Title: Level6 ys2
1Level 6
2Listo / preparado
3I am ready to eat.
4Estoy listo para comer.
Level 6
I am ready to eat.
5 firmar
to sign
7Are you ready to sign the contract?
8Estás listo para firmar el contrato?
Are you ready to sign the contract?
to start
10My colleague is not ready to start a new
11Mi colega no está listo para comenzar un nuevo
My colleague is not ready to start a new
13no hablemos de
let alone
14He hasnt completed the old project yet, let
alone starting a new one.
15No ha completado el viejo proyecto todavía, no
hablemos de comenzar uno nuevo.
He hasnt completed the old project yet, let
alone starting a new one.
16 estate preparado!
be ready!
17comentar / discutir
to discuss
19Be ready to discuss the book in the lesson!
20Estate preparado para comentar el libro en la
Be ready to discuss the book in the lesson!
21 ni siquiera
22The students are not ready to discuss the book.
They havent even read the book yet, let alone
discussing it.
23Los estudiantes no están listos para comentar el
libro. Ni siquiera han leído el libro, no
hablemos de comentarlo.
The students are not ready to discuss the book.
They havent even read the book yet, let alone
discussing it.
24 nada
25acerca de
26He hasnt even read anything about the contract
yet, let alone signing it.
27Ni siquiera ha leído nada todavía acerca del
contrato, no hablemos de firmarlo.
He hasnt even read anything about the contract
yet, let alone signing it.
28 para ser examinado / probado
to be tested
30The students are ready to be tested because they
have already studied their lessons.
31Los estudiantes están listos para ser examinados
porque ya han estudiado sus lecciones.
The students are ready to be tested because they
have already studied their lessons.
32The computer is ready to be tested because the
computer engineer has already fixed it.
33El ordenador está listo para ser probado ya que
el ingeniero informático ya lo ha arreglado.
The computer is ready to be tested because the
computer engineer has already fixed it.
35I dont have time to read a book.
36 No tengo tiempo para leer un libro.
I dont have time to read a book.
37 ya que
38 suficiente
39I havent even read the book yet, let alone
discussing it as I dont have enough time.
40Ni siquiera he leído el libro, no hablemos de
comentarlo, ya que no tengo tiempo suficiente.
I havent even read the book yet, let alone
discussing it as I dont have enough time.