative
    sentences infinitive phrase is used so no change
    in tense occurs.
  • Examples
  • May you live a long and happy life together.
  • Peace be upon him.
  • He prayed me to live long.
  • He beggar cursed the naughty boy that he might go
    to hell.

  • Conversion rules of Direct Speech into Indirect
    Speech in Optative Sentences
  • Inverted Commas will be replaced by That if it is
    followed by May/ Might.
  • In reporting speech section Say/Said will be
    changed into any other hypernym according to the
    requirement and nature of the reported speech
    section. Some important hypernyms are as follow
  • Pray for/ Prayed for
  • Curse / Cursed
  • Wish / Wished for
  • Greet / Greeted
  • Bade
  • Words like, Good morning, good evening, would
    that are omitted.

  1. Examples of Conversion from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
1. He said, "Good morning, Mom!" He wished his Mom good morning.
2. Aman said, "Good bye, friends!" Aman bade his friends good bye.
3. Neha said to him, "Would that you were here at that time!" Neha wished that he had been there at that time.
4. He said, "O that I had the wings of a bird." He wished that he had the wings of bird.
5. The beggar said to the naughty boy, May you go to Hell. The beggar cursed the naughty boy that he might go to Hell.
Sr. No. Direct Indirect
6. She said, "May you succeed in the examination!" She prayed that I might succeed in the examination
7. He said, "May God bless you with success!" He prayed that God might bless me with success.
8. People said, "Long live our Prime Minister!" People prayed that their Prime Minister might live long.
9. The Priest said to the lady, "May God bless you with a lovely son!" The Priest prayed that God might bless the lady with a lovely son.
10. John said, Good bye, friends, I shall take leave of you now. John bade his friends good bye and told them that he would take leave of them then.
  1. Examples of Conversion of the Typical sentences
    from Direct to Indirect

Sr. No. Direct Indirect
11. " Help ! Help! Help! ,cried the drowning child. The drowning child repeatedly called for help.
12. The old lady said, "God knows I am innocent. The old lady called upon God to witness that she was innocent.
13. The host said to his guests, " Welcome." The host welcomed his guests.
14. The guest said, "O, for a cup of tea!" The guest expressed his desire for a cup of tea.
Sr. No. Active Voice Passive Voice
15. The old lady said to the judge, "By Heaven ! I have not stolen anything." The old lady called upon Heaven to witness and told the judge that she had not stolen anything.
16. The student said to the teacher, "Yes Sir ! I have done my homework." The student respectfully replied to the teacher in affirmative and told that he had done his homework.
17. The student said to the teacher, "No Sir ! I have not done my homework." The student respectfully replied to the teacher in negative and told that he had not done his homework.
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