Title: CPSS 300 education changes / sellfy.com
1CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
2CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 All Assignments
- https//sellfy.com/p/vjU6/
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- CPSS 300 Week 1 Second Chance Act Of 2007CPSS
300 Week 1 Key Factors Of Reentry Planning
AssignmentCPSS 300 Week 2 Reentry Plan Of King
CountyCPSS 300 Week 2 Gender-Specific Reentry
Planning For WomenCPSS 300 Week 3 Resources
Referrals and Interagency Collaboration
3CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 1 Key Factors Of Reentry Planning
Assignment - https//sellfy.com/p/Gam3/
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- The reentry process, which you investigate in
this assignment, involves key strategies that
support and promote the success of offenders who
prepare to integrate back into society.Respond
to each of the following questions, writing a
minimum of 175 words for each of the following
bullet points Identify the key components of
the reentry process. Why is it important to start
the reentry process early with offenders while
they are still incarcerated? Why is it
important to identify offenders as clients
instead of offendersduring the reentry process?
4CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 1 Second Chance Act Of 2007
- https//sellfy.com/p/DDdD/
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- In this assignment, you identify the barriers to
reentry so specific challenges can be addressed.
Specific legislation has been passed to promote
the success of offenders who prepare to reenter
society.Review the following article on the
Second Chance Act Second Chance Act (SCA)
President Bush Signs H.R. 1593, the Second Chance
Act of 2007Respond to each of the following
questions, writing a minimum of 175 words for
each bullet point belowProvide a brief
overview of this law. Has it been successful? Why
or why not?
5CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 2 Gender-Specific Reentry Planning
For Women - https//sellfy.com/p/aJhl/
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- In this assignment, you address why women
offenders have specific needs in reentry
planning. Studies indicate there is a strong
correlation between women commit crimes and who
have a history of trauma.Review the "Who
Benefits From Gender Responsive Treatment?"
article in this week's Electronic Reserve
Readings.Answer the following questions in a
paper of at least 700 words How could a
correlation of past trauma contribute to a
woman's tendency to become an offender?
6CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 2 Reentry Plan Of King County
- https//sellfy.com/p/qEas/
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- In this assignment, you identify the steps
involved in the prerelease planning stage.Refer
to Goals 1-4 of King County's Offender Reentry
Plan (pp. 12-15) to complete this
assignment. Review the following goals,
strategies and proposed activities that make up
the reentry process Goal 1 Address housing
needs of inmates post-incarceration. Goal 2
Assist inmates in obtaining employment
post-release. Goal 3 Provide resources for
mental health, medical, and substance abuse
treatment during and after incarceration.
7CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 3 Resources Referrals and
Interagency Collaboration - https//sellfy.com/p/dx7z/
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- The attached document is to be answered and
provide required answers to the questions. Each
program will need to be found in Louisiana.
provide references and citation for each listed
program. Resources Referrals and Interagency
CollaborationReview the Offender Re-Entry
Services document on the Justice Center website
about reentry services the State of Pennsylvania
Probation/Parole services utilizes to assist
offenders in identifying potential referral
8CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 3 The Helping Process
- https//sellfy.com/p/pUJf/
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- In this assignment, case management (including
case plan development) must be used based on the
specific needs of an offender. A strength-based
approach to case management services must also be
implemented. Case management professionals follow
a three-phase process, known as the helping
process, to provide the support and structure
needed to help others. The helping process
includes the following three phases
Assessment Planning Implementation
9CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 4 Family And Community Supports For
Female Offenders Upon Reentry - https//sellfy.com/p/CHlA/
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- Woman with children have some unique family
challenges during incarceration and upon their
release back into the community. In this
assignment, family supports must be explored to
ensure the offender has a solid support system
upon reentry, and community supports, including
mentorship, must be identified to provide
additional support and structure for the offender
during reentry into the community.
10CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 4 Helping Skills Case Study
- https//sellfy.com/p/yd6E/
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- In this assignment, you demonstrate how
wraparound services should be developed to create
a single plan of care across agencies.Read the
following case study about Susan Susan is a
28-year-old single mother who has just been
released from prison. She has a 12-year-old son,
Thomas, who has been getting into trouble at home
and school. Thomas is getting sent to the
principal's office repeatedly, and when home,
refuses to complete his homework. Sometimes
Thomas refuses to attend school altogether. Susan
is overwhelmed and unsure of what to do as she
tries to reintegrate back into the community and
in her son's life. Susan often finds herself
crying and depressed. She has tried disciplining
Thomas, but nothing seems to work. She does not
know who, or where, to turn to for help.
Considering a strength-based approach, identify
what types of wraparound services would help
11CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 5 Reassessment of Client Risk and
Needs - https//sellfy.com/p/fVOy/
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- Risk reassessment and individual offender needs
should be assessed periodically upon offender
reentry, as demonstrated in this assignment, to
address risks before they lead the individual to
reoffend. Review the following scenarioThe
client is a 32-year-old male who was released
from incarceration 6 months ago. The client had
previously been incarcerated for 2 years for two
felony drug offenses due to possession and
distribution of methamphetamine. He received
treatment while incarcerated, but he relapsed and
used methamphetamine 2 months after he was
12CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com
- CPSS 300 Week 5 Termination of Parole
- https//sellfy.com/p/nStS/
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- Many factors are considered when termination of
parole is determined. When an offender is
discharged from prison and reenters the
community, he or she remains on federal parole
for a specified period of time. During the
reentry process, many types of supports are
incorporated into the reentry plan along with
risk assessments, to measure the level and
predictors of the offender reoffending again. The
most important step after reentry occurs is
determining an appropriate time to release the
offender completely from judicial supervision.
13CPSS 300 Experience Tradition/sellfy.com