Title: Level6 ys14
1Level 6
2 necesitar
to need
3hablar con
to speak to
4I need to speak to you.
5Necesito hablar con usted.
Level 6
I need to speak to you.
6 urgentemente
7I need to speak to you urgently.
8Necesito hablar con usted urgentemente.
I need to speak to you urgently.
9necesito que hables
I need you to speak
10I need you to speak to me urgently.
11Necesito que hables conmigo urgentemente.
I need you to speak to me urgently.
12 llamar
to call
13I need you to call me.
14Necesito que me llames.
I need you to call me.
15I need you to do something for me.
16Necesito que hagas algo por mí.
I need you to do something for me.
17I need you to do something for me urgently.
18Necesito que hagas algo por mí urgentemente.
I need you to do something for me urgently.
19 querer
to want
21Alan wants to speak to me during lunch.
22Alan quiere hablar conmigo durante el almuerzo.
Alan wants to speak to me during lunch.
23Alan wants me to speak to him during lunch.
24Alan quiere que yo hable con él durante el
Alan wants me to speak to him during lunch.
25 dietista
26 ponerse a dieta
to go on a diet
27My dietician wants me to go on a diet.
28Mi dietista quiere que me ponga a dieta.
My dietician wants me to go on a diet.
29 reducir
to cut down on
30reducir el consumo de tabaco
cut down on smoking
31I want you to cut down on smoking.
32Quiero que reduzcas el consumo de tabaco.
I want you to cut down on smoking.
33 abrocharse
to fasten
34 cinturón de seguridad
seat belt
35entrar en el coche
to get in the car
36My mother always wants me to fasten my seat belt
when we get in the car.
37Mi madre siempre quiere que me abroche el
cinturón de seguridad cuando entramos en el coche.
My mother always wants me to fasten my seat belt
when we get in the car.